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AM4378: OMAP2 MCSPI multi-channel mode

Part Number: AM4378


I'm looking for a version of the spi-omap2-mcspi.c Linux driver that supports multi-channel mode. My goal is to be able to send large SPI transactions efficiently using the DMA and have the SPI controller toggle the chip select automatically for each 24-bit word. From what I've read, setting the controller to multi-channel mode is the way to accomplish this.

The following snippet is from "spruhl7i"

  • Hi Robert,

    I did some research internally but couldn't find anything that would be helpful in enabling/using multi-channel mode to increase throughput in combination with the existing Linux driver.

    What external device are you interfacing with? Perhaps there are other (system-level) approaches to increase throughput such as by using a different communication interface. It may also be possible to use one of the AM437x's PRU accelerators to implement a high-performance SPI (or other interface).

    Regards, Andreas