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PRU-ICSS-INDUSTRIAL-SW: Compliance to Conformance Test Suite v15

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3357

Hi Team 

can you help with the questions below: 

for one of our EtherCAT slave devices we use the Sitara processor AM3357. The EtherCAT slave stack integration there is based on the "PRU-ICSS Industrial Software" for Sitara processors.

Now we would like to take the design and integrate the industrial fieldbus protocol EtherNet/IP. The "PRU-ICSS software" for EtherNetIP would also be available from TI. Since the release date is already some time ago (28.11.2018) I wanted to inquire if this is still up to date and maintained at all. I am a bit bothered by the "Compliance to Conformance Test Suite v15" statement. There is already v18.1 in the meantime.
In the FAQs I read that a demo project included in the "PRU-ICSS Industrial Software" contains only a limited implementation of the stack and is also time limited. It refers to the company TMG, which should be contacted for the purchase of the stack. If I read it correctly the demo application uses the EtherNet/IP stack from Molex.
Can you tell me if this information is up to date?
I would be very happy to hear back from you. It is especially important to me if there is compatibility with the current Conformance Test version. 

