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TMS320C6455: Error in code

Part Number: TMS320C6455


I have a FPGA and DSP in my custom designed board,

FPGA and DSP are communicated over EMIF interface and GPIO5 is connected between DSP and FPGA.

FPGA sends the interrupt to DSP before data transfer.

 But I am getting the error.("INTR: Error opening the instance.").

* Open interrupt module */
vectId_sp = CSL_INTC_VECTID_12;

gpioIntcHandle_sp = CSL_intcOpen(&gpioIntcObj_sp, CSL_INTC_EVENTID_GPINT5,
&vectId_sp, &intStat_sp);
if ((gpioIntcHandle_sp == NULL) || (intStat_sp != CSL_SOK)) {
printf("INTR: Error opening the instance.\n");

Can you please help me to debug the error.

