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Hello Team,
I Have meet a problem when I test LED short-circuit on TPS92692EVM, the phenomenon is different from the waveform provided in datasheet.
channel 1 is output of IMON pin, channel 2 is SW wave, and channel3 is the FLT pin output.
When short to GND happened, as shown in below figure, a pulse up to 3.7V on IMON pin appeared and recovered soon, SW wave still exists. and FLT pin was pulled down then pulled high automatically after about 30ms.
A more detailed wave at short circuit is shown as below:
During the short to GND, the device did not hiccup with connecting the FLT pin to the SS pin, and the SW still exists, the FLT pin is high, as shown in below:
I don't know how to solve this problem.
Hi Xiaoquing,
Are you using the EVM in Boost or Boost to Battery mode and I assume the short is permenent short? Can we please have your configuration of all the jumpers on the EVM? I want to verify the the signal you lable SW is the voltage signal on the Drain of of Q3. We would also like to have scope captures of the following signals with the scope on 50mS/div then also zoom into the FLT falling edge with 5uS/div. We would like the votlage setting on OV signal to be 200mV/div. Thanks
CH1: FLT (trigger negative edge of FLT)
CH2: TP3 (Output Voltage)
CH3: OV (pin15 on TPS92692)
CH4: Drain of Q3
Hi Xiaoqing,
Did you modify the board to the schematic on page 16 for Boost to Battery (Buck-Boost)? How are you shorting the output voltage to ground? From what point on the schematic did you short to ground on page 16 of the user guide for the evaluation board?
If you shorted the output voltage (TP3) to ground then the short that you provide is not truely a short since the output votlage (TP3) from your scope capture is still at 18V. If it was a short then it would have gone to 0V.