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TMDX654IDKEVM: 802.1Q VLAN Priority

Part Number: TMDX654IDKEVM

PRU interface changes VLAN Priority for ingress frames. All received frames have the VLAN priority rewrited to 0. Sending works properly.

Attached files (attachment.7z):
send.pcap - predefined frames for sending
received.pcap - captured frames from IDK


System image from PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-RT-AM65X

Resproduce steps:
1. Create SD card from SDK
2. Insert SD card and start IDK
3. Connect eth1 to different (PC) NIC
4. Start caprute on eth1 of IDK
# tcpdump -i eth1 -w received.pcap
5. Send predefined frames containing VLAN on PC ( use provided send.pcap )
e.g. # tcpreplay -i $IFNAME send.pcap
6. Stop tcpdump on IDK
# pkill tcpdump
7. Download capture from IDK (SD card) and compare sent and received frames.