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AM5728: PRU-eth throughput abnormal

Part Number: AM5728

Customer use AM5728 PRU Ethernet, have similar throughput as this post:

the using SDK version is 3.01, Kernel 4.4.19.

Use Ubuntu as server, the throughput is normal:

Use AM57xx as server, throughput is very low:

UDP test throughput is OK from both side.

From the AM437x post, the PRU firmware should be updated, please advise how to do?

  • Hello Tony,

    It is unclear that the customer's issue is similar to the one being discussed in the AM437x thread. The firmware has changed a lot since this release and it cannot be assured that updating the firmware will work in their case.

    My suggestion is to advise the customer to update the software to a newer release and  see if they see the issue persist. 

    This is an existing design correct? 



  • Yes, it is  a existing design.

    Test with SDK3.02, the throughput is OK on both side.

    root@am57xx-evm:~# iperf -s -i 1
    Server listening on TCP port 5001
    TCP window size: 85.3 KByte (default)
    [ 4] local port 5001 connected with port 45548
    [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
    [ 4] 0.0- 1.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.2 Mbits/sec
    [ 4] 1.0- 2.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.1 Mbits/sec
    [ 4] 2.0- 3.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.2 Mbits/sec
    [ 4] 3.0- 4.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.1 Mbits/sec
    [ 4] 4.0- 5.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.1 Mbits/sec
    [ 4] 5.0- 6.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.1 Mbits/sec
    [ 4] 6.0- 7.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.0 Mbits/sec
    [ 4] 7.0- 8.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.1 Mbits/sec
    [ 4] 8.0- 9.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.1 Mbits/sec
    [ 4] 9.0-10.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.1 Mbits/sec
    [ 4] 0.0-10.1 sec 113 MBytes 94.1 Mbits/sec

    ^Croot@am57xx-evm:~# uname -a
    Linux am57xx-evm 4.4.32-gadde2ca9f8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Dec 14 19:14:12 EST 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux

    root@am57xx-evm:~# iperf -c -i 1
    Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
    TCP window size: 43.8 KByte (default)
    [ 3] local port 34528 connected with port 5001
    [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
    [ 3] 0.0- 1.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.4 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 1.0- 2.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.4 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 2.0- 3.0 sec 11.1 MBytes 93.3 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 3.0- 4.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.4 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 4.0- 5.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.4 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 5.0- 6.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.4 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 6.0- 7.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.4 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 7.0- 8.0 sec 11.1 MBytes 93.3 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 8.0- 9.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.4 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 9.0-10.0 sec 11.2 MBytes 94.4 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 0.0-10.0 sec 112 MBytes 94.2 Mbits/sec