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TDA4VM: TDA4 evm eth0 restart after ssh linked

Part Number: TDA4VM


 I used J721 EVM board,i set eth0 ip is,When I connect to the device through SSH, the network card restarts automatically,the ssh client Disconnection

this is board's error mesage

this is ssh client's mesage

As a result, I can only connect the device through serial port, which is very inconvenient. I wonder if there is any way to solve the problem.

Looking forward to your reply


  • I tried ssh root@,it also error,like this:

  • Now I have solved this problem. Before, I added "/etc/init.d/networking restart" to the end of the /etc/profile file. Now I comment out this sentence and I can connect to the device through the ssh client.
    But how can I automatically set the IP address of eth0 to be static when booting up?

  • Hi,

    this is board's error mesage

    This does not seem to be error as the link is up afterwards.

    But how can I automatically set the IP address of eth0 to be static when booting up?

    To assign stattic ip after logging in, change the file "/etc/network/interface". Comment out the iface eth0 inet dhcp block and add in its place the following lines -

    iface eth0 inet static

    and then add at the end  of "/etc/profile" file, ifup eth0. This will assign a static ip to eth0 at login.

    Not sure about assigning static ip before logging in. I will look into it and will let you know.



  • Hi Tanmay,

    I tried the method you said, adding "ifup eth0" to the /etc/profile file, but it will only take effect after logging in from the serial port, otherwise I ping the IP addresses of different devices.

    Then i created a file ,name is "" , in the /etc/systemd/network/ directory and add the following content:



    That it's OK