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TMS320C6654: How can I get V1.0.0.4 RBL code?

Part Number: TMS320C6654


Let me ask a quick question.
I am using 3 kind of C66x DSP: C6655/54/52,and I downloaded the ROM code for C6655/57 in order to understand RBL behavior.

RBL code is available from the following link:

I'm reading the code because I need to understand spi boot, but some codes seems to have been modified.

For example, please take a look at chipInitStatusReg() function at Gauss.c.

Judging from the actual operation of RBL, chipKickUnlock() and chipKickLock() seems to be removed from this function at present.

I read RBL version from C6655/54 chip,the RBL version is v01.00.00.04.Tue.Dec.06.18:24:48.2011.

How can I get v01.00.00.04 RBL source code? 

Best Regards,