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AM62A7: AM62A7

Part Number: AM62A7


  • Subject : Request for Interface Validation Optimisation Methods and Tools
  • Dear TI Support Team,

    I hope this email finds you well.

    I am reaching out to seek your expertise and assistance in optimizing the validation process for various interfaces post-board assembly. Our current validation procedures are proving to be time-intensive and are impacting our application's time-to-market. The interfaces in question are as follows:

    • eMMC
    • SD
    • USB 2.0
    • USB 3.0
    • M.2 PCIe
    • PCIe
    • I2C2, I2C4
    • LPDDR4
    • M.2 SATA
    • WiFi
    • Bluetooth
    • Ethernet
    • WiFi AP
    • RTC
    • Audio
    • Expansion Loopback
    • SPI0
    • USB OTG Device
    • Camera
    • GPU
    • Display [MIPI LCD, LVDS, HDMI].

    Given the extensive list of interfaces, we are exploring methods to streamline the validation process without compromising on quality or thoroughness. We are particularly interested in any applications or tools that could facilitate interface testing in a production environment. Additionally, any strategies or methodologies that could expedite the validation process would be highly beneficial.

    Could you please provide recommendations on optimisation techniques for interface validation? Furthermore, if there are any applications designed for testing interfaces during production that you could suggest, it would greatly aid our efforts.

    Your support in this matter is crucial for us to enhance our efficiency and maintain our commitment to delivering high-quality products.

    Thank you for your time and assistance.

    Best regards,
    Kumaresan G
  • Kumaresan, 

    Are you sure that you are using AM62A7. The device doesn`t have PCIe, USB.x, GPU and only has 1 display port.  TI EVM manufacturer generally uses a combination of bare-metal diagnostics and Linux based diagnostics to validate the interfaces. 

    Automated scripted testing, CCS DSS Scripting, using boot media like OSPI based or DFU/Ethernet to load diagnostics, etc may help in reducing overall test times.  

    Thanks and Regards,

    Rahul Prabhu 

  • Kumaresan,

    Are you referring to a Boundary Scan only, or a full suite of validation for functionality and throughput?

    Do you have a validation board design that you can share? We would need to review the validation board separately from the SBC form-factor carrier board (used for end customer evaluation) and see what additional interfaces are included for test automation (JTAG, UARTs, Remotely toggled I/Os, Power cycling, Emulation/Debugger connector style, etc.)

    If you can provide this information, it would be helpful to start the conversation.