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BQ76942: SHUTDOWN mode

Part Number: BQ76942


I disabled SLEEP mode with configuration Settings:Configuration:Power Config [SLEEP] = 0. Regarding completely disabling SHUTDOWN mode I went through FAQ (link).
Shortly - device goes in SHUTDOWN mode when:
- SHUTDOWN command is given
- RST_PIN is driven high for > 1 s :: I have connected this pin to GND permanently
- LOW BAT voltage threshold is triggered :: Up-on datasheet this threshold equals 4 V - 0.18 V = 3.82 V (max) or 3 V - 0.18 V = 2.82 V (min),
- Low stack voltage :: I'm using default value for threshold which equals 600 mV,
- Low minimum cell voltage :: I'm using default value for threshold which equals 0 mV,
- Over Temperature :: I'm using default value for threshold which equals 85 °C,
- Internal memory failure

How does the Internal memory failure looks like/how high is possibility that this problem arises?
I just to make sure that I can remove WAKE-UP switch permanently, since I really would like that IC doesn't go to SHUTDOWN mode, during battery is connected and electrical/temperature parameters stay within normal.

Many thanks,
Kind regards,

  • Hi Dejan,

    The internal memory failure check is described in Section 11.8 of the TRM. I expect that the likelihood of this type of failure occurring is extremely low.

    A couple comments on your settings:

    • The low stack voltage SHUTDOWN threshold is 6000mV by default. The native units are 10mV, which may be the source of the confusion.

      You may try setting this to 0 to effectively disable the feature.

    • The minimum voltage on the BAT pin for normal operation is 4.7V

    With these settings and with the device operating within its recommended range, it should not ever enter SHUTDOWN mode.


    Max Verboncoeur