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Hello, This is Taehwan
I have a problem about BQ24610's Temperature.
I did check that this IC is very hot regardless of fast-charge values ex) 500mA, 1A, 2A
Condition is as below
1) PCB is 2 layers
2) No seperate POWER GND with Signal GND
3) Vin=15V , Vout=13V
4) It is very hot but It work well.
Becuase of 1) and 2),Will this problem occur?
Why does it occur?
Additionally, Could you share datas about temperature according to fast charge current etc.
Please help me wih this problem.
Thank you for reading.
Hey Taehwan,
It sounds like something is either improperly electrically connected or your component placement is too tight, resulting in excessively lossy components self-heating and heating devices around them, lack of thermal via'ing and all around poor heatsinking.
Take a look at this app note to help you optimize your board design:
Based on your testing configuration, the efficiency of the charger could be anywhere between 85% and 95%, considering your design didn't add a significant amount of extra power loss and matches our EVM fairly well. If so, @ 13.0V x 0.5A = 6.5W and those efficiencies, the power dissipated by the charger circuitry (BQ24610, sense resistors, input reverse current protection FETs, external power stage FETs, inductor, etc.) would be anywhere from 1.15W (low current) to 1.35W (high current). You can use the Theta_JA provided in each IC datasheet under a section called Thermal Information to get an estimate of the temperature increase in the IC, but do note that the power loss I calculated earlier will not typically be felt through the charger but moreso through the power components (HSFET, LSFET, and inductor). The IC is consuming mA's of current as compared to the other devices.
Joel H
Hello Joel
thank you for your detail information and data
I think the efficiency of the charger is bad
beacuse, Fastcharge is set to 2A, but measured Fast charge current is 1.6A.
That is, efficiency of the charger is 80%
this problem make hotter more and more.
when This IC feeback 1.6A by current sensing, IC will work to make more and more current.
so IC have high temperature.
Is it right?
so, I am finding to solve this problem.
When it doesn't seperate Power GND with Signal GND, Is Efficiency of ther chargher lower?
or the other cause?
For reference, I tried to extending bottom's thermal GND, but it is very hot yet.
please give me your know-how and skilled experience.
thank you! sir.
Hello Jole
Thank you your interesting.
I attached circuit and layout.
please help me
Could you give me email?
I can't attach files
i sent you email
please check email
I appreciate your answer
thank you Joel!!
best regards
Hello joel
I'm late. sorry
we are designing the PCB.
We plan to modify a number of layer that change 2 to 3 or 4 layer for avoiding Overlapping.
and 1oz will be not changed.
Nomally, What the number of oz do you recommend in battery charger PCB?
i can't understand your mention. because my English is bad.
so please, help me with understaning
1)From the layout, the thermal efficiency may be bad as the power stage is sitting right above the input rail
Another point is that FETs typically have a large thermal pad which again in your layout is sitting on top of the MAIN_RAIL (input) copper trace
-> It is not correct that FET'S wide pad is sitting right above input trace. isn't it?, just thin Pins be connected with input trace?
2)Basically, DC current is following both underneath the FET on the layer right below it and also through the FET
-> DC current flow by FET and input trace. and BQ24610 is just sensing to flow constant current. and it converts Voltage level. right?...
so, Current is lower than set 2A, because FET's efficieny has problem, right? or PG's noise?
I already check the temperature of the FET. but it is normal
I tested that PG zoom in , as you mentioned.
Please check the files.
we can't attach files in Ti homepage. I don't know the cause.
I will give you files on email.
Could you recommend battery charger IC that Eiffieciency is over 90%?
and normal state all battery charger IC is not hot . right?
thank you for your detail mention
Thank you Joel !.
You are my savior!
Thank you again and again.
Hey Taehwan,
If you are only going to do a 2-layer board, at least 2oz to help with the heat dissipation for the power being processed.
For 1) I took the two board images you sent and tried to overlap them. If you look at the two layers on top of each other you will find that specifically Q5 is on the top layer and directly over the MAIN_RAIL path that is on the bottom layer. Then the PH node also passes right above the MAIN_RAIL again on the top layer. The inductor is also very close to the IC as is the MAIN_RAIL.
Separating the routing of the main power paths will help reduce heat generated. Also moving the charger away from these rails will improve the controller heat dissipation as well. As I've stated before, this is a charge controller and it does not directly process any power so it should not be at all hot. This points to the layout causing the extra heat generated around the device.
Another thing to check for is the potential shorts to GND or low impedance paths from the input to GND or BAT. You may want to test an unpopulated PCB and check the resistance between those nodes.
I have also attached the example EVM layout here for your reference. First note that we used a 4 layer board for this design. Secondly, note that the main power paths are not overlapping each other on other layers and that the BQ24610 controller is somewhat isolated from these paths.
For 2) While the FET temperature is normal, it is possible it is dissipating all of its heat into the FR4 dielectric material between copper layers, and because the copper is so thin at 1oz it is making its way to the MAIN_RAIL. Additionally, I would imagine the inductor heat dissipation is playing a role here.
The best thing for you to check would be a thermal/IR camera to look directly at which components and what areas of the board are getting the hottest.
For slightly better efficiency, look at the BQ24773 and the BQ25713 charge controllers. However, even with these you can likely experience the same problem if the layout has the same issues.
Joel H
Hello Joel.
This is Taehwan
Very very Thank you so much your detailed explanation.
It was very helpful.
I am improving to PCB refering to your mentions
I will test new board next month. so I expect that PCB is good.
Thank you so much , Joel.
Happy new year and Merry christmas