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AM4378: OTA update from am437x-hs (GP) BSP to am335x

Part Number: AM4378


We have devices that are developed over  am335x Processor SDK Linux 05_01_00_11 and we are planning to switch to  am437x-hs Processor SDK Linux  06_03_00_106 BSP to continue development.

Since am437x-hs is secure, we are planning to use BSP with general purpose (GP) option and switch development of am335x with am437x-hs Processor SDK Linux 06_03_00_106 BSP

Is it possible to compile and make am335x up & run with the am437x-hs Processor SDK Linux 06_03_00_106 ? We want to develop over one BSP instead of two and want to know if it is possible ?

Let me underline that since am437x-hs is high secure, we are going to use it with GP (general-purpose) option.


Additionally, is OTA possible in this scenario ? 

Thanks in advance,

  • Hello,
    First, can you confirm that you're planning to upgrade the SW only, but the board is still AM335x GP based?
    If yes, it is possible to build the AM335x variant (for your customized AM335x based board) with "am437x-hs Processor SDK Linux 06_03_00_106".
    You would need to pull in the customer board porting work done previously on the AM335x SW baseline to the new AM437x SW baseline.

    Anther question:
    Is AM437x HS SoC designed in a different customer board? and "am437x-hs Processor SDK Linux 06_03_00_106" is also selected for AM335x SW upgrade?


  • Hi Hong,

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    It is true that board is still AM335x GP and we are planning to upgrade SW. Upgraded SW will be developed over am437x-hs Processor SDK Linux 06_03_00_106.

    Custom board porting needs to be done on bootloader & kernel level as you mentioned before.

    We have another board with custom design that uses AM437x HS SoC. We will use am437x-hs Processor SDK Linux 06_03_00_106 BSP for development.

    Actually, that's why I asked such a question, because we have two custom boards, one has am335x and other one has am437x-hs and we would like to use one BSP (if possible)

    As a result, I understand that we can use am437x-hs Processor SDK Linux 06_03_00_10 to develop software for both custom boards. One is high secure (am437x-hs) and the other one is no highsecure (am335x)

    Thanks in advance,



  • Hello Veysel,
    Yes, it is doable to start with the same Linux SDK baseline, i.e. "am437x-hs Processor SDK Linux 06_03_00_106", and then branch off to make board porting to support the two different customer boards: AM335-GP, AM437x-HS, where adding certificate signing etc is required on AM437x-HS to support secure boot.
    I'm closing the e2e, and reopen it if you have further questions.