SK-AM62A-LP: TIDL quantized model - image classification

Part Number: SK-AM62A-LP


I am currently working with the AM62A processor and aim to utilize its deep learning capabilities for image classification tasks. Specifically, I need to run "tidlrt_classification" with a quantized model on this processor.

I have the following questions:

  1. Running "tidlrt_classification" on AM62A:     - Is it possible to run "tidlrt_classification" on the AM62A deep learning accelerator with a quantized model?    

- If so, could you provide detailed instructions or documentation on how to set up and execute this?

  1. Precompiled Models for Classification: - Are there any precompiled int8 models available for classification use cases that are compatible with the AM62A?

- Specifically, are there precompiled versions of popular models like MobileNet v1 or v2 that I can use?