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UCC21755-Q1: Simulation - LTSpice Model Symbol/.LIB files

Part Number: UCC21755-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC21750

Dear TI-Support Team,

Happy New Year 2024.

I'm a new member and this is my first question/request. Please direct me to the correct channel if the question or request is inappropriate for this forum.

I have shortlisted UCC21755 for my gate driver design driving half-bridge module (or say, one GD IC per MOSFET) for inverter configuration. I'm trying to build LTSpice simulation model to test my gate driver circuit. The aim is to simulate for double pulse and DESAT. So, I appreciate if you could please share the LTSpice model -  '.LIB' files for the GD IC part - UCC21755. I tried looking onto TI web but couldn't locate one. I'm keen to use design intent part for simulation hence the specific request.

Many thanks in advance.


  • Hi Ashish, 

    Welcome to E2E! We're glad that you want to run some simulation with UCC21755.

    We are unable to support simulations ran by LTSpice; however, PSpice for TI (linked here) is a great tool for simulating circuits with all of our isolated gate drivers! I encourage you to check it out, and let me know if you have any questions when running the simulation. 

    Thank you! 



  • Hi Vivian,

    Good morning. Many thanks for your reply.

    I did tried downloading 'PSpice for TI' and briefly searched for UCC21755 or any other isolated gate driver with 5V DESAT but couldn't find any suitable library model to work with so did not proceed with creating detailed circuit design. 

    I may have not able to find it because I'm new with 'PSpice for TI' so if possible could you please check it for me that part model is available or not? Or  'PSpice for TI' is a basic version with limited library?

    Many thanks in advance.


  • Hi Ashish, 

    You're right - looks like we have not developed a model for UCC21755 yet. 

    You can start your simulation with UCC21750 and insert a 4V zener diode on the DESAT path. As shown in this E2E FAQ, adding a zener diode on the DESAT path essentially drops the DESAT protection threshold. 

    Hope this helps, and I can ask the team about plans on developing the UCC21755 model. 

