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Can_19_Int0ISR function defined at two places Can_Cfg.c file and Can_PBcfg.c file

Hello Team,

In MCAL ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-08_05_00, we are getting multiple definition error for function "Can_19_Int0ISR" which is being defined inside two files Can_cfg.c file and Can_PBcfg.c file.3036.Can_Cfg.cCan_PBcfg.c


Pradeep R

  • Hi Pradeep,

    I think you mistook the files , Can_Cfg.c and Can_PBcfg.c files which you took from generate folder are the input files in the configurator. You have to take output files after generating configuration .

    Please refer mcusw/mcal_drv/mcal/examples_config/Can_Demo_Cfg/output/generated/soc/j721e/mcu1_0/src/Can_Cfg.c and Can_PBcfg.c files


    Tarun Mukesh

  • Hello Tarun,

    These are generated files which depends on configuration right

    So we should consider either of them depending on post build or precompile.

    Because we compile what ever files are present as part of mcal_config\plugins\Can_TI_J721E\generate\src folder.


    Pradeep R

  • Pradeep,

    These are generated files which depends on configuration right

    The files you attached are not output files those are input files to the configurator.

    If you select pre-compile in configurator you will have output files Can_Cfg.c(with data) and Can_PBCfg.c(empty) and viceversa for Post build.

    Please refer mcusw/mcal_drv/mcal/examples_config/Can_Demo_Cfg/output/generated/soc/j721e/mcu1_0/src/Can_Cfg.c and Can_PBcfg.c files

    This is for Pre compile variant example.


    Tarun Mukesh