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TPS54821: TPS54821

Part Number: TPS54821


I would like to use TPS54821 IC to generate -3V from 6 V for a kind of high current (5-6A) max 8A application. 

For this purpose I have already ordered TPS54821-EVM-0049. I would like to check with this EVM that -3V is doable and make some measurement. 

But to do this Since some discrete will be referenced to -3V I need to check out if GND and -3V will be short or not. 

I have two questions for you 

1-) I could not find the lay out design of the EVM can you kindly share to me the layout ?

2-) for you opinion is it possible or doable to generate -Vout at the EVM by seperating some grounds ?

3-) if it is can you also give the suggestions to how I can do that?


Mert Can OTO