AM3352: DM Timer

Part Number: AM3352


Hi Support Team,

I have been asked about the DMTimer 1ms by a customer who uses the AM3352.

We are currently developing a model that uses this timer and interrupts at 1msec intervals,
but for some reason, this interrupt may not be triggered.
Counter Register (TCRR) itself is counting up normally,
but when it goes OverFlow and reaches the value in the Load Register (TLDR),
the OVF_IT_FLAG bit in the Status Register (TISR) does not hit, and the interrupt is not triggered.
This state is called "no interrupts".
Also, in this state, TOCR is counting up.

TRM: 1 ms Tick Generation describes the following,
but I cannot find a description of what triggers the filtering.

> The Timer Overflow Counter Register (TOCR) and the Timer Overflow Wrapping Register (TOWR) are used for interrupt filtering.

The following description is given in the NOTE section, which also recognizes that the 5 registers
are used in their default state (all 0s), so the function of this correction is turned off.

> By default, the TPIR, TNIR, TCVR, TOCR, TOWR registers and the associated logic are in reset mode (all 0s)
 and have no action on the programming model of the DMtimer_dmc1ms.

Could you please tell me what triggers the interrupts to be filtered?

Please contact me if you have any clarification or information needed.

Best Regards,

  • Hello Kanae,

    How are you programming the DM Timer? e.g., are you using a driver from a particular operating system?

    I am sending your thread to a member of our hardware team for now - I'm the Linux guy, but I'm on vacation until July 15.



  • Hi Nick,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Here are the details of issue form the customer.

    S/W info:
    -> We are not using Linux or other operating systems, but are running on bare metal.
    Some interrupt handlers (exceptionhandler.S) are used in AM335X_StarterWare_02_00_01_01

    Occurrence rate of issue:
    -> The rate of occurrence is indeterminate. It may not occur for several weeks,
    or it may occur at intervals of about one hour in rapid succession.
    We are trying to increase the rate of occurrence by changing various conditions,
    but have not found any triggers at present.

    Situation in which this issue occurs:
    -> In most cases, the issue occurs during tests of prototype boards.

    Specific use case of the function:
    -> Interrupt is enabled as soon as the system starts, and is always enabled until the power is turned off.

    For initialization,
    IRQENABLE_SET = (1 << 1); // set OVF
    // CLK_M_OSC (24MHz), so set 1msec as follows
    TCRR = (0xffffffffff - (24 * 1000 - 1));
    TLDR = (0xffffffffff - (24 * 1000 - 1));
    TCLR = (1 << 1); // 1 = auto_rel : Set as set in Auto-reload mode overflow, when interrupt occurs,
    IRQSTATUS = (1 << 1); // Clear OVF.

    If you need any other information, please let me know.

    Best Regards,

  • Kanae, can you give more details on the missing interrupt?

    -What is the IdleMode and AutoIdle set to in TIOCP_CFG?

    -how is the previous interrupt cleared?

    -when an interrupt is missed, what is the action?  You said it could happen once every hour, but how do you reset the IP

    -what is the difference between the proto boards and the other boards?

    -do they use a crystal for the 24MHz input?  Can they test with LVCMOS square clock input?  This will help eliminate any noise related issues.

    -what else in their system is running?  What other peripherals are in use?  Can they pinpoint what the application was doing when the interrupt was missed?



  • Hi James,

    Thank you for your support.

    The customer's responses are listed below.
    Please provide more information about the test with LVCMOS square clock input.

    James said;
    -What is the IdleMode and AutoIdle set to in TIOCP_CFG?
    -> IdleMode : 0 = fidle, AutoIdle : 0 = clkfree with reset state.
    I have tried with IdleMode set to 1 = nidle, but the same problem occurred.

    James said;
    -how is the previous interrupt cleared?
    -> When an interrupt generats,
    TISR = (1 << 1);
    and OVF_IT_FLAG is cleared.

    James said;
    -when an interrupt is missed, what is the action?
     You said it could happen once every hour, but how do you reset the IP.
    -> Currently, there is no action taken.
    To investigate the cause, we have added a process to display the value of the register
    in case an interrupt does not generate.

    James said;
    -what is the difference between the proto boards and the other boards?
    -> The same problem had occurred on previous prototype boards.
    However, the frequency of occurrence was so low that we did not know what was happening.
    There is no difference in S/W and H/W between the previous prototype board and this board,
    The cause of the problem is unknown, so it is impossible to determine the difference in the rate of occurrence.

    James said;
    -do they use a crystal for the 24MHz input?
    -> Yes, a crystal oscillator is used.

    James said;
    -Can they test with LVCMOS square clock input?
    -> Sorry, this would mean changing the Clock source to one that is generated internally (CLK_RC_32K or CLK_32KHZ).

    James said;
    -what else in their system is running? What other peripherals are in use?
    Can they pinpoint what the application was doing when the interrupt was missed?
    -> PWMSS, EDMA, LCDC, UART, McSPI, McASP, and USBC are running during the aging test.
    -> Currently, it is difficult to specify, but if we poll TOCR, we may be able to find the location of the problem to some extent.

    Best Regards,

  • Hello Kanae,

    thank you.

    Let me check internally and also review the inputs.



  • Hi Sreenivasa,

    Thank you for your support.

    I have just added the following explanation of the differences from the previous prototype board to my last post.

    There is no difference in S/W and H/W between the previous prototype board and this board,
    The cause of the problem is unknown, so it is impossible to determine the difference in the rate of occurrence.

    Best Regards,

  • Hello Kanae,

    Thank you for the additional inputs.

    Let me check and update.



  • Hi Sreenivasa,

    Thank you for your support.

    As I need to report back to the customer, please let me know the expected reply schedule.

    Best Regards,

  • Hello Kanae,

    Thank you for checking.

    The dallas team had holidays and taken vacation.

    I will follow-up and try to get their inputs in the next couple of days.



  • Hi Sreenivasa,

    Thank you for your support.
    I will share your above information with my customer.
    Looking forward to your reply.

    Best Regards,

  • Hello Kanae,

    Thank you. Will follow and update.



  • Hi Sreenivasa,

    Thank you for your support.

    Could you please answer the following question first,
    as it is not clear to us what James is asking us to test.

    James said; -Can they test with LVCMOS square clock input?
    -Can they test with LVCMOS square clock input?
    -> Sorry, would this mean changing the Clock source to one that is generated internally (CLK_RC_32K or CLK_32KHZ)?

    Best Regards,

  • Hello Kanae,

    James said; -Can they test with LVCMOS square clock input?
    -Can they test with LVCMOS square clock input?
    -> Sorry, would this mean changing the Clock source to one that is generated internally (CLK_RC_32K or CLK_32KHZ)?

    James was checking if they could use a 24M LVCMOS clock instead of crystal + internal oscillator.



  • Hi Sreenivasa,

    Thank you for your support.

    I will check with my customer if it is possible to use the 24M LVCMOS clock
    instead of the crystal + internal oscillator.

    Best regards and continued support.

  • Hello Kanae,

    Thank you.

