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AM4378: Qt simple browser cross compile on PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-RT-AM437X version

Part Number: AM4378


This is a related question to the original thread.
The customer wants to cross compile Qt simple browser on SDK version

He tried below steps.
1) Download Qt source code from

Then install
- chmod 777
- ./
Qt tools and source codes were under /home/xxx/Qt5.14.2

2) Refer "Hand on with Qt" and setup qmake.
    - echo $QMAKESPEC
    - source /home/xxx/ti-processor-sdk-linux-rt-am437x-evm-
    - echo $QMAKESPEC
confirmed QMAKESPEC was correctly configured as below

3) Compile Qt soruce code simplebrowser.
- cd /home/xxx/Qt5.14.2/Examples/Qt-5.14.2/webenginewidgets/simplebrowser
- qmake
below error was show.
”Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webenginewidgets"

Why the error is generated? Do we have any solution?

Thanks and regards,
Koichiro Tashiro

  • Hello Koichiro,

    We do not support webenginewidgets in our newer SDK. In summary, Python 2 was deprecated and all Yocto components related to Python 2 were removed. This included packages like Chromium/QtWebengine and the above decisions was taken by the open source community. Our filesystem is Yocto compliant and since the community disabled the packages we do not include them by default. I believe Chromium is working towards Python 3 migration. Once the community migrates, we will evaluate the integration process in our SDK. 


  • Hi Krunal,

    Thanks for the answer.

    Thanks and regards,
    Koichiro Tashiro