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TMS320C6655: Abnormal results in calling the sqrt and sqrtf functions

Part Number: TMS320C6655


I first compiled a library file (xxx. lib), then compiled other C files to obj files, and finally linked the obj files and lib file to generate the final executable product. It is found that the calculation results of calling sqrt and sqrtf in the lib is correct, but the calculation result of sqrt and sqrtf in other C file is abnormal.
(1) The code in the lib library:

The results of querying f_dbg11 and f_dbg12 are as follows, are correct

(2)Upon reviewing the assembly file's corresponding calls and definitions for sqrt and sqrtf in the lib, it was found that there is a prefix of $Tramp$s$$


8a421264             $C$L2:
8a421264   07fd70a9           MVK.S1        0xfffffae1,A15
8a421268   0600a359 ||        MVK.L1        0,A12
8a42126c   05000041 ||        MVK.D1        0,A10
8a421270   0580a35b ||        MVK.L2        0,B11
8a421274   0500002a ||        MVK.S2        0x0000,B10
8a421278   02ffae28           MVK.S1        0xffffff5c,A5
8a42127c   07a163e9           MVKH.S1       0x42c70000,A15
8a421280   0001b612 ||        B.S2          $Tramp$S$$sqrt (PC+3504 = 0x8a422030)
8a421284   02a02c68           MVKH.S1       0x40580000,A5
8a421288   0701a0a8           MVK.S1        0x0341,A14
8a42128c   06803128           MVK.S1        0x0062,A13
8a421290   026147a8           MVK.S1        0xffffc28f,A4
8a421294             $C$L3:
8a421294   02147ae9           MVKH.S1       0x28f50000,A4
8a421298   01870162 ||        ADDKPC.S2     $C$RL12 (PC+28 = 0x8a42129c),B3,0
8a42129c             $C$RL12:
8a42129c   01948138           DPSP.L1       A5:A4,A3
8a4212a0       8786           MV.L1         A15,A4
8a4212a2       2c6e           NOP           2
8a4212a4   1001b413           CALLP.S2      $Tramp$S$$sqrtf (PC+3488 = 0x8a422040),B3
8a4212a8   0182a27c ||        STW.D2T1      A3,*+B14[674]
8a4212ac   1001b613           CALLP.S2      $Tramp$S$$delayUsBySimu (PC+3504 = 0x8a422050),B3
8a4212b0   0202a37d ||        STW.D2T1      A4,*+B14[675]
8a4212b4   02340fd8 ||        MV.L1         A13,A4
8a4212b8   018baca8           MVK.S1        0x1759,A3
8a4212bc   e0200000           .fphead       n, l, W, BU, nobr, nosat, 0000001b
8a4212c0   01e8dbe8           MVKH.S1       0xd1b70000,A3
8a4212c4   05286578           ADDU.L1       A3,A10,A11:A10
8a4212c8   062d8078           ADD.L1        A12,A11,A12
8a4212cc   01b189a0           SHRU.S1       A12,0xc,A3
8a4212d0   0209c42a           MVK.S2        0x1388,B4
8a4212d4   020c9802           MPY32.M2X     B4,A3,B4
8a4212d8   05ac205a           ADD.L2        1,B11,B11
8a4212dc   00002000           NOP           2
8a4212e0   00116a7a           CMPEQ.L2      B11,B4,B0
8a4212e4   30000811    [!B0]  B.S1          $C$L4 (PC+64 = 0x8a421320)
8a4212e8   32029a6e || [!B0]  LDW.D2T2      *+B14[666],B4
8a4212ec   3289401e    [!B0]  LDBU.D2T2     *+B14[2368],B5
8a4212f0   20014810    [ B0]  B.S1          $Tramp$S$$lightLed (PC+2624 = 0x8a421d20)
8a4212f4   00002000           NOP           2
8a4212f8   3310205a    [!B0]  ADD.L2        1,B4,B6
8a4212fc   018a0162           ADDKPC.S2     $C$RL15 (PC+40 = 0x8a421308),B3,0
8a421300   022b180b           EXTU.S2       B10,24,24,B4
8a421304   0204a358 ||        MVK.L1        1,A4 


8a422030             $Tramp$S$$sqrt:
8a422030   0fa5e02a           MVK.S2        0x4bc0,B31
8a422034   0f8042ea           MVKH.S2       0x850000,B31
8a422038   007c0362           B.S2          B31
8a42203c   00008000           NOP           5
8a422040             $Tramp$S$$sqrtf:
8a422040   0fb4d02a           MVK.S2        0x69a0,B31
8a422044   0f8042ea           MVKH.S2       0x850000,B31
8a422048   007c0362           B.S2          B31
8a42204c   00008000           NOP           5

(3) Code in other C files:

As shown in the figure, the 10 calculated results are as follows, all of which are incorrect

(4)The call and definition of assembly files sqrt and sqrtf in the C file are as follows, without prefix $Tramp $s$$

0084b300             $C$L5:
0084b300   00004000           NOP           3
0084b304             appNewComponent:
0084b304       25f7           STW.D2T1      A11,*B15--[2]
0084b306       75c6           MV.L1X        B3,A11
0084b308   1016d413 ||        CALLP.S2      sqrtf (PC+46752 = 0x008569a0),B3
0084b30c   053c22f5 ||        STW.D2T1      A10,*+B15[1]
0084b310   020031a8 ||        MVK.S1        0x0063,A4
0084b314   01900958           INTSP.L1      A4,A3
0084b318       6272           MVK.S1        99,A4
0084b31a       2c6e           NOP           2
0084b31c   e8400008           .fphead       n, l, W, BU, nobr, nosat, 1000010b
0084b320   10131413           CALLP.S2      sqrt (PC+39072 = 0x00854bc0),B3
0084b324   0182707c ||        STW.D2T1      A3,*+B14[624]
0084b328   01900958           INTSP.L1      A4,A3
0084b32c   02ffae28           MVK.S1        0xffffff5c,A5
0084b330   026147a8           MVK.S1        0xffffc28f,A4
0084b334   02a02c68           MVKH.S1       0x40580000,A5
0084b338   1016d013           CALLP.S2      sqrtf (PC+46720 = 0x008569a0),B3
0084b33c   0182717d ||        STW.D2T1      A3,*+B14[625]
0084b340   02147ae8 ||        MVKH.S1       0x28f50000,A4
0084b344   01900958           INTSP.L1      A4,A3
0084b348   02ffae28           MVK.S1        0xffffff5c,A5
0084b34c   026147a8           MVK.S1        0xffffc28f,A4
0084b350   02a02c68           MVKH.S1       0x40580000,A5
0084b354   10131013           CALLP.S2      sqrt (PC+39040 = 0x00854bc0),B3
0084b358   0182727d ||        STW.D2T1      A3,*+B14[626]
0084b35c   02147ae8 ||        MVKH.S1       0x28f50000,A4
0084b360   01900958           INTSP.L1      A4,A3
0084b364       8272           MVK.S1        100,A4
0084b366       2c6e           NOP           2
0084b368   10130c13           CALLP.S2      sqrt (PC+39008 = 0x00854bc0),B3
0084b36c   0182737c ||        STW.D2T1      A3,*+B14[627]
0084b370   01900958           INTSP.L1      A4,A3
0084b374   0280a358           MVK.L1        0,A5
0084b378   02a02ce8           MVKH.S1       0x40590000,A5
0084b37c   e0400000           .fphead       n, l, W, BU, nobr, nosat, 0000010b
0084b380   02000028           MVK.S1        0x0000,A4
0084b384   10130813           CALLP.S2      sqrt (PC+38976 = 0x00854bc0),B3
0084b388   0182747c ||        STW.D2T1      A3,*+B14[628]
0084b38c   01900958           INTSP.L1      A4,A3
0084b390       8272           MVK.S1        100,A4
0084b392       2c6e           NOP           2
0084b394   1016c413           CALLP.S2      sqrtf (PC+46624 = 0x008569a0),B3
0084b398   0182757c ||        STW.D2T1      A3,*+B14[629]
0084b39c   e2000000           .fphead       n, l, W, BU, nobr, nosat, 0010000b
0084b3a0   0210195a           INTSP.L2X     A4,B4
0084b3a4   0280a358           MVK.L1        0,A5
0084b3a8   02a02ce8           MVKH.S1       0x40590000,A5
0084b3ac   0200a358           MVK.L1        0,A4
0084b3b0   1016c013           CALLP.S2      sqrtf (PC+46592 = 0x008569a0),B3
0084b3b4   0202767e ||        STW.D2T2      B4,*+B14[630]
0084b3b8   02026d6e           LDW.D2T2      *+B14[621],B4
0084b3bc   01900958           INTSP.L1      A4,A3
0084b3c0   00004000           NOP           3
0084b3c4   021000a2           SPDP.S2       B4,B5:B4
0084b3c8   0182777c           STW.D2T1      A3,*+B14[631]
0084b3cc   00000000           NOP          
0084b3d0   1016bc13           CALLP.S2      sqrtf (PC+46560 = 0x008569a0),B3
0084b3d4   02101458 ||        DADD.L1X        0,B5:B4,A5:A4
0084b3d8   01900958           INTSP.L1      A4,A3
0084b3dc   02826f6c           LDW.D2T1      *+B14[623],A5
0084b3e0   02026e6c           LDW.D2T1      *+B14[622],A4
0084b3e4   00000000           NOP          
0084b3e8   1012fc13           CALLP.S2      sqrt (PC+38880 = 0x00854bc0),B3
0084b3ec   0182787c ||        STW.D2T1      A3,*+B14[632]
0084b3f0   01900959           INTSP.L1      A4,A3
0084b3f4   0fffc410 ||        B.S1          runTestdmaDDR (PC-480 = 0x0084b200)
0084b3f8       4e27           MVK.L2        10,B4
0084b3fa       2c6e           NOP           2
0084b3fc   e8000000           .fphead       n, l, W, BU, nobr, nosat, 1000000b
0084b400   05101fd9           MV.L1X        B4,A10
0084b404   0182797c ||        STW.D2T1      A3,*+B14[633]

00854bc0             sqrt:
00854bc0             .text:sqrt:
00854bc0       0726           MVK.L1        0,A6
00854bc2       62d6 ||        MV.D1         A5,A3
00854bc4   04100861 ||        DADD.S1         0,A5:A4,A9:A8
00854bc8       07a7 ||        MVK.L2        0,B7
00854bca       35f7 ||        STW.D2T2      B11,*B15--[2]
00854bcc       65cf ||        MV.S2         B3,B11
00854bce       8e82           SHL.S1        A5,0xc,A5
00854bd0   02188ff9 ||        OR.L1         A4,A6,A4
00854bd4   053c22f6 ||        STW.D2T2      B10,*+B15[1]
00854bd8   018c3508           EXTU.S1       A3,1,21,A3
00854bdc   e1a000b3           .fphead       n, l, W, BU, nobr, nosat, 0001101b
00854be0   021299a3           SHRU.S2X      A4,0x14,B4
00854be4   01fe00d0 ||        ADDK.S1       -1023,A3
00854be8   031496e3           OR.S2X        B4,A5,B6
00854bec   03020029 ||        MVK.S1        0x0400,A6
00854bf0   020004fa ||        ZERO.L2       B5:B4
00854bf4       c7e9           CMPEQ.L2      B6,B7,B0
00854bf6       1bf7 ||        MVK.D2        0,B7
00854bf8   03119ca3 ||        SHL.S2X       A4,0xc,B6
00854bfc   e4000c00           .fphead       n, l, W, BU, nobr, nosat, 0100000b
00854c00   01986a79 ||        CMPEQ.L1      A3,A6,A3
00854c04   02200860 ||        DADD.S1         0,A9:A8,A5:A4
00854c08   201cca7b    [ B0]  CMPEQ.L2      B6,B7,B0
00854c0c   00911a60 ||        CMPGTDP.S1X   A9:A8,B5:B4,A1
00854c10       1589           AND.L2X       B0,A3,B0
00854c12       2047           MV.L2         B0,B1
00854c14   20001f13 || [ B0]  B.S2          $C$L3 (PC+248 = 0x00854cf8)
00854c18   33250ba1 || [!B0]  RSQRDP.S1     A9:A8,A7:A6
00854c1c   e2000200           .fphead       n, l, W, BU, nobr, nosat, 0010000b
00854c20   320004f8 || [!B0]  ZERO.L1       A5:A4
00854c24   4080a359    [ B1]  MVK.L1        0,A1
00854c28   30110a21 || [!B0]  CMPEQDP.S1    A9:A8,A5:A4,A0
00854c2c   300ca35a || [!B0]  MVK.L2        3,B0
00854c30   801b6122    [ A1]  BNOP.S2       $C$L2 (PC+108 = 0x00854c8c),3
00854c34   8880a359    [ A1]  MVK.L1        0,A17
00854c38   821903f1 || [ A1]  FMPYDP.M1       A9:A8,A7:A6,A5:A4
00854c3c   88000028 || [ A1]  MVK.S1        0x0000,A16
00854c40   88c6bd88    [ A1]  SET.S1        A17,21,29,A17
00854c44   c0001911    [ A0]  B.S1          $C$L4 (PC+200 = 0x00854d08)
00854c48   050010ab ||        MVK.S2        0x0021,B10
00854c4c   c53c22e7 || [ A0]  LDW.D2T2      *+B15[1],B10
00854c50   020004f8 ||        ZERO.L1       A5:A4
00854c54   d009e011    [!A0]  B.S1          __c6xabi_errno_addr (PC+20224 = 0x00859b40)
00854c58   c5bc52e6 || [ A0]  LDW.D2T2      *++B15[2],B11
00854c5c   c08c6362    [ A0]  BNOP.S2       B3,3
00854c60   01810162           ADDKPC.S2     $C$RL0 (PC+4 = 0x00854c64),B3,0

008569a0             sqrtf:
008569a0             .text:sqrtf:
008569a0       6246           MV.L1         A4,A3
008569a2       0712 ||        MVK.S1        128,A6
008569a4       3577 ||        STW.D2T2      B10,*B15--[2]
008569a6       4646           MV.L1         A4,A10
008569a8   028c3809 ||        EXTU.S1       A3,1,24,A5
008569ac   053c35c4 ||        STDW.D2T1     A11:A10,*B15--[1]
008569b0   02ffc0d1           ADDK.S1       -127,A5
008569b4   020d3ca2 ||        SHL.S2X       A3,0x9,B4
008569b8   02100a5b           CMPEQ.L2      0,B4,B4
008569bc   e060000b           .fphead       n, l, W, BU, nobr, nosat, 0000011b
008569c0   0198aa78 ||        CMPEQ.L1      A5,A6,A3
008569c4   02900fa0           RSQRSP.S1     A4,A5
008569c8       9599           AND.L2X       B4,A3,B1
008569ca       0213 ||        MVK.S2        0,B4
008569cc   01948e00 ||        MPYSP.M1      A4,A5,A3
008569d0   406a4121    [ B1]  BNOP.S1       $C$L1 (PC+212 = 0x00856a94),2
008569d4   5280a35b || [!B1]  MVK.L2        0,B5
008569d8   00109ea2 ||        CMPLTSP.S2X   B4,A4,B0
008569dc   e0800030           .fphead       n, l, W, BU, nobr, nosat, 0000100b
008569e0   52971d8a    [!B1]  SET.S2        B5,24,29,B5
008569e4   020cbe02           MPYSP.M2X     B5,A3,B4
008569e8       75c6           MV.L1X        B3,A11
008569ea       2c6e           NOP           2
008569ec   0190be00           MPYSP.M1X     A5,B4,A3
008569f0   00006000           NOP           4
008569f4   020cb7ba           FSUBSP.L2X      B5,A3,B4
008569f8   00004000           NOP           3
008569fc   e0800000           .fphead       n, l, W, BU, nobr, nosat, 0000100b
00856a00   0190be00           MPYSP.M1X     A5,B4,A3
00856a04   00004000           NOP           3
00856a08   02946798           FADDSP.L1       A3,A5,A5
00856a0c   00002000           NOP           2
00856a10   01948e00           MPYSP.M1      A4,A5,A3
00856a14   00006000           NOP           4
00856a18   020cbe02           MPYSP.M2X     B5,A3,B4
00856a1c   00004000           NOP           3
00856a20   02149e02           MPYSP.M2X     B4,A5,B4
00856a24   00004000           NOP           3
00856a28   0210a7ba           FSUBSP.L2       B5,B4,B4
00856a2c   00004000           NOP           3
00856a30   0190be00           MPYSP.M1X     A5,B4,A3
00856a34   00004000           NOP           3
00856a38   01946798           FADDSP.L1       A3,A5,A3
00856a3c   0280a358           MVK.L1        0,A5
00856a40   00148e20           CMPEQSP.S1    A4,A5,A0
00856a44   030c8e00           MPYSP.M1      A4,A3,A6
00856a48       8866    [ B0]  MVK.L1        0,A0
00856a4a       4c6e           NOP           3
00856a4c   0218be02           MPYSP.M2X     B5,A6,B4
00856a50   00004000           NOP           3
00856a54   020c9e02           MPYSP.M2X     B4,A3,B4
00856a58   00004000           NOP           3
00856a5c   e0800000           .fphead       n, l, W, BU, nobr, nosat, 0000100b
00856a60   0210a7ba           FSUBSP.L2       B5,B4,B4
00856a64   00002000           NOP           2
00856a68   20000690    [ B0]  B.S1          $C$L1 (PC+52 = 0x00856a94)
00856a6c   0190de00           MPYSP.M1X     A6,B4,A3
00856a70       0c6e           NOP           1
00856a72       282a    [ A0]  BNOP.S1       $C$L2 (PC+64 = 0x00856aa0),1
00856a74   05186798           FADDSP.L1       A3,A6,A10
00856a78   050010ab           MVK.S2        0x0021,B10
00856a7c   e2008000           .fphead       n, l, W, BU, br, nosat, 0010000b
00856a80   d0061810 || [!A0]  B.S1          __c6xabi_errno_addr (PC+12480 = 0x00859b40)
00856a84   c1ac1fda    [ A0]  MV.L2X        A11,B3
00856a88   05140fd8           MV.L1         A5,A10
00856a8c   01844162           ADDKPC.S2     $C$RL0 (PC+16 = 0x00856a90),B3,2

(5)Search for the entire map file. The content related to sqrt and sqrtf are as follows:

00854bc0    00000160     rts6600_elf.lib : sqrt.obj (.text:sqrt)
00854d20    00000140                     : sscanf.obj (.text:_chkmbc)
00854e60    00000140                     : _printfi.obj (.text:_pproc_fflags)
00854fa0    00000140                     : atoll.obj (.text:atoll)
008550e0    00000140                     : lowlev.obj (.text:getdevice)
00855220    00000140                     : logf.obj (.text:logf)

008569a0    00000120     rts6600_elf.lib : sqrtf.obj (.text:sqrtf)
00856ac0    00000100                     : trgdrv.obj (.text:HOSTlseek)

8a422030    00000010                     : sqrt.obj ($Tramp$S$$sqrt)
8a422040    00000010                     : sqrtf.obj ($Tramp$S$$sqrtf)

$.text:sqrt:rts6600_elf.lib<sqrt.obj>$0x0  $Tramp$S$$sqrt
   00854bc0     8a422030     8a421280   NR1193.lib : main.obj (.init_code)
                             8a4213c4              : main.obj (.init_code)
$.text:sqrtf:rts6600_elf.lib<sqrtf.obj>$0x0  $Tramp$S$$sqrtf
   008569a0     8a422040     8a4212a4   NR1193.lib : main.obj (.init_code)

00854bc0   sqrt
008569a0   sqrtf

Why is the results of calling sqrt and sqrtf in the lib library correct? The result of calling sqrt and sqrtf from therC files are incorrect?