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AM4378: support for gstreamer for h264 compression

Part Number: AM4378

Dear Team,

We just want to know that whether the gstreamer does support for H264 compression on AM4378 SOC or not?

Also we would like to know about any possibility to offload the CPU or its less consumption.


Krishna Vashistha

  • Hi Krishna,

    On AM4378, there are no hardware accelerators that you could use for H264 encode/decode.  Although support of software codecs through GStreamer plugins is something you could try using for your application. 

    You could try to grep what h264 codecs are supported as a part of the SDK release.

    gst-inspect-1.0 | grep "h264" 

    I do not have am4738 board on my side so I would not be able to try.

    For the decoding I would recommend you to use playbin element for gstreamer version 1.0.

    gst-launch-1.0 playbin uri=file:///<path_to_file> 

    You could try the below for framerate measurement: 
    gst-inspect-1.0 "fpsdisplaysink" 
    and use this element instead of video sink element. .
    So the pipeline would be:
    gst-launch-1.0 -v playbin uri=file:/tmp/MyFile.mp4 video-sink=fpsdisplaysink

    In order to see stats about CPU/memory I would suggest using htop or mpstat when running a pipeline.

    Hope this helps.
