[FAQ] TMUX1308-Q1: EN and Control inputs termination - AM62P, AM62A use case

Part Number: TMUX1308-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMUX1308, AM625


Hi Team,

TMUX1308 EN and control A0..A2 is being controlled by AM625 Sitara SOC.

SOC IO buffers are off during power-up. The IOs are in high impedance and expected to take 1..2 seconds to be initialized to a known state.

Do you have any recommendation of connecting the EN and the control inputs during this period. 

Are the TMUX EN and address control inputs A0..2 tolerant to being open for some time ( 1..2 sec)  during power cycle until the SOC IOs are initialized.

Thank you for the support.



  • Hey Sreenivasa,

    Am I understanding properly that the supply will ramp up first then the I/O's (Sx/D) will take a second or 2 to turn on? 
    While the I/O's have some time to initialize to a known state, do we have the same restrictions on the control pin. Ideally I would tie the EN pin high to isolate the inputs/outputs of the device until the signals are ready.

    Are the TMUX tolerant to the inputs being open for some time during power cycle.

    Which inputs are you referring to here?
    The control inputs (Ax) are tolerant and can take up to 5.5V regardless of the supply voltage. 
    Source and Drain inputs Sx and D are recommended to keep between GND and VDD but there are some protection features here that will allow you to exceed those values if you limit the current.


  • Hello Rami, 

    Thank you for the inputs.

    Are the TMUX EN and address control inputs A0..2 tolerant to being open for some time ( 1..2 sec)  during power cycle until the SOC IOs are initialized.

    I updated the question above,

    Am I understanding properly that the supply will ramp up first then the I/O's (Sx/D) will take a second or 2 to turn on? 
    While the I/O's have some time to initialize to a known state, do we have the same restrictions on the control pin. Ideally I would tie the EN pin high to isolate the inputs/outputs of the device until the signals are ready.

    The SOC IOs controlling the Ax/EN will be in High impedance expected to take 1..2 seconds to be initialized to a known state. The TMUX inputs would be floating during this time.

    Any thoughts please.




  • Ah I understand now. So the control pins will be floating for a couple seconds. I'd recommend a weak pull up on the EN/ line. Just to hold the state while it's floating to disable all the channels. You can then pull it down when the the initialization period is complete.


  • Hello Rami, 

    Thank you for the inputs.

    Understand the recommendations.

    In case the /EN is permanently enabled by hard wiring, do you have some recommendations on connecting the A0..A2 if the SOC takes 1..2 seconds to configure the address.



  • Hey Sreenivasa,

    You could try a weak pulldown but know that your S0 path would be turned on for that 1-2second configuration


  • Hello Rami, 

    Thank you.

    The TMUX output is typically connected to the ADC input.

    Would it be Ok to connect a 100 nF cap directly at the output of the MUX. If not is there a recommended value.

    The cap recommended on the supply ranges from 0.1 uF to 10 uF. Could you please guide on the recommended cap value and the rationale to choose the cap value.



  • Hey Sreenivasa,

    Yes, you can add a 100nF cap directly on the output of the mux. What is the purpose of the cap though?

    The cap on the power supply is a decoupling cap that filters out noise on the power supply line. The values are selected so that higher frequency noise (kHz to MHz range) are filtered and your supply signal will be smooth.


  • Hello Rami, 

    Thank you.

    I do not have complete insight but looks like customer is measuring DC voltages and temperature inputs and might want to use the cap as the filter rather than RC.

    Any thoughts please.



  • Hey Sreenivasa,

    No problems at all using the cap on the output of the mux as a filter!


  • Hello Rami, 

    Thank you.

    No problems at all using the cap on the output of the mux as a filter!

    I assume You do not see any concern connecting the cap directly to the MUX output.

    Thank you for the support.

