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[FAQ] TMS320C6678: How to create a EDMA PING-PONG test-code using the CSL ( Chip support Library ) package and test on C6678 EVM ?

Part Number: TMS320C6678


How to create a EDMA PING-PONG test-code using the CSL ( Chip support Library ) package and test on C6678 EVM ?

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    How to create a EDMA PING-PONG test-code using the CSL ( Chip support Library ) package and test on C6678 EVM ?



    1. Download and install "PROCESSOR-SDK-RTOS-C667x  06_03_00_106"

    ( Please install the SDK in the recommended path: C:\ti\)

    2. Download and install CCS 9.3 ,

    ( Please install in the recommended path: C:\ti\)

    3. Rebuild the PDK and SDK which in turn will build all the necessary CSL library components etc. Follow the steps given below.

    [FAQ] TMS320C6678: How to re-build the PDK and SDK of PROCESSOR-SDK-C667X 6.3 for C6678? - Processors forum - Processors - TI E2E support forums

    Step 1: 

    1. Create a new empty project in CCS selecting C6678 as a processor device.

    2. Follow the steps given in the video.

    Step 2: 
    1. Clear the content of main.c and copy the sample edma code.

    2. Follow the steps given in the video.

    Step 3:

    1. In the project properties, include the necessary dependencies like CSL library, PDK path and the SOC name in the pre-defined symbols.

    2. Follow the steps given in the video.

    Step 4:


    1. Link the linker command file

    2. Build and run

    3. Follow the steps given in the video.

    Connection details:


    Step 5:


    1. Run the test on C6678 board and visualize the output, compare them with the CCS console messages given below.


    The same procedure is applicable for c6657 too. Make sure, the libraries added belongs to the CSL package of C6657.


    Shankari G