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PROCESSOR-SDK-AM64X: icssg wrong content of received frames



I'm trying to build an Ethernet application based on the enet_layer2_icssg example with the ENET_ICSSG_DUALMAC firmware.

Sending and receiving works well,

but with higher rates/ more frames of received Ethernet frames, some times the content is wrong.

I've isolated it to.

- if you receive a small frame, for example size of 60 Bytes

- and a bit late after some other frames you receive a bigger frames again in the same buffer as the small frame

- the bytes 60 to 63 are wrong, it looks like the CRC of the small frame.

In my tests this happens always if there are only a few small frames, and sometime the content of the third frame in the same buffer is wrong too. 

And even with the bare enet_layer2_icssg example with mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_08_01_00_36 and mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_08_02_00_31


While sending frames to the icssg port with alternating size, some of the bigger frames send back by the enet_layer2_icssg example have this errors too.

Is there a solution or workaround so I could continue?

Thanks & Best regards
