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BQ77915: Cell balancing current limit

Part Number: BQ77915
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ76940, BQ76930, CSD13381F4


Thank you for your response, It solved many of my open queries. But I have one more question here regarding the cell balancing current.

As you mentioned, the cell balancing current of 20mA in your example and we can use internal cell balancing in this case. But In my case, my battery pack is 10Ah with charge current of 0.5C which is 5A. So if I consider the termination current of 10%, my balancing current shall be 500mA which is high for internal cell balancing and external cell balancing FETs shall be used. Please correct my understanding if wrong. The example considers 0.05C charge current which is very low. Is this feasible.


Shivani Ghorpade