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TDA4VM: Is there a way to control the encoding and decoding of one of the cameras to be turned on and off at any time during program operation of "app_multi_cam_codec"?

Part Number: TDA4VM


Is there a way to control the encoding and decoding of one of the cameras to be turned on and off at any time during program operation of "app_multi_cam_codec"?

For example, during the coding process, can I control the "status=appCodecDeqAppSrc (obj ->ldc_enq_id);"?

sdk: vision_apps



  • Hi,

    This might need some modifications to the code from your end.

    Let me check this internally and get back to you.



  • OK, looking forward to your prompt reply!



  • Hi Yueqian,

    The current app in the SDK does not support this, but this might require some modifications from your end.

    The main idea is to stop enqueueing the frames to codec for the particular channel based on some user command.

    The main changes would be in appCodecDeqAppSrc, appCodecEnqAppSrc in case of encoder and appCodecDeqAppSink, appCodecEnqAppSink in case of decoder.

    Both these functions have for loops inside it based on num of channels. You would have to modify this such that the specific sensor (in for loop) is skipped based on user input.

    Please try doing these changes at your end.



  • Hi Nikhil, 

    Yes, I also used the approach you provided to make the modifications, but found that there were anomalies in the video footage.



  • Hi,

    Could you please share the changes that you have made in the code?

    It would be better if you could share the patch over the SDK demo.



  • Hi,

    During the program execution, I control whether a certain camera ("ch") is executed and jumps over its encoding and decoding by controlling whether it is executed in "appCodecDeqAppSrc, appCodecEnqAppSrc in case of encoder and appCodecDeqAppSink, appCodecEnqAppSink in case of decoder.".



  • Hi,

    As mentioned earlier, this is not something that is supported in the demo currently. Hence, I would have to check this implementation at my end. 

    It would be quicker if you could share your changes regarding this application, in the form of a patch on top of the default SDK implementation, I could use the same to reproduce at my end and check the issue.



  • Hi Nikhil,

    Yes, I understand that sharing patches can greatly improve the efficiency of problem-solving, but I need to seek the opinions of others.



  • Sure,

    Please let me know if that is possible.

    Else, I would have to spend some time to integrate these changes.

    I could test this feature and provide my observation only by next week if there is no patch available. 

    Please let me know if this is fine by you.

