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BQ24032A: lock-up issue_Charger IC

Part Number: BQ24032A


It was delayed due to the reproduction of the issue phenomenon.

The AC pin current, out pin current waveform of the defective phenomenon.

Customer report.pptx

  • Hi Cho, 

    Thank you for following up on this inquiry. I have reviewed the report and have some follow up questions. 

    -Is the drop in AC voltage in response to AC pin current draw increase? 

    -What is expected current draw from load at OUT pin of BQ24032A when system is not in standby mode status? 

    -Has customer tested if removing then reapplying power supply to TX during time period where battery completely discharges causes device to return to charging state? (i.e. will the device return to expected charging operation if AC voltage briefly falls to 0V)

    Best Regards,
