Hi TI,
We got a custom camera (w/ built-in TI-953 Ser) from our vendor. Its parameters are Sony ISX021 sensor, 1920x1280, 30 FPS, FPD-Link III, MIPI 4 Lane YUV422 8bits. Now we want to apply it to our TDA4VEN platform. The settings before capturing the frame are:
(We detect TI960/954 Deser on the fourth I2C bus so we also update the /boot/dtb/ti/k3-j722s-evm-fpdlink-fusion.dtbo and apply it at booting)
/dts-v1/; / { fragment@0 { target-path = "/"; __overlay__ { fixed-clock-25M { compatible = "fixed-clock"; #clock-cells = <0x00>; clock-frequency = <0x17d7840>; phandle = <0x01>; }; }; }; fragment@1 { target = <0xffffffff>; __overlay__ { #address-cells = <0x01>; #size-cells = <0x00>; status = "okay"; i2c@4 { #address-cells = <0x01>; #size-cells = <0x00>; reg = <0x00>; deser@3d { compatible = "ti,ds90ub960-q1"; reg = <0x3d>; clocks = <0x01>; clock-names = "refclk"; i2c-alias-pool = <0x4a 0x4b 0x4c 0x4d 0x4e 0x4f>; ports { #address-cells = <0x01>; #size-cells = <0x00>; phandle = <0x06>; port@4 { reg = <0x04>; endpoint { clock-lanes = <0x00>; data-lanes = <0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04>; link-frequencies = <0x00 0x2faf0800>; remote-endpoint = <0x02>; phandle = <0x04>; }; }; }; links { #address-cells = <0x01>; #size-cells = <0x00>; phandle = <0x07>; }; }; deser@36 { compatible = "ti,ds90ub960-q1"; reg = <0x36>; clocks = <0x01>; clock-names = "refclk"; i2c-alias-pool = <0x5a 0x5b 0x5c 0x5d 0x5e 0x5f>; ports { #address-cells = <0x01>; #size-cells = <0x00>; phandle = <0x08>; port@4 { reg = <0x04>; endpoint { clock-lanes = <0x00>; data-lanes = <0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04>; link-frequencies = <0x00 0x2faf0800>; remote-endpoint = <0x03>; phandle = <0x05>; }; }; }; links { #address-cells = <0x01>; #size-cells = <0x00>; phandle = <0x09>; }; }; }; }; }; fragment@2 { target = <0xffffffff>; __overlay__ { ports { #address-cells = <0x01>; #size-cells = <0x00>; port@0 { reg = <0x00>; status = "okay"; phandle = <0x0a>; endpoint { remote-endpoint = <0x04>; clock-lanes = <0x00>; data-lanes = <0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04>; link-frequencies = <0x00 0x2faf0800>; phandle = <0x02>; }; }; }; }; }; }; fragment@3 { target = <0xffffffff>; __overlay__ { ports { #address-cells = <0x01>; #size-cells = <0x00>; port@0 { reg = <0x00>; status = "okay"; phandle = <0x0b>; endpoint { remote-endpoint = <0x05>; clock-lanes = <0x00>; data-lanes = <0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04>; link-frequencies = <0x00 0x2faf0800>; phandle = <0x03>; }; }; }; }; }; fragment@4 { target = <0xffffffff>; __overlay__ { status = "okay"; }; }; fragment@5 { target = <0xffffffff>; __overlay__ { status = "okay"; }; }; fragment@6 { target = <0xffffffff>; __overlay__ { status = "okay"; }; }; fragment@7 { target = <0xffffffff>; __overlay__ { status = "okay"; }; }; __symbols__ { clk_fusion_25M_fixed = "/fragment@0/__overlay__/fixed-clock-25M"; ds90ub960_0_ports = "/fragment@1/__overlay__/i2c@4/deser@3d/ports"; ds90ub960_0_csi_out = "/fragment@1/__overlay__/i2c@4/deser@3d/ports/port@4/endpoint"; ds90ub960_0_links = "/fragment@1/__overlay__/i2c@4/deser@3d/links"; ds90ub960_1_ports = "/fragment@1/__overlay__/i2c@0/deser@36/ports"; ds90ub960_1_csi_out = "/fragment@1/__overlay__/i2c@0/deser@36/ports/port@4/endpoint"; ds90ub960_1_links = "/fragment@1/__overlay__/i2c@0/deser@36/links"; csi0_port0 = "/fragment@2/__overlay__/ports/port@0"; csi2_phy0 = "/fragment@2/__overlay__/ports/port@0/endpoint"; csi1_port0 = "/fragment@3/__overlay__/ports/port@0"; csi2_phy1 = "/fragment@3/__overlay__/ports/port@0/endpoint"; }; __fixups__ { pca9543_0 = "/fragment@1:target:0"; cdns_csi2rx0 = "/fragment@2:target:0"; cdns_csi2rx1 = "/fragment@3:target:0"; ti_csi2rx0 = "/fragment@4:target:0"; dphy0 = "/fragment@5:target:0"; ti_csi2rx1 = "/fragment@6:target:0"; dphy1 = "/fragment@7:target:0"; }; __local_fixups__ { fragment@1 { __overlay__ { i2c@4 { deser@3d { clocks = <0x00>; ports { port@4 { endpoint { remote-endpoint = <0x00>; }; }; }; }; deser@36 { clocks = <0x00>; ports { port@4 { endpoint { remote-endpoint = <0x00>; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; fragment@2 { __overlay__ { ports { port@0 { endpoint { remote-endpoint = <0x00>; }; }; }; }; }; fragment@3 { __overlay__ { ports { port@0 { endpoint { remote-endpoint = <0x00>; }; }; }; }; }; }; };
j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl -p Media controller API version 6.6.32 Media device information ------------------------ driver j721e-csi2rx model TI-CSI2RX serial bus info platform:30102000.ticsi2rx hw revision 0x1 driver version 6.6.32 Device topology - entity 1: 30102000.ticsi2rx (7 pads, 7 links, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev0 routes: 0/0 -> 1/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] <- "cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge":1 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad1: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 0":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad2: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 1":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad3: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 2":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad4: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 3":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad5: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 4":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad6: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 5":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 9: cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge (5 pads, 2 links, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev1 routes: 0/0 -> 1/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] <- "ds90ub960 4-003d":4 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad1: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] -> "30102000.ticsi2rx":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad2: Source pad3: Source pad4: Source - entity 15: ds90ub960 4-003d (6 pads, 1 link, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev2 routes: 0/0 -> 4/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] pad1: Sink pad2: Sink pad3: Sink pad4: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] -> "cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad5: Source - entity 26: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 0 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video3 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":1 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 32: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 1 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video4 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":2 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 38: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 2 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video5 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":3 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 44: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 3 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video6 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":4 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 50: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 4 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video7 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":5 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 56: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 5 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video8 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":6 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE]
j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'ds90ub960 4-003d':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:none]" j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:none]" j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:none]" j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video3 --set-fmt-video width=1920,height=1280,pixelformat=UYVY
After executing the commands above:
j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl -p Media controller API version 6.6.32 Media device information ------------------------ driver j721e-csi2rx model TI-CSI2RX serial bus info platform:30102000.ticsi2rx hw revision 0x1 driver version 6.6.32 Device topology - entity 1: 30102000.ticsi2rx (7 pads, 7 links, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev0 routes: 0/0 -> 1/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] <- "cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge":1 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad1: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 0":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad2: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 1":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad3: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 2":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad4: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 3":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad5: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 4":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad6: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 5":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 9: cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge (5 pads, 2 links, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev1 routes: 0/0 -> 1/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] <- "ds90ub960 4-003d":4 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad1: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] -> "30102000.ticsi2rx":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad2: Source pad3: Source pad4: Source - entity 15: ds90ub960 4-003d (6 pads, 1 link, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev2 routes: 0/0 -> 4/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] pad1: Sink pad2: Sink pad3: Sink pad4: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] -> "cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad5: Source - entity 26: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 0 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video3 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":1 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 32: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 1 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video4 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":2 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 38: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 2 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video5 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":3 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 44: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 3 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video6 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":4 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 50: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 4 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video7 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":5 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 56: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 5 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video8 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":6 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE]
Thus, we use v4l2-ctl -d/dev/video3 --stream-mmap --stream-to=frame-raw --stream-count=1, but the kernel crashes:
j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# v4l2-ctl -d/dev/video3 --stream-mmap --stream-to=frame.raw --stream-count=1 [ 3281.219864] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000010 [ 3281.228692] Mem abort info: [ 3281.231475] ESR = 0x0000000096000006 [ 3281.235230] EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits [ 3281.240546] SET = 0, FnV = 0 [ 3281.243591] EA = 0, S1PTW = 0 [ 3281.246731] FSC = 0x06: level 2 translation fault [ 3281.251605] Data abort info: [ 3281.254485] ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000006, ISS2 = 0x00000000 [ 3281.259965] CM = 0, WnR = 0, TnD = 0, TagAccess = 0 [ 3281.265013] GCS = 0, Overlay = 0, DirtyBit = 0, Xs = 0 [ 3281.270337] user pgtable: 4k pages, 48-bit VAs, pgdp=00000008a6b72000 [ 3281.276854] [0000000000000010] pgd=08000008a3eda003, p4d=08000008a3eda003, pud=08000008b446b003, pmd=0000000000000000 [ 3281.287534] Internal error: Oops: 0000000096000006 [#1] PREEMPT SMP [ 3281.293788] Modules linked in: overlay onboard_usb_hub cfg80211 rpmsg_ctrl rpmsg_char snd_soc_hdmi_codec cdns_csi2rx cdns3 bluetooth cdns_6 [ 3281.367486] CPU: 0 PID: 1840 Comm: v4l2-ctl Tainted: G O 6.6.32-ti-gdb8871293143-dirty #1 [ 3281.377034] Hardware name: Texas Instruments J722S EVM (DT) [ 3281.382590] pstate: 80000005 (Nzcv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) [ 3281.389537] pc : ub960_get_frame_desc+0xf4/0x334 [ds90ub960] [ 3281.395201] lr : ub960_get_frame_desc+0xc8/0x334 [ds90ub960] [ 3281.400854] sp : ffff80008378b810 [ 3281.404156] x29: ffff80008378b8d0 x28: ffff000826b05240 x27: ffff0008223ea640 [ 3281.411282] x26: ffff000821620020 x25: ffff80007969da90 x24: ffff0008229b91e0 [ 3281.418407] x23: ffff000828980880 x22: ffff0008229b9210 x21: ffff80008378b950 [ 3281.425532] x20: 0000000000000004 x19: 0000000000000000 x18: 0000000000000000 [ 3281.432656] x17: ffff000828887800 x16: ffff000829ac8800 x15: ffff800081a9f000 [ 3281.439781] x14: 0000000000000000 x13: 00000000000002b2 x12: 0000000000000002 [ 3281.446905] x11: 000000000080007d x10: fffffc0020ca3290 x9 : 0000000000000000 [ 3281.454030] x8 : ffff80008378b8c4 x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : 000000000000003f [ 3281.461154] x5 : 0000000000000040 x4 : ffffffffffffffe0 x3 : 0000000000000000 [ 3281.468278] x2 : 0000000000000000 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : ffff000828980880 [ 3281.475403] Call trace: [ 3281.477840] ub960_get_frame_desc+0xf4/0x334 [ds90ub960] [ 3281.483146] csi2rx_get_frame_desc_from_source+0x7c/0xac [cdns_csi2rx] [ 3281.489669] csi2rx_get_frame_desc+0x50/0x1a8 [cdns_csi2rx] [ 3281.495233] ti_csi2rx_get_vc+0x114/0x134 [j721e_csi2rx] [ 3281.500543] ti_csi2rx_start_streaming+0x120/0x294 [j721e_csi2rx] [ 3281.506630] vb2_start_streaming+0x68/0x15c [videobuf2_common] [ 3281.512468] vb2_core_streamon+0xf8/0x1bc [videobuf2_common] [ 3281.518128] vb2_ioctl_streamon+0x4c/0x90 [videobuf2_v4l2] [ 3281.523620] v4l_streamon+0x24/0x30 [videodev] [ 3281.528134] __video_do_ioctl+0x330/0x3fc [videodev] [ 3281.533142] video_usercopy+0x2c8/0x658 [videodev] [ 3281.537977] video_ioctl2+0x18/0x24 [videodev] [ 3281.542469] v4l2_ioctl+0x40/0x60 [videodev] [ 3281.546787] __arm64_sys_ioctl+0xac/0xf0 [ 3281.550705] invoke_syscall+0x48/0x114 [ 3281.554449] el0_svc_common.constprop.0+0xc0/0xe0 [ 3281.559143] do_el0_svc+0x1c/0x28 [ 3281.562450] el0_svc+0x2c/0x84 [ 3281.565497] el0t_64_sync_handler+0x120/0x12c [ 3281.569844] el0t_64_sync+0x190/0x194 [ 3281.573503] Code: 1a822260 1a822273 8b000ee0 f9405401 (f9400820) [ 3281.579582] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---
Is there any step went wrong?
Hi V. C.
Can you please try the small change that i shared in below link in uboot?
Hi Brijesh,
After I rebuild and install u-boot in SDK by make u-boot_install and re-run the commands above, the kernel still crashes.
root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video3 --set-fmt-video width=1920,height=1280,pixelformat=UYVY --stream-mmap --stream-to=frame.raw --stream-count=1 [ 270.899499] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000010 [ 270.908398] Mem abort info: [ 270.911183] ESR = 0x0000000096000006 [ 270.914980] EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits [ 270.920311] SET = 0, FnV = 0 [ 270.923366] EA = 0, S1PTW = 0 [ 270.926496] FSC = 0x06: level 2 translation fault [ 270.931371] Data abort info: [ 270.934240] ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000006, ISS2 = 0x00000000 [ 270.939722] CM = 0, WnR = 0, TnD = 0, TagAccess = 0 [ 270.944773] GCS = 0, Overlay = 0, DirtyBit = 0, Xs = 0 [ 270.950081] user pgtable: 4k pages, 48-bit VAs, pgdp=00000008a66ef000 [ 270.956517] [0000000000000010] pgd=08000008b75e6003, p4d=08000008b75e6003, pud=08000008a50b4003, pmd=0000000000000000 [ 270.967127] Internal error: Oops: 0000000096000006 [#1] PREEMPT SMP [ 270.973381] Modules linked in: onboard_usb_hub snd_soc_hdmi_codec overlay cdns3 cdns_usb_common rpmsg_ctrl cdns_csi2rx cfg80211 rpmsg_char crct10dif_ce snd_soc_si6 [ 271.049599] CPU: 3 PID: 1597 Comm: v4l2-ctl Tainted: G O 6.6.44-ti-01478-g541c20281af7-dirty #1 [ 271.059668] Hardware name: Texas Instruments J722S EVM (DT) [ 271.065224] pstate: 80000005 (Nzcv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) [ 271.072170] pc : ub960_get_frame_desc+0xf4/0x334 [ds90ub960] [ 271.077835] lr : ub960_get_frame_desc+0xc8/0x334 [ds90ub960] [ 271.083488] sp : ffff80008370b810 [ 271.086790] x29: ffff80008370b8d0 x28: ffff0008251f9900 x27: ffff00082731a700 [ 271.093915] x26: ffff0008201ab020 x25: ffff800079666a90 x24: ffff000827131420 [ 271.101041] x23: ffff0008220a9880 x22: ffff000827131450 x21: ffff80008370b950 [ 271.108165] x20: 0000000000000004 x19: 0000000000000000 x18: 0000000000000000 [ 271.115290] x17: 1fffe001058acb41 x16: 0000000000000000 x15: 0000000000000002 [ 271.122414] x14: 0000000000000000 x13: 00000000000000d0 x12: 0000000000000002 [ 271.129538] x11: 0000000000000000 x10: 000000000000003a x9 : 0000000000000000 [ 271.136662] x8 : ffff80008370b8c4 x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : 000000000000003f [ 271.143787] x5 : 0000000000000040 x4 : ffffffffffffffe0 x3 : 0000000000000000 [ 271.150911] x2 : 0000000000000000 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : ffff0008220a9880 [ 271.158036] Call trace: [ 271.160473] ub960_get_frame_desc+0xf4/0x334 [ds90ub960] [ 271.165780] csi2rx_get_frame_desc_from_source+0x7c/0xac [cdns_csi2rx] [ 271.172302] csi2rx_get_frame_desc+0x50/0x1bc [cdns_csi2rx] [ 271.177866] ti_csi2rx_get_vc+0x114/0x134 [j721e_csi2rx] [ 271.183176] ti_csi2rx_start_streaming+0x120/0x294 [j721e_csi2rx] [ 271.189261] vb2_start_streaming+0x68/0x15c [videobuf2_common] [ 271.195098] vb2_core_streamon+0xf8/0x1bc [videobuf2_common] [ 271.200756] vb2_ioctl_streamon+0x4c/0x90 [videobuf2_v4l2] [ 271.206247] v4l_streamon+0x24/0x30 [videodev] [ 271.210749] __video_do_ioctl+0x330/0x3fc [videodev] [ 271.215754] video_usercopy+0x2c8/0x658 [videodev] [ 271.220584] video_ioctl2+0x18/0x24 [videodev] [ 271.225066] v4l2_ioctl+0x40/0x60 [videodev] [ 271.229375] __arm64_sys_ioctl+0xac/0xf0 [ 271.233293] invoke_syscall+0x48/0x114 [ 271.237036] el0_svc_common.constprop.0+0xc0/0xe0 [ 271.241731] do_el0_svc+0x1c/0x28 [ 271.245038] el0_svc+0x2c/0x84 [ 271.248086] el0t_64_sync_handler+0x120/0x12c [ 271.252431] el0t_64_sync+0x190/0x194 [ 271.256089] Code: 1a822260 1a822273 8b000ee0 f9405401 (f9400820) [ 271.262167] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---
I'm not sure the change is applied correctly or not.
(BTW, I realize I pasted the wrong message of fourth block of code. The real resolution for it should all be set at UYVY/1920x1280.)
Hi Chen,
Thank you for sharing, we are checking with our experts internally and will update soon.
Sure, the attachment is the output from `dmesg`. (Note: It contains some commands to set up the deserializer, media-ctl, and v4l2-ctl.)
script "bin/" line 33: unknown command "cwd=`dirname" j722s-evm login: root [ 98.914247] audit: type=1006 audit(1741155621.909:23): pid=1480 uid=0 subj=kernel old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 tty=(none) old-ses=4294967295 ses=3 res=1 [ 98.927908] audit: type=1300 audit(1741155621.909:23): arch=c00000b7 syscall=64 success=yes exit=1 a0=8 a1=fffff1e46708 a2=1 a3=1 items=0 ppid=1 pid=1480 auid=0 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=3 comm="(systemd)" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-executor" subj=kernel key=(null) [ 98.955716] audit: type=1327 audit(1741155621.909:23): proctitle="(systemd)" [ 98.962821] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155621.941:24): prog-id=21 op=LOAD [ 98.969690] audit: type=1300 audit(1741155621.941:24): arch=c00000b7 syscall=280 success=yes exit=8 a0=5 a1=ffffc4b77b08 a2=90 a3=0 items=0 ppid=1 pid=1480 auid=0 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=3 comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" subj=kernel key=(null) [ 98.996603] audit: type=1327 audit(1741155621.941:24): proctitle="(systemd)" [ 99.003706] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155621.953:25): prog-id=21 op=UNLOAD [ 99.010701] audit: type=1300 audit(1741155621.953:25): arch=c00000b7 syscall=57 success=yes exit=0 a0=8 a1=1 a2=0 a3=ffff9b22dc60 items=0 ppid=1 pid=1480 auid=0 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=3 comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" subj=kernel key=(null) [ 99.037410] audit: type=1327 audit(1741155621.953:25): proctitle="(systemd)" [ 99.044533] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155621.953:26): prog-id=22 op=LOAD root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# dmesg | grep ds90 [ 8.148066] ds90ub960 5-0036: supply vddio not found, using dummy regulator [ 8.185227] ds90ub960 5-0036: ub960_write: cannot write register 0x01 (-121)! [ 8.196126] ds90ub960 5-0036: reset failed: -121 [ 8.201409] ds90ub960 5-0036: ub960_read: cannot read register 0x03 (-121)! [ 8.208524] ds90ub960 5-0036: error -EREMOTEIO: Cannot read first register, abort [ 8.217933] ds90ub960: probe of 5-0036 failed with error -121 [ 8.224015] ds90ub960 5-003d: supply vddio not found, using dummy regulator root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# script "bin/" line 33: unknown command "cwd=`dirname" root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# i2cdetect -y -r 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20: UU -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- UU -- -- -- -- 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60: -- -- 62 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# i2cdetect -y -r 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- UU -- -- 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 70: UU UU -- -- -- -- -- -- root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# i2cdetect -y -r 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- UU -- -- 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 70: UU UU -- -- -- -- -- -- root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# i2cdetect -y -r 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 70: UU UU -- -- -- -- -- -- root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# i2cdetect -y -r 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3d -- -- 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 70: UU UU -- -- -- -- -- -- root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# i2cset -y -y 7 0x3d 0x01 0x01 root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# dmesg | grep ds90 [ 8.148066] ds90ub960 5-0036: supply vddio not found, using dummy regulator [ 8.185227] ds90ub960 5-0036: ub960_write: cannot write register 0x01 (-121)! [ 8.196126] ds90ub960 5-0036: reset failed: -121 [ 8.201409] ds90ub960 5-0036: ub960_read: cannot read register 0x03 (-121)! [ 8.208524] ds90ub960 5-0036: error -EREMOTEIO: Cannot read first register, abort [ 8.217933] ds90ub960: probe of 5-0036 failed with error -121 [ 8.224015] ds90ub960 5-003d: supply vddio not found, using dummy regulator root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# i2cset -y 7 0x3d 0x01 0x01 root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# i2cset -y 7 0x3d 0x4c 0x01 root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# i2cset -y 7 0x3d 0x58 0x5e root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# i2cset -y 7 0x3d 0x1f 0x02 root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# i2cset -y 7 0x3d 0x20 0x20 root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# i2cset -y 7 0x3d 0x33 0x03 root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl -p Media controller API version 6.6.44 Media device information ------------------------ driver j721e-csi2rx model TI-CSI2RX serial bus info platform:30102000.ticsi2rx hw revision 0x1 driver version 6.6.44 Device topology - entity 1: 30102000.ticsi2rx (7 pads, 7 links, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev0 routes: 0/0 -> 1/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] <- "cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge":1 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad1: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 0":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad2: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 1":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad3: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 2":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad4: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 3":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad5: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 4":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad6: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 5":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 9: cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge (5 pads, 2 links, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev1 routes: 0/0 -> 1/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] <- "ds90ub960 5-003d":4 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad1: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] -> "30102000.ticsi2rx":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad2: Source pad3: Source pad4: Source - entity 15: ds90ub960 5-003d (6 pads, 1 link, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev2 routes: 0/0 -> 4/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] pad1: Sink pad2: Sink pad3: Sink pad4: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] -> "cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad5: Source - entity 26: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 0 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video3 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":1 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 32: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 1 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video4 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":2 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 38: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 2 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video5 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":3 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 44: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 3 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video6 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":4 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 50: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 4 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video7 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":5 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 56: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 5 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video8 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":6 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "; '^V^H^[[Api2cget -y 7 0x3d 0x33 set -y 7 0x3d 0x33 0x03get -y 7 0x3d 0x33 media-ctl -p Media controller API version 6.6.44 Media device information ------------------------ driver j721e-csi2rx model TI-CSI2RX serial bus info platform:30102000.ticsi2rx hw revision 0x1 driver version 6.6.44 Device topology - entity 1: 30102000.ticsi2rx (7 pads, 7 links, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev0 routes: 0/0 -> 1/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] <- "cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge":1 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad1: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 0":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad2: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 1":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad3: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 2":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad4: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 3":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad5: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 4":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad6: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 5":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 9: cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge (5 pads, 2 links, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev1 routes: 0/0 -> 1/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] <- "ds90ub960 5-003d":4 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad1: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] -> "30102000.ticsi2rx":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad2: Source pad3: Source pad4: Source - entity 15: ds90ub960 5-003d (6 pads, 1 link, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev2 routes: 0/0 -> 4/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] pad1: Sink pad2: Sink pad3: Sink pad4: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] -> "cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad5: Source - entity 26: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 0 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video3 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":1 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 32: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 1 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video4 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":2 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 38: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 2 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video5 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":3 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 44: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 3 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video6 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":4 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 50: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 4 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video7 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":5 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 56: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 5 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video8 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":6 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --setv4l2-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920/ x1280 fil ed:none]" Unable to setup formats: Invalid argument (22) root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fileed:none]"root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fi1X16/1920x1280 fi edl Unable to setup formats: Invalid argument (22) root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fillld:none]"root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fii ld:none]"root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fifil root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280illd:oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280lld:noot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280ld:nooot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280d:nonoot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280:noneoot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280none]"ot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280one]"oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280ne]" root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280" fil ed root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fil root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fi root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fi fie ld:none]" root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fielld:none]"root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 firoot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# medis a-ctl -p Media controller API version 6.6.44 Media device information ------------------------ driver j721e-csi2rx model TI-CSI2RX serial bus info platform:30102000.ticsi2rx hw revision 0x1 driver version 6.6.44 Device topology - entity 1: 30102000.ticsi2rx (7 pads, 7 links, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev0 routes: 0/0 -> 1/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:none] <- "cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge":1 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad1: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:none] -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 0":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad2: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 1":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad3: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 2":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad4: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 3":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad5: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 4":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad6: Source -> "30102000.ticsi2rx context 5":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 9: cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge (5 pads, 2 links, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev1 routes: 0/0 -> 1/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] <- "ds90ub960 5-003d":4 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad1: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] -> "30102000.ticsi2rx":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad2: Source pad3: Source pad4: Source - entity 15: ds90ub960 5-003d (6 pads, 1 link, 1 route) type V4L2 subdev subtype Unknown flags 0 device node name /dev/v4l-subdev2 routes: 0/0 -> 4/0 [ACTIVE] pad0: Sink [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] pad1: Sink pad2: Sink pad3: Sink pad4: Source [stream:0 fmt:UYVY8_1X16/640x480 field:none colorspace:srgb xfer:srgb ycbcr:601 quantization:lim-range] -> "cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge":0 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] pad5: Source - entity 26: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 0 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video3 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":1 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 32: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 1 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video4 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":2 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 38: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 2 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video5 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":3 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 44: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 3 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video6 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":4 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 50: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 4 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video7 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":5 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] - entity 56: 30102000.ticsi2rx context 5 (1 pad, 1 link) type Node subtype V4L flags 0 device node name /dev/video8 pad0: Sink <- "30102000.ticsi2rx":6 [ENABLED,IMMUTABLE] root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl -p--set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fielld:none]"root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fi':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fieldoot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2r':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi2':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:noot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ticsi':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:nooot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.tics':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:nonoot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.tic':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:noneoot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.ti':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:none]"ot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.t':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:none]"oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000.':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:none]" root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'30102000 root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'3010200cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16//1920x1280 field:none]"eai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16//1920x1280 field:none]"root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridge':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X1':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bridg':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/19oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-brid':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/192oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-bri':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-br':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920xoot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-b':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi-':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x12oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000.csi':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x128oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000.cs':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000.c':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000.':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 foot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101000':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fioot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.3010100':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fieoot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.301010':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fieloot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30101':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fieldoot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.3010':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.301':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:noot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.30':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:nooot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.3':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:nonoot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx.':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:noneoot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2rx':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:none]"ot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2r':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:none]"oot@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi2':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 field:none]" root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csi root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'cdns_csds90ub960 5-003d':0 [fmt:UYVY8_1X16/1920x1280 fieldd:none]"2s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# media-ctl --set-v4l2 "'ds90ub960 5-003d root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# clear root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# script "bin/" line 33: unknown command "cwd=`dirname" root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# m dmesg [ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0000000000 [0x410fd034] [ 0.000000] Linux version 6.6.44-ti-01478-g541c20281af7-dirty (oe-user@oe-host) (aarch64-oe-linux-gcc (GCC) 13.3.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Nov 14 19:20:24 UTC 2024 [ 0.000000] KASLR disabled due to lack of seed [ 0.000000] Machine model: Texas Instruments J722S EVM [ 0.000000] earlycon: ns16550a0 at MMIO32 0x0000000002800000 (options '') [ 0.000000] printk: bootconsole [ns16550a0] enabled [ 0.000000] efi: UEFI not found. [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x0000000080000000..0x000000008007ffff (512 KiB) nomap non-reusable tfa@80000000 [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x000000009e800000..0x000000009fffffff (24576 KiB) nomap non-reusable optee@9e800000 [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x00000000a0000000, size 1 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vision-apps-r5f-dma-memory@a0000000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x00000000a0000000..0x00000000a00fffff (1024 KiB) nomap non-reusable vision-apps-r5f-dma-memory@a0000000 [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x00000000a0100000, size 15 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vision-apps-r5f-memory@a0100000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x00000000a0100000..0x00000000a0ffffff (15360 KiB) nomap non-reusable vision-apps-r5f-memory@a0100000 [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x00000000a1000000, size 1 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vision-apps-r5f-dma-memory@a1000000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x00000000a1000000..0x00000000a10fffff (1024 KiB) nomap non-reusable vision-apps-r5f-dma-memory@a1000000 [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x00000000a1100000, size 15 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vision-apps-r5f-memory@a1100000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x00000000a1100000..0x00000000a1ffffff (15360 KiB) nomap non-reusable vision-apps-r5f-memory@a1100000 [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x00000000a2000000, size 1 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vision-apps-r5f-dma-memory@a2000000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x00000000a2000000..0x00000000a20fffff (1024 KiB) nomap non-reusable vision-apps-r5f-dma-memory@a2000000 [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x00000000a2100000, size 31 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vision-apps-r5f-memory@a2100000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x00000000a2100000..0x00000000a3ffffff (31744 KiB) nomap non-reusable vision-apps-r5f-memory@a2100000 [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x00000000a5000000, size 32 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vision-apps-rtos-ipc-memory-region@a5000000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x00000000a5000000..0x00000000a6ffffff (32768 KiB) nomap non-reusable vision-apps-rtos-ipc-memory-region@a5000000 [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x00000000a7000000, size 96 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vision-apps-dma-memory@a7000000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x00000000a7000000..0x00000000acffffff (98304 KiB) nomap non-reusable vision-apps-dma-memory@a7000000 [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x00000000ad000000, size 1 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vision-apps-c71-dma-memory@ad000000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x00000000ad000000..0x00000000ad0fffff (1024 KiB) nomap non-reusable vision-apps-c71-dma-memory@ad000000 [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x00000000ad100000, size 63 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vision-apps-c71_0-memory@ad100000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x00000000ad100000..0x00000000b0ffffff (64512 KiB) nomap non-reusable vision-apps-c71_0-memory@ad100000 [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x00000000b1000000, size 1 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vision-apps-c71_1-dma-memory@b1000000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x00000000b1000000..0x00000000b10fffff (1024 KiB) nomap non-reusable vision-apps-c71_1-dma-memory@b1000000 [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x00000000b1100000, size 63 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vision-apps-c71_1-memory@b1100000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x00000000b1100000..0x00000000b4ffffff (64512 KiB) nomap non-reusable vision-apps-c71_1-memory@b1100000 [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x00000000b5000000, size 40 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vision-apps-core-heap-memory-lo@b5000000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x00000000b5000000..0x00000000b77fffff (40960 KiB) nomap non-reusable vision-apps-core-heap-memory-lo@b5000000 [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x0000000880000000, size 512 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node c7x-ddr-heaps-hi@880000000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x0000000880000000..0x000000089fffffff (524288 KiB) nomap non-reusable c7x-ddr-heaps-hi@880000000 [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vision_apps_shared-memories, compatible id dma-heap-carveout [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x0000000900000000..0x000000091fffffff (524288 KiB) map non-reusable vision_apps_shared-memories [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created CMA memory pool at 0x0000000980000000, size 896 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node linux-cma-buffers@980000000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: 0x0000000980000000..0x00000009b7ffffff (917504 KiB) map reusable linux-cma-buffers@980000000 [ 0.000000] Zone ranges: [ 0.000000] DMA [mem 0x0000000080000000-0x00000000ffffffff] [ 0.000000] DMA32 empty [ 0.000000] Normal [mem 0x0000000100000000-0x00000009ffffffff] [ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node [ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000080000000-0x000000008007ffff] [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000080080000-0x000000009e7fffff] [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x000000009e800000-0x00000000a3ffffff] [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00000000a4000000-0x00000000a4ffffff] [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00000000a5000000-0x00000000b77fffff] [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00000000b7800000-0x00000000ffffffff] [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000880000000-0x000000089fffffff] [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00000008a0000000-0x00000009ffffffff] [ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000080000000-0x00000009ffffffff] [ 0.000000] psci: probing for conduit method from DT. [ 0.000000] psci: PSCIv1.1 detected in firmware. [ 0.000000] psci: Using standard PSCI v0.2 function IDs [ 0.000000] psci: Trusted OS migration not required [ 0.000000] psci: SMC Calling Convention v1.5 [ 0.000000] percpu: Embedded 20 pages/cpu s43176 r8192 d30552 u81920 [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s43176 r8192 d30552 u81920 alloc=20*4096 [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1 [0] 2 [0] 3 [ 0.000000] Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU0 [ 0.000000] CPU features: detected: GIC system register CPU interface [ 0.000000] CPU features: detected: ARM erratum 845719 [ 0.000000] alternatives: applying boot alternatives [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyS2,115200n8 earlycon=ns16550a,mmio32,0x02800000 root=PARTUUID=03f98e74-02 rw rootfstype=ext4 rootwait [ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 1048576 (order: 11, 8388608 bytes, linear) [ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 524288 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes, linear) [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 2064384 [ 0.000000] mem auto-init: stack:all(zero), heap alloc:off, heap free:off [ 0.000000] software IO TLB: area num 4. [ 0.000000] software IO TLB: mapped [mem 0x00000000fbfff000-0x00000000fffff000] (64MB) [ 0.000000] Memory: 5782612K/8388608K available (12480K kernel code, 1272K rwdata, 4184K rodata, 2496K init, 528K bss, 1688492K reserved, 917504K cma-reserved) [ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1 [ 0.000000] rcu: Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation. [ 0.000000] rcu: RCU event tracing is enabled. [ 0.000000] rcu: RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=256 to nr_cpu_ids=4. [ 0.000000] Trampoline variant of Tasks RCU enabled. [ 0.000000] Tracing variant of Tasks RCU enabled. [ 0.000000] rcu: RCU calculated value of scheduler-enlistment delay is 25 jiffies. [ 0.000000] rcu: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=4 [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS: 64, nr_irqs: 64, preallocated irqs: 0 [ 0.000000] GICv3: GIC: Using split EOI/Deactivate mode [ 0.000000] GICv3: 256 SPIs implemented [ 0.000000] GICv3: 0 Extended SPIs implemented [ 0.000000] Root IRQ handler: gic_handle_irq [ 0.000000] GICv3: GICv3 features: 16 PPIs [ 0.000000] GICv3: CPU0: found redistributor 0 region 0:0x0000000001880000 [ 0.000000] ITS [mem 0x01820000-0x0182ffff] [ 0.000000] GIC: enabling workaround for ITS: Socionext Synquacer pre-ITS [ 0.000000] ITS@0x0000000001820000: Devices Table too large, reduce ids 20->19 [ 0.000000] ITS@0x0000000001820000: allocated 524288 Devices @8a0800000 (flat, esz 8, psz 64K, shr 0) [ 0.000000] ITS: using cache flushing for cmd queue [ 0.000000] GICv3: using LPI property table @0x00000008a0040000 [ 0.000000] GIC: using cache flushing for LPI property table [ 0.000000] GICv3: CPU0: using allocated LPI pending table @0x00000008a0050000 [ 0.000000] rcu: srcu_init: Setting srcu_struct sizes based on contention. [ 0.000000] arch_timer: cp15 timer(s) running at 200.00MHz (phys). [ 0.000000] clocksource: arch_sys_counter: mask: 0x3ffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x2e2049d3e8, max_idle_ns: 440795210634 ns [ 0.000000] sched_clock: 58 bits at 200MHz, resolution 5ns, wraps every 4398046511102ns [ 0.008582] Console: colour dummy device 80x25 [ 0.013177] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 400.00 BogoMIPS (lpj=800000) [ 0.023847] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 [ 0.028649] LSM: initializing lsm=capability,selinux,integrity [ 0.034632] SELinux: Initializing. [ 0.038323] Mount-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes, linear) [ 0.046084] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes, linear) [ 0.055992] RCU Tasks: Setting shift to 2 and lim to 1 rcu_task_cb_adjust=1. [ 0.063290] RCU Tasks Trace: Setting shift to 2 and lim to 1 rcu_task_cb_adjust=1. [ 0.071198] rcu: Hierarchical SRCU implementation. [ 0.076098] rcu: Max phase no-delay instances is 1000. [ 0.081682] Platform MSI: msi-controller@1820000 domain created [ 0.088031] PCI/MSI: /bus@f0000/interrupt-controller@1800000/msi-controller@1820000 domain created [ 0.097538] EFI services will not be available. [ 0.102444] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ... [ 0.107666] Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1 [ 0.107741] GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region 0:0x00000000018a0000 [ 0.107756] GICv3: CPU1: using allocated LPI pending table @0x00000008a0060000 [ 0.107805] CPU1: Booted secondary processor 0x0000000001 [0x410fd034] [ 0.108484] Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2 [ 0.108540] GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region 0:0x00000000018c0000 [ 0.108553] GICv3: CPU2: using allocated LPI pending table @0x00000008a0070000 [ 0.108584] CPU2: Booted secondary processor 0x0000000002 [0x410fd034] [ 0.109167] Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3 [ 0.109215] GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region 0:0x00000000018e0000 [ 0.109227] GICv3: CPU3: using allocated LPI pending table @0x00000008a0080000 [ 0.109255] CPU3: Booted secondary processor 0x0000000003 [0x410fd034] [ 0.109332] smp: Brought up 1 node, 4 CPUs [ 0.188968] SMP: Total of 4 processors activated. [ 0.193774] CPU features: detected: 32-bit EL0 Support [ 0.199040] CPU features: detected: CRC32 instructions [ 0.204345] CPU: All CPU(s) started at EL2 [ 0.208537] alternatives: applying system-wide alternatives [ 0.215896] devtmpfs: initialized [ 0.231991] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645041785100000 ns [ 0.241984] futex hash table entries: 1024 (order: 4, 65536 bytes, linear) [ 0.272489] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem [ 0.278380] DMI not present or invalid. [ 0.282901] NET: Registered PF_NETLINK/PF_ROUTE protocol family [ 0.289833] DMA: preallocated 1024 KiB GFP_KERNEL pool for atomic allocations [ 0.297278] DMA: preallocated 1024 KiB GFP_KERNEL|GFP_DMA pool for atomic allocations [ 0.305387] DMA: preallocated 1024 KiB GFP_KERNEL|GFP_DMA32 pool for atomic allocations [ 0.313632] audit: initializing netlink subsys (disabled) [ 0.319341] audit: type=2000 audit(0.204:1): state=initialized audit_enabled=0 res=1 [ 0.319771] thermal_sys: Registered thermal governor 'step_wise' [ 0.327264] thermal_sys: Registered thermal governor 'power_allocator' [ 0.333441] cpuidle: using governor menu [ 0.344275] hw-breakpoint: found 6 breakpoint and 4 watchpoint registers. [ 0.351287] ASID allocator initialised with 65536 entries [ 0.372448] platform 30220000.dss: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /bus@f0000/i2c@20010000/bridge-hdmi@3b [ 0.384702] platform connector-hdmi: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /bus@f0000/i2c@20010000/bridge-hdmi@3b [ 0.395600] Modules: 27488 pages in range for non-PLT usage [ 0.395608] Modules: 519008 pages in range for PLT usage [ 0.402028] HugeTLB: registered 1.00 GiB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages [ 0.414408] HugeTLB: 0 KiB vmemmap can be freed for a 1.00 GiB page [ 0.420811] HugeTLB: registered 32.0 MiB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages [ 0.427743] HugeTLB: 0 KiB vmemmap can be freed for a 32.0 MiB page [ 0.434144] HugeTLB: registered 2.00 MiB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages [ 0.441075] HugeTLB: 0 KiB vmemmap can be freed for a 2.00 MiB page [ 0.447475] HugeTLB: registered 64.0 KiB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages [ 0.454405] HugeTLB: 0 KiB vmemmap can be freed for a 64.0 KiB page [ 0.462171] k3-chipinfo 43000014.chipid: Family:J722S rev:SR1.0 JTAGID[0x0bba002f] Detected [ 0.471969] iommu: Default domain type: Translated [ 0.476887] iommu: DMA domain TLB invalidation policy: strict mode [ 0.483477] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 0.487448] libata version 3.00 loaded. [ 0.487614] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs [ 0.493244] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub [ 0.498697] usbcore: registered new device driver usb [ 0.504427] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered [ 0.509498] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti <> [ 0.518838] PTP clock support registered [ 0.523032] EDAC MC: Ver: 3.0.0 [ 0.526759] scmi_core: SCMI protocol bus registered [ 0.532051] FPGA manager framework [ 0.535609] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized. [ 0.542735] vgaarb: loaded [ 0.545864] clocksource: Switched to clocksource arch_sys_counter [ 0.552342] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.6.0 [ 0.556380] VFS: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes) [ 0.570080] Carveout Heap: Exported 512 MiB at 0x0000000900000000 [ 0.576427] NET: Registered PF_INET protocol family [ 0.581696] IP idents hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes, linear) [ 0.594665] tcp_listen_portaddr_hash hash table entries: 4096 (order: 4, 65536 bytes, linear) [ 0.603504] Table-perturb hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes, linear) [ 0.611439] TCP established hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes, linear) [ 0.619927] TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes, linear) [ 0.629262] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 65536 bind 65536) [ 0.636137] UDP hash table entries: 4096 (order: 5, 131072 bytes, linear) [ 0.643244] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 4096 (order: 5, 131072 bytes, linear) [ 0.650920] NET: Registered PF_UNIX/PF_LOCAL protocol family [ 0.657174] RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module. [ 0.663247] RPC: Registered udp transport module. [ 0.668052] RPC: Registered tcp transport module. [ 0.672855] RPC: Registered tcp-with-tls transport module. [ 0.678464] RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module. [ 0.685047] NET: Registered PF_XDP protocol family [ 0.689956] PCI: CLS 0 bytes, default 64 [ 0.695316] Initialise system trusted keyrings [ 0.700083] workingset: timestamp_bits=46 max_order=21 bucket_order=0 [ 0.706992] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher [ 0.713206] NFS: Registering the id_resolver key type [ 0.718396] Key type id_resolver registered [ 0.722670] Key type id_legacy registered [ 0.726780] nfs4filelayout_init: NFSv4 File Layout Driver Registering... [ 0.733627] nfs4flexfilelayout_init: NFSv4 Flexfile Layout Driver Registering... [ 0.773858] Key type asymmetric registered [ 0.778055] Asymmetric key parser 'x509' registered [ 0.783085] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 244) [ 0.790800] io scheduler mq-deadline registered [ 0.795434] io scheduler kyber registered [ 0.799559] io scheduler bfq registered [ 0.806809] pinctrl-single 4084000.pinctrl: 34 pins, size 136 [ 0.813468] pinctrl-single f4000.pinctrl: 171 pins, size 684 [ 0.826711] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 12 ports, IRQ sharing enabled [ 0.844307] loop: module loaded [ 0.848616] megasas: 07.725.01.00-rc1 [ 0.856171] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6 [ 0.862490] VFIO - User Level meta-driver version: 0.3 [ 0.869028] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage [ 0.875812] i2c_dev: i2c /dev entries driver [ 0.881664] sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver [ 0.888009] sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman [ 0.892709] sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper [ 0.899173] ledtrig-cpu: registered to indicate activity on CPUs [ 0.905641] SMCCC: SOC_ID: ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented, skipping .... [ 0.912889] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid [ 0.918585] usbhid: USB HID core driver [ 0.923842] hw perfevents: enabled with armv8_cortex_a53 PMU driver, 7 counters available [ 0.932880] optee: probing for conduit method. [ 0.937460] optee: revision 4.4 (8f645256efc0dc66) [ 0.937769] optee: dynamic shared memory is enabled [ 0.948320] random: crng init done [ 0.951889] optee: initialized driver [ 0.957678] Initializing XFRM netlink socket [ 0.962103] NET: Registered PF_PACKET protocol family [ 0.967345] Key type dns_resolver registered [ 0.979595] registered taskstats version 1 [ 0.983938] Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates [ 1.001714] ti-sci 44043000.system-controller: ABI: 4.0 (firmware rev 0x000a '10.1.6--v10.01.06 (Fiery Fox)') [ 1.063559] omap_i2c 4900000.i2c: bus 0 rev0.12 at 400 kHz [ 1.070324] omap_i2c 2b200000.i2c: bus 1 rev0.12 at 400 kHz [ 1.077145] pca953x 2-0023: supply vcc not found, using dummy regulator [ 1.084068] pca953x 2-0023: using AI [ 1.111939] omap_i2c 20000000.i2c: bus 2 rev0.12 at 400 kHz [ 1.118850] platform connector-hdmi: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /bus@f0000/i2c@20010000/bridge-hdmi@3b [ 1.128804] platform 30220000.dss: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /bus@f0000/i2c@20010000/bridge-hdmi@3b [ 1.138541] i2c 3-003b: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /connector-hdmi [ 1.145279] i2c 3-003b: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /bus@f0000/dss@30220000 [ 1.152849] omap_i2c 20010000.i2c: bus 3 rev0.12 at 100 kHz [ 1.159736] pca954x 4-0070: supply vdd not found, using dummy regulator [ 1.190262] i2c 5-0036: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /bus@f0000/ticsi2rx@30122000/csi-bridge@30121000 [ 1.200103] i2c 5-003d: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /bus@f0000/ticsi2rx@30102000/csi-bridge@30101000 [ 1.209796] i2c i2c-4: Added multiplexed i2c bus 5 [ 1.214899] i2c i2c-4: Added multiplexed i2c bus 6 [ 1.219810] pca954x 4-0070: registered 2 multiplexed busses for I2C switch pca9543 [ 1.227746] pca954x 4-0071: supply vdd not found, using dummy regulator [ 1.234910] i2c i2c-4: Added multiplexed i2c bus 7 [ 1.239996] i2c i2c-4: Added multiplexed i2c bus 8 [ 1.244903] pca954x 4-0071: registered 2 multiplexed busses for I2C switch pca9543 [ 1.252678] omap_i2c 20020000.i2c: bus 4 rev0.12 at 400 kHz [ 1.258581] ti-sci-intr 4210000.interrupt-controller: Interrupt Router 5 domain created [ 1.266898] ti-sci-intr bus@f0000:interrupt-controller@a00000: Interrupt Router 3 domain created [ 1.276102] ti-sci-inta 48000000.interrupt-controller: Interrupt Aggregator domain 28 created [ 1.285087] ti-sci-inta 4e400000.interrupt-controller: Interrupt Aggregator domain 200 created [ 1.299549] ti-udma 485c0100.dma-controller: Number of rings: 82 [ 1.308088] ti-udma 485c0100.dma-controller: Channels: 44 (bchan: 16, tchan: 12, rchan: 16) [ 1.318982] ti-udma 485c0000.dma-controller: Number of rings: 150 [ 1.329974] ti-udma 485c0000.dma-controller: Channels: 35 (tchan: 20, rchan: 15) [ 1.339556] ti-udma 4e230000.dma-controller: Number of rings: 40 [ 1.348413] ti-udma 4e230000.dma-controller: Channels: 40 (bchan: 0, tchan: 8, rchan: 32) [ 1.359683] printk: console [ttyS2] disabled [ 1.364386] 2800000.serial: ttyS2 at MMIO 0x2800000 (irq = 310, base_baud = 3000000) is a 8250 [ 1.373270] printk: console [ttyS2] enabled [ 1.381735] printk: bootconsole [ns16550a0] disabled [ 1.397034] spi-nor spi0.0: s28hs512t (65536 Kbytes) [ 1.402119] 7 fixed-partitions partitions found on MTD device fc40000.spi.0 [ 1.409083] Creating 7 MTD partitions on "fc40000.spi.0": [ 1.414478] 0x000000000000-0x000000080000 : "ospi.tiboot3" [ 1.421157] 0x000000080000-0x000000280000 : "ospi.tispl" [ 1.427588] 0x000000280000-0x000000680000 : "ospi.u-boot" [ 1.434153] 0x000000680000-0x0000006c0000 : "ospi.env" [ 1.440362] 0x0000006c0000-0x000000700000 : "ospi.env.backup" [ 1.447196] 0x000000800000-0x000003fc0000 : "ospi.rootfs" [ 1.453677] 0x000003fc0000-0x000004000000 : "ospi.phypattern" [ 1.633851] davinci_mdio 8000f00.mdio: davinci mdio revision 17.7, bus freq 1000000 [ 1.645245] davinci_mdio 8000f00.mdio: phy[0]: device 8000f00.mdio:00, driver TI DP83867 [ 1.653380] am65-cpsw-nuss 8000000.ethernet: initializing am65 cpsw nuss version 0x6BA01903, cpsw version 0x6BA81903 Ports: 3 quirks:00000006 [ 1.666424] am65-cpsw-nuss 8000000.ethernet: initialized cpsw ale version 1.5 [ 1.673557] am65-cpsw-nuss 8000000.ethernet: ALE Table size 512 [ 1.680126] am65-cpsw-nuss 8000000.ethernet: CPTS ver 0x4e8a010d, freq:500000000, add_val:1 pps:0 [ 1.693996] am65-cpsw-nuss 8000000.ethernet: set new flow-id-base 19 [ 1.706626] cpu cpu0: _of_add_opp_table_v2: no supported OPPs [ 1.712484] cpu cpu0: OPP table can't be empty [ 1.718222] mmc0: CQHCI version 5.10 [ 1.726337] pca953x 3-0020: supply vcc not found, using dummy regulator [ 1.733106] pca953x 3-0020: using no AI [ 1.763200] mmc0: SDHCI controller on fa10000.mmc [fa10000.mmc] using ADMA 64-bit [ 1.766586] j721e-pcie f102000.pcie: host bridge /bus@f0000/pcie@f102000 ranges: [ 1.778209] j721e-pcie f102000.pcie: IO 0x0068001000..0x0068010fff -> 0x0068001000 [ 1.786369] j721e-pcie f102000.pcie: MEM 0x0068011000..0x006fffffff -> 0x0068011000 [ 1.794477] j721e-pcie f102000.pcie: IB MEM 0x0000000000..0xffffffffffff -> 0x0000000000 [ 1.885399] mmc0: Command Queue Engine enabled [ 1.889874] mmc0: new HS400 MMC card at address 0001 [ 1.895443] mmcblk0: mmc0:0001 G1M15L 29.6 GiB [ 1.903301] mmcblk0: p1 p2 [ 1.906662] mmcblk0boot0: mmc0:0001 G1M15L 31.5 MiB [ 1.912518] mmcblk0boot1: mmc0:0001 G1M15L 31.5 MiB [ 1.918327] mmcblk0rpmb: mmc0:0001 G1M15L 4.00 MiB, chardev (239:0) [ 2.914784] j721e-pcie f102000.pcie: PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 [ 2.921123] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] [ 2.926634] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0000-0xffff] (bus address [0x68001000-0x68010fff]) [ 2.936102] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x68011000-0x6fffffff] [ 2.942998] pci 0000:00:00.0: [104c:b010] type 01 class 0x060400 [ 2.949069] pci 0000:00:00.0: supports D1 [ 2.953075] pci 0000:00:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D3hot [ 2.961443] pci 0000:00:00.0: bridge configuration invalid ([bus 00-00]), reconfiguring [ 2.969624] pci_bus 0000:01: busn_res: [bus 01-ff] end is updated to 01 [ 2.976257] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01] [ 2.981357] pcieport 0000:00:00.0: of_irq_parse_pci: failed with rc=-22 [ 2.988286] pcieport 0000:00:00.0: PME: Signaling with IRQ 523 [ 2.994423] pcieport 0000:00:00.0: AER: enabled with IRQ 523 [ 3.001905] mmc1: CQHCI version 5.10 [ 3.005342] clk: Disabling unused clocks [ 3.015655] ALSA device list: [ 3.018707] No soundcards found. [ 3.044431] mmc1: SDHCI controller on fa00000.mmc [fa00000.mmc] using ADMA 64-bit [ 3.052139] Waiting for root device PARTUUID=03f98e74-02... [ 3.109789] mmc1: new ultra high speed SDR104 SDXC card at address 0001 [ 3.117058] mmcblk1: mmc1:0001 USD 58.2 GiB [ 3.123098] mmcblk1: p1 p2 [ 3.140560] EXT4-fs (mmcblk1p2): mounted filesystem ff497811-1164-4abd-a0ab-b8eb34781240 r/w with ordered data mode. Quota mode: none. [ 3.152735] VFS: Mounted root (ext4 filesystem) on device 179:98. [ 3.160201] devtmpfs: mounted [ 3.163916] Freeing unused kernel memory: 2496K [ 3.168535] Run /sbin/init as init process [ 3.172627] with arguments: [ 3.172631] /sbin/init [ 3.172634] with environment: [ 3.172637] HOME=/ [ 3.172640] TERM=linux [ 3.379782] systemd[1]: System time before build time, advancing clock. [ 3.424578] NET: Registered PF_INET6 protocol family [ 3.430573] Segment Routing with IPv6 [ 3.434288] In-situ OAM (IOAM) with IPv6 [ 3.473197] systemd[1]: systemd 255.13^ running in system mode (+PAM -AUDIT -SELINUX -APPARMOR +IMA -SMACK +SECCOMP -GCRYPT -GNUTLS -OPENSSL +ACL +BLKID -CURL -ELFUTILS -FIDO2 -IDN2 -IDN -IPTC +KMOD -LIBCRYPTSETUP +LIBFDISK -PCRE2 -PWQUALITY -P11KIT -QRENCODE -TPM2 -BZIP2 -LZ4 -XZ -ZLIB +ZSTD -BPF_FRAMEWORK -XKBCOMMON +UTMP +SYSVINIT default-hierarchy=unified) [ 3.505128] systemd[1]: Detected architecture arm64. [ 3.526754] systemd[1]: Hostname set to <j722s-evm>. [ 3.630343] systemd-sysv-generator[110]: SysV service '/etc/init.d/' lacks a native systemd unit file. ~ Automatically generating a unit file for compatibility. Please update package to include a native systemd unit file, in order to make it safe, robust and future-proof. ! This compatibility logic is deprecated, expect removal soon. ! [ 3.858155] systemd[1]: /usr/lib/systemd/system/bt-enable.service:9: Standard output type syslog is obsolete, automatically updating to journal. Please update your unit file, and consider removing the setting altogether. [ 3.976767] systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/sync-clocks.service:11: Standard output type syslog is obsolete, automatically updating to journal. Please update your unit file, and consider removing the setting altogether. [ 4.062479] systemd[1]: Queued start job for default target Graphical Interface. [ 4.108068] systemd[1]: Created slice Slice /system/getty. [ 4.132445] systemd[1]: Created slice Slice /system/modprobe. [ 4.156456] systemd[1]: Created slice Slice /system/serial-getty. [ 4.179775] systemd[1]: Created slice User and Session Slice. [ 4.202338] systemd[1]: Started Dispatch Password Requests to Console Directory Watch. [ 4.226232] systemd[1]: Started Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch. [ 4.250048] systemd[1]: Expecting device /dev/ttyS2... [ 4.266087] systemd[1]: Reached target Path Units. [ 4.281987] systemd[1]: Reached target Remote File Systems. [ 4.301965] systemd[1]: Reached target Slice Units. [ 4.317977] systemd[1]: Reached target Swaps. [ 4.371784] systemd[1]: Listening on RPCbind Server Activation Socket. [ 4.394177] systemd[1]: Reached target RPC Port Mapper. [ 4.421394] systemd[1]: Listening on Process Core Dump Socket. [ 4.442436] systemd[1]: Listening on initctl Compatibility Named Pipe. [ 4.467197] systemd[1]: Listening on Journal Audit Socket. [ 4.490717] systemd[1]: Listening on Journal Socket (/dev/log). [ 4.514730] systemd[1]: Listening on Journal Socket. [ 4.530901] systemd[1]: Listening on Network Service Netlink Socket. [ 4.557623] systemd[1]: Listening on udev Control Socket. [ 4.578662] systemd[1]: Listening on udev Kernel Socket. [ 4.598652] systemd[1]: Listening on User Database Manager Socket. [ 4.646256] systemd[1]: Mounting Huge Pages File System... [ 4.666387] systemd[1]: Mounting POSIX Message Queue File System... [ 4.708169] systemd[1]: Mounting Kernel Debug File System... [ 4.726530] systemd[1]: Kernel Trace File System was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathExists=/sys/kernel/tracing). [ 4.744761] systemd[1]: Mounting Temporary Directory /tmp... [ 4.768200] systemd[1]: Starting Create List of Static Device Nodes... [ 4.795055] systemd[1]: Starting Load Kernel Module configfs... [ 4.814864] systemd[1]: Starting Load Kernel Module drm... [ 4.842981] systemd[1]: Starting Load Kernel Module fuse... [ 4.872776] systemd[1]: Starting Start psplash boot splash screen... [ 4.886719] fuse: init (API version 7.39) [ 4.904207] systemd[1]: Starting RPC Bind... [ 4.922398] systemd[1]: File System Check on Root Device was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathIsReadWrite=!/). [ 4.958269] systemd[1]: Starting Journal Service... [ 4.985711] systemd[1]: Starting Load Kernel Modules... [ 5.015655] systemd[1]: Starting Generate network units from Kernel command line... [ 5.043659] systemd[1]: Starting Remount Root and Kernel File Systems... [ 5.043752] cryptodev: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel. [ 5.058084] cryptodev: driver 1.14 loaded. [ 5.069804] systemd-journald[129]: Collecting audit messages is enabled. [ 5.083714] systemd[1]: Starting Coldplug All udev Devices... [ 5.117471] systemd[1]: Started RPC Bind. [ 5.134942] systemd[1]: Mounted Huge Pages File System. [ 5.149949] EXT4-fs (mmcblk1p2): re-mounted ff497811-1164-4abd-a0ab-b8eb34781240 r/w. Quota mode: none. [ 5.162099] systemd[1]: Mounted POSIX Message Queue File System. [ 5.186869] systemd[1]: Started Journal Service. [ 5.543263] systemd-journald[129]: Received client request to flush runtime journal. [ 5.841183] audit: type=1334 audit(1728487094.456:2): prog-id=6 op=LOAD [ 5.848020] audit: type=1334 audit(1728487094.464:3): prog-id=7 op=LOAD [ 6.068785] audit: type=1334 audit(1728487094.684:4): prog-id=8 op=LOAD [ 6.126103] audit: type=1334 audit(1728487094.744:5): prog-id=9 op=LOAD [ 6.180917] audit: type=1334 audit(1728487094.796:6): prog-id=10 op=LOAD [ 6.187973] audit: type=1334 audit(1728487094.804:7): prog-id=11 op=LOAD [ 6.194828] audit: type=1334 audit(1728487094.812:8): prog-id=12 op=LOAD [ 6.937788] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155511.456:9): prog-id=13 op=LOAD [ 7.192165] dbus-broker-lau[323]: memfd_create() called without MFD_EXEC or MFD_NOEXEC_SEAL set [ 7.586536] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155512.108:10): prog-id=14 op=LOAD [ 7.597826] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155512.116:11): prog-id=15 op=LOAD [ 7.793708] CAN device driver interface [ 7.855339] omap-mailbox 29000000.mailbox: omap mailbox rev 0x66fca100 [ 7.866773] omap-mailbox 29010000.mailbox: omap mailbox rev 0x66fca100 [ 7.892319] omap-mailbox 29020000.mailbox: omap mailbox rev 0x66fca100 [ 7.892440] mc: Linux media interface: v0.10 [ 7.899899] omap-mailbox 29030000.mailbox: omap mailbox rev 0x66fca100 [ 7.978482] videodev: Linux video capture interface: v2.00 [ 8.105441] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.22 [ 8.109249] NET: Registered PF_BLUETOOTH protocol family [ 8.117125] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized [ 8.125512] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized [ 8.132793] k3-dsp-rproc 7e000000.dsp: assigned reserved memory node vision-apps-c71-dma-memory@ad000000 [ 8.138511] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized [ 8.147518] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized [ 8.148066] ds90ub960 5-0036: supply vddio not found, using dummy regulator [ 8.150040] k3-dsp-rproc 7e000000.dsp: configured DSP for IPC-only mode [ 8.167600] remoteproc remoteproc0: 7e000000.dsp is available [ 8.173766] remoteproc remoteproc0: attaching to 7e000000.dsp [ 8.185227] ds90ub960 5-0036: ub960_write: cannot write register 0x01 (-121)! [ 8.196126] ds90ub960 5-0036: reset failed: -121 [ 8.201409] ds90ub960 5-0036: ub960_read: cannot read register 0x03 (-121)! [ 8.208524] ds90ub960 5-0036: error -EREMOTEIO: Cannot read first register, abort [ 8.217933] ds90ub960: probe of 5-0036 failed with error -121 [ 8.222365] rproc-virtio assigned reserved memory node vision-apps-c71-dma-memory@ad000000 [ 8.224015] ds90ub960 5-003d: supply vddio not found, using dummy regulator [ 8.241435] platform 79000000.r5f: configured R5F for IPC-only mode [ 8.247998] platform 79000000.r5f: assigned reserved memory node vision-apps-r5f-dma-memory@a1000000 [ 8.274554] OF: graph: no port node found in /bus@f0000/dss@30220000/oldi-txes/oldi@1/ports [ 8.277723] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio0: rpmsg host is online [ 8.283209] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio0: creating channel rpmsg_chrdev addr 0xd [ 8.289555] remoteproc remoteproc1: 79000000.r5f is available [ 8.302086] remoteproc remoteproc1: attaching to 79000000.r5f [ 8.311682] vdec OPP table not found in device tree [ 8.313503] rproc-virtio registered virtio0 (type 7) [ 8.320833] rproc-virtio assigned reserved memory node vision-apps-r5f-dma-memory@a1000000 [ 8.325143] remoteproc remoteproc0: remote processor 7e000000.dsp is now attached [ 8.349592] OF: graph: no port node found in /bus@f0000/dss@30220000/oldi-txes/oldi@1/ports [ 8.361557] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio1: rpmsg host is online [ 8.361602] rproc-virtio registered virtio1 (type 7) [ 8.361610] remoteproc remoteproc1: remote processor 79000000.r5f is now attached [ 8.361885] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio1: creating channel addr 0xd [ 8.368112] k3-dsp-rproc 7e200000.dsp: assigned reserved memory node vision-apps-c71_1-dma-memory@b1000000 [ 8.402513] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio1: creating channel rpmsg_chrdev addr 0xe [ 8.409765] k3-dsp-rproc 7e200000.dsp: configured DSP for IPC-only mode [ 8.427877] remoteproc remoteproc2: 7e200000.dsp is available [ 8.429682] remoteproc remoteproc2: attaching to 7e200000.dsp [ 8.439691] OF: graph: no port node found in /bus@f0000/dss@30220000/oldi-txes/oldi@1/ports [ 8.442305] vdec Added wave5 driver with caps: 'ENCODE' 'DECODE' [ 8.456737] vdec Product Code: 0x521c [ 8.456753] vdec Firmware Revision: 334314 [ 8.466566] platform 78000000.r5f: R5F core may have been powered on by a different host, programmed state (0) != actual state (1) [ 8.468779] platform 78000000.r5f: configured R5F for IPC-only mode [ 8.468976] platform 78000000.r5f: assigned reserved memory node vision-apps-r5f-dma-memory@a0000000 [ 8.470344] remoteproc remoteproc3: 78000000.r5f is available [ 8.516888] remoteproc remoteproc3: attaching to 78000000.r5f [ 8.564863] OF: graph: no port node found in /bus@f0000/dss@30220000/oldi-txes/oldi@1/ports [ 8.581223] cfg80211: Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates for regulatory database [ 8.582496] OF: graph: no port node found in /bus@f0000/dss@30220000/oldi-txes/oldi@1/ports [ 8.582629] rproc-virtio assigned reserved memory node vision-apps-r5f-dma-memory@a0000000 [ 8.583149] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio2: rpmsg host is online [ 8.583177] rproc-virtio registered virtio2 (type 7) [ 8.583184] remoteproc remoteproc3: remote processor 78000000.r5f is now attached [ 8.586367] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio2: creating channel addr 0xd [ 8.586737] rproc-virtio assigned reserved memory node vision-apps-c71_1-dma-memory@b1000000 [ 8.605799] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio3: rpmsg host is online [ 8.612924] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio3: creating channel rpmsg_chrdev addr 0xd [ 8.618549] OF: graph: no port node found in /bus@f0000/dss@30220000/oldi-txes/oldi@1/ports [ 8.618777] rproc-virtio registered virtio3 (type 7) [ 8.618789] remoteproc remoteproc2: remote processor 7e200000.dsp is now attached [ 8.625698] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio2: creating channel rpmsg_chrdev addr 0xe [ 8.640056] Loaded X.509 cert 'sforshee: 00b28ddf47aef9cea7' [ 8.652729] platform 78400000.r5f: configured R5F for IPC-only mode [ 8.657016] Loaded X.509 cert 'wens: 61c038651aabdcf94bd0ac7ff06c7248db18c600' [ 8.663651] platform 78400000.r5f: assigned reserved memory node vision-apps-r5f-dma-memory@a2000000 [ 8.710076] OF: graph: no port node found in /bus@f0000/dss@30220000/oldi-txes/oldi@1/ports [ 8.713692] remoteproc remoteproc4: 78400000.r5f is available [ 8.736021] remoteproc remoteproc4: attaching to 78400000.r5f [ 8.748792] rproc-virtio assigned reserved memory node vision-apps-r5f-dma-memory@a2000000 [ 8.760027] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio4: rpmsg host is online [ 8.760959] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio4: creating channel rpmsg_chrdev addr 0xd [ 8.765690] rproc-virtio registered virtio4 (type 7) [ 8.772822] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio0: creating channel rpmsg_chrdev addr 0x15 [ 8.779587] remoteproc remoteproc4: remote processor 78400000.r5f is now attached [ 8.803160] rtc-ti-k3 2b1f0000.rtc: registered as rtc0 [ 8.809031] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio4: creating channel rpmsg_chrdev addr 0x15 [ 8.812450] rtc-ti-k3 2b1f0000.rtc: setting system clock to 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC (0) [ 8.826228] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio4: creating channel addr 0xe [ 8.866920] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio0: creating channel addr 0xe [ 8.874678] OF: graph: no port node found in /bus@f0000/dss@30220000/oldi-txes/oldi@1/ports [ 8.874737] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio4: msg received with no recipient [ 8.889767] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio3: creating channel rpmsg_chrdev addr 0x15 [ 8.892345] sii902x 3-003b: supply iovcc not found, using dummy regulator [ 8.897200] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio3: creating channel addr 0xe [ 8.904344] sii902x 3-003b: supply cvcc12 not found, using dummy regulator [ 8.911552] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio3: msg received with no recipient [ 8.925996] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio0: msg received with no recipient [ 8.935527] i2c i2c-3: Added multiplexed i2c bus 9 [ 8.943919] i2c 5-0036: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /bus@f0000/ticsi2rx@30122000/csi-bridge@30121000 [ 8.960510] OF: graph: no port node found in /bus@f0000/dss@30220000/oldi-txes/oldi@1/ports [ 8.999750] platform 30121000.csi-bridge: Fixed dependency cycle(s) with /bus@f0000/i2c@20020000/i2c-mux@70/i2c@5/deser@36 [ 9.080778] [drm] Initialized tidss 1.0.0 20180215 for 30220000.dss on minor 0 [ 9.084188] am65-cpsw-nuss 8000000.ethernet eth0: PHY [8000f00.mdio:00] driver [TI DP83867] (irq=POLL) [ 9.097906] am65-cpsw-nuss 8000000.ethernet eth0: configuring for phy/rgmii-rxid link mode [ 9.106669] tidss 30220000.dss: [drm] Cannot find any crtc or sizes [ 9.111798] PVR_K: 199: Device: fd80000.gpu [ 9.115994] tidss 30220000.dss: [drm] Cannot find any crtc or sizes [ 9.130711] m_can_platform 4e08000.can: m_can device registered (irq=542, version=32) [ 9.153060] m_can_platform 4e18000.can: m_can device registered (irq=544, version=32) [ 9.168935] e5010 fd20000.e5010: Device registered as /dev/video2 [ 9.331970] m_can_platform 20701000.can: m_can device registered (irq=545, version=32) [ 9.546267] PVR_K: 199: Read BVNC from HW device registers [ 9.571270] PVR_K: 199: RGX Device registered BVNC with 1 core in the system [ 9.587587] [drm] Initialized pvr 24.1.6554834 20170530 for fd80000.gpu on minor 1 [ 9.851995] xhci-hcd xHCI Host Controller [ 9.889959] xhci-hcd new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 [ 9.902183] xhci-hcd hcc params 0x200073c9 hci version 0x100 quirks 0x0000002000008010 [ 9.911857] xhci-hcd irq 547, io mem 0x31210000 [ 9.918300] xhci-hcd xHCI Host Controller [ 9.924748] xhci-hcd new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 [ 9.932647] xhci-hcd Host supports USB 3.0 SuperSpeed [ 9.940235] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 9.944184] hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 9.945099] cdns-csi2rx 30101000.csi-bridge: Probed CSI2RX with 4/4 lanes, 4 streams, external D-PHY [ 9.962352] usb usb2: We don't know the algorithms for LPM for this host, disabling LPM. [ 10.197501] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 10.204769] hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 10.208089] m_can_platform 4e08000.can mcu_mcan0: renamed from can0 [ 10.213896] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using xhci-hcd [ 10.218150] cdns-csi2rx 30121000.csi-bridge: Probed CSI2RX with 4/4 lanes, 4 streams, external D-PHY [ 10.324563] m_can_platform 20701000.can main_mcan0: renamed from can2 [ 10.383694] hub 1-1:1.0: USB hub found [ 10.397993] hub 1-1:1.0: 4 ports detected [ 10.414756] m_can_platform 4e18000.can mcu_mcan1: renamed from can1 [ 10.545991] usb 2-1: new SuperSpeed USB device number 2 using xhci-hcd [ 10.576087] hub 2-1:1.0: USB hub found [ 10.581386] hub 2-1:1.0: 4 ports detected [ 11.109148] usbcore: registered new device driver onboard-usb-hub [ 11.299206] hub 1-1:1.0: USB hub found [ 11.305015] hub 1-1:1.0: 4 ports detected [ 11.323122] hub 1-1:1.0: USB hub found [ 11.328625] hub 1-1:1.0: 4 ports detected [ 11.463448] hub 2-1:1.0: USB hub found [ 11.467498] hub 2-1:1.0: 4 ports detected [ 11.479628] hub 2-1:1.0: USB hub found [ 11.484738] hub 2-1:1.0: 4 ports detected [ 11.646847] kauditd_printk_skb: 5 callbacks suppressed [ 11.646860] audit: type=1006 audit(1741155516.166:15): pid=599 uid=0 subj=kernel old-auid=4294967295 auid=1000 tty=tty7 old-ses=4294967295 ses=2 res=1 [ 11.666447] audit: type=1300 audit(1741155516.166:15): arch=c00000b7 syscall=64 success=yes exit=4 a0=8 a1=fffff2511b68 a2=4 a3=1 items=0 ppid=1 pid=599 auid=1000 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=tty7 ses=2 comm="(weston)" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-executor" subj=kernel key=(null) [ 11.694091] audit: type=1327 audit(1741155516.166:15): proctitle="(weston)" [ 12.838264] PVR_K: 599: RGX Firmware image 'rgx.fw.' loaded [ 12.852030] PVR_K: 599: Shader binary image '' loaded [ 13.209018] am65-cpsw-nuss 8000000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control off [ 14.638204] audit: type=1701 audit(1741155519.158:16): auid=4294967295 uid=0 gid=0 ses=4294967295 subj=kernel pid=898 comm="edgeai-gui-app" exe="/usr/bin/edgeai-gui-app" sig=6 res=1 [ 14.706313] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155519.226:17): prog-id=18 op=LOAD [ 14.713201] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155519.230:18): prog-id=19 op=LOAD [ 14.720061] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155519.238:19): prog-id=20 op=LOAD [ 15.494125] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155520.014:20): prog-id=20 op=UNLOAD [ 15.501743] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155520.014:21): prog-id=19 op=UNLOAD [ 15.508817] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155520.014:22): prog-id=18 op=UNLOAD [ 98.914247] audit: type=1006 audit(1741155621.909:23): pid=1480 uid=0 subj=kernel old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 tty=(none) old-ses=4294967295 ses=3 res=1 [ 98.927908] audit: type=1300 audit(1741155621.909:23): arch=c00000b7 syscall=64 success=yes exit=1 a0=8 a1=fffff1e46708 a2=1 a3=1 items=0 ppid=1 pid=1480 auid=0 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=3 comm="(systemd)" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-executor" subj=kernel key=(null) [ 98.955716] audit: type=1327 audit(1741155621.909:23): proctitle="(systemd)" [ 98.962821] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155621.941:24): prog-id=21 op=LOAD [ 98.969690] audit: type=1300 audit(1741155621.941:24): arch=c00000b7 syscall=280 success=yes exit=8 a0=5 a1=ffffc4b77b08 a2=90 a3=0 items=0 ppid=1 pid=1480 auid=0 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=3 comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" subj=kernel key=(null) [ 98.996603] audit: type=1327 audit(1741155621.941:24): proctitle="(systemd)" [ 99.003706] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155621.953:25): prog-id=21 op=UNLOAD [ 99.010701] audit: type=1300 audit(1741155621.953:25): arch=c00000b7 syscall=57 success=yes exit=0 a0=8 a1=1 a2=0 a3=ffff9b22dc60 items=0 ppid=1 pid=1480 auid=0 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=3 comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" subj=kernel key=(null) [ 99.037410] audit: type=1327 audit(1741155621.953:25): proctitle="(systemd)" [ 99.044533] audit: type=1334 audit(1741155621.953:26): prog-id=22 op=LOAD root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# v4l2-ctl -d vide de /deb v/video3 --set-fmt-video width=1920,wi height=1280,pixelforma t=UYVY root@j722s-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video3 --set-fmt-video width=1920,height=1280,pixelformatt=UYVY --stream-mmap --stream-to =frame.raw --stream-count=1 [ 583.397287] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000010 [ 583.406120] Mem abort info: [ 583.408923] ESR = 0x0000000096000006 [ 583.412678] EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits [ 583.417990] SET = 0, FnV = 0 [ 583.421046] EA = 0, S1PTW = 0 [ 583.424177] FSC = 0x06: level 2 translation fault [ 583.429053] Data abort info: [ 583.431922] ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000006, ISS2 = 0x00000000 [ 583.437405] CM = 0, WnR = 0, TnD = 0, TagAccess = 0 [ 583.442453] GCS = 0, Overlay = 0, DirtyBit = 0, Xs = 0 [ 583.447761] user pgtable: 4k pages, 48-bit VAs, pgdp=00000008a231a000 [ 583.454198] [0000000000000010] pgd=08000008a4547003, p4d=08000008a4547003, pud=08000008a602c003, pmd=0000000000000000 [ 583.464810] Internal error: Oops: 0000000096000006 [#1] PREEMPT SMP [ 583.471063] Modules linked in: onboard_usb_hub snd_soc_hdmi_codec cdns_csi2rx cdns3 cdns_usb_common rpmsg_ctrl rpmsg_char overlay crct10dif_ce snd_soc_simple_card e5010_jpeg_enc snd_soc_simple_card_utils pvrsrvkm(O) v4l2_jpeg display_connector phy_can_transceiver pci_endpoint_test k3_j72xx_bandgap rtc_ti_k3 cfg80211 rti_wdt cdns3_ti wave5 j721e_csi2rx tidss ti_k3_r5_remoteproc v4l2_mem2mem videobuf2_dma_contig ds90ub960 videobuf2_memops snd_soc_tlv320aic3x_i2c mcrc64 ti_k3_dsp_remoteproc sii902x videobuf2_v4l2 bluetooth drm_dma_helper sa2ul v4l2_fwnode videobuf2_common v4l2_async ecdh_generic snd_soc_tlv320aic3x drm_kms_helper videodev snd_soc_davinci_mcasp snd_soc_ti_udma m_can_platform ecc mc i2c_atr snd_soc_ti_edma m_can rfkill cdns_dphy_rx snd_soc_ti_sdma can_dev omap_mailbox omap_hwspinlock cryptodev(O) fuse drm drm_panel_orientation_quirks backlight ipv6 [ 583.547280] CPU: 0 PID: 1629 Comm: v4l2-ctl Tainted: G O 6.6.44-ti-01478-g541c20281af7-dirty #1 [ 583.557349] Hardware name: Texas Instruments J722S EVM (DT) [ 583.562905] pstate: 80000005 (Nzcv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) [ 583.569851] pc : ub960_get_frame_desc+0xf4/0x334 [ds90ub960] [ 583.575515] lr : ub960_get_frame_desc+0xc8/0x334 [ds90ub960] [ 583.581168] sp : ffff800084543810 [ 583.584469] x29: ffff8000845438d0 x28: ffff000828924000 x27: ffff000828b00ec0 [ 583.591595] x26: ffff000821623020 x25: ffff8000796b4a90 x24: ffff000822233d20 [ 583.598720] x23: ffff000828b94080 x22: ffff000822233d50 x21: ffff800084543950 [ 583.605845] x20: 0000000000000004 x19: 0000000000000000 x18: 0000000000000000 [ 583.612969] x17: 0000000000000000 x16: 0000000000000000 x15: 0000000000000002 [ 583.620093] x14: 0000000000000000 x13: 00000000000002d7 x12: 0000000000000002 [ 583.627218] x11: 0000000000000000 x10: 000000000000003a x9 : 0000000000000000 [ 583.634342] x8 : ffff8000845438c4 x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : 000000000000003f [ 583.641466] x5 : 0000000000000040 x4 : ffffffffffffffe0 x3 : 0000000000000000 [ 583.648591] x2 : 0000000000000000 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : ffff000828b94080 [ 583.655716] Call trace: [ 583.658152] ub960_get_frame_desc+0xf4/0x334 [ds90ub960] [ 583.663457] csi2rx_get_frame_desc_from_source+0x7c/0xac [cdns_csi2rx] [ 583.669981] csi2rx_get_frame_desc+0x50/0x1bc [cdns_csi2rx] [ 583.675546] ti_csi2rx_get_vc+0x114/0x134 [j721e_csi2rx] [ 583.680856] ti_csi2rx_start_streaming+0x120/0x294 [j721e_csi2rx] [ 583.686941] vb2_start_streaming+0x68/0x15c [videobuf2_common] [ 583.692780] vb2_core_streamon+0xf8/0x1bc [videobuf2_common] [ 583.698439] vb2_ioctl_streamon+0x4c/0x90 [videobuf2_v4l2] [ 583.703928] v4l_streamon+0x24/0x30 [videodev] [ 583.708432] __video_do_ioctl+0x330/0x3fc [videodev] [ 583.713434] video_usercopy+0x2c8/0x658 [videodev] [ 583.718263] video_ioctl2+0x18/0x24 [videodev] [ 583.722745] v4l2_ioctl+0x40/0x60 [videodev] [ 583.727053] __arm64_sys_ioctl+0xac/0xf0 [ 583.730970] invoke_syscall+0x48/0x114 [ 583.734713] el0_svc_common.constprop.0+0xc0/0xe0 [ 583.739408] do_el0_svc+0x1c/0x28 [ 583.742715] el0_svc+0x2c/0x84 [ 583.745762] el0t_64_sync_handler+0x120/0x12c [ 583.750108] el0t_64_sync+0x190/0x194 [ 583.753766] Code: 1a822260 1a822273 8b000ee0 f9405401 (f9400820) [ 583.759844] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---
Hi Chen,
Thank you for sharing the logs,
our experts are busy this week, we will get back to you next week. Sorry for the delay.
I noticed that a few days ago and we tried another sensor with imx390, then, the problem was solved.
However, it keeps hanging on the line 88 (dequeuing) in the test code:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <linux/videodev2.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #define DEVICE "/dev/video4" #define WIDTH 1936 #define HEIGHT 1100 int main() { int fd = open(DEVICE, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { perror("Error opening video device"); return 1; } // Set video format struct v4l2_format fmt; memset(&fmt, 0, sizeof(fmt)); fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; fmt.fmt.pix.width = WIDTH; fmt.fmt.pix.height = HEIGHT; fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_SRGGB12; // 10-bit Bayer Packed fmt.fmt.pix.field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE; if (ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt) == -1) { perror("VIDIOC_S_FMT failed"); printf("Error: %d\n", errno); close(fd); return 1; } // Request buffers struct v4l2_requestbuffers req; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.count = 1; // Request 1 buffer req.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; req.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; if (ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &req) == -1) { perror("VIDIOC_REQBUFS failed"); close(fd); return 1; } // Query buffer struct v4l2_buffer buf; memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; buf.index = 0; if (ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &buf) == -1) { perror("VIDIOC_QUERYBUF failed"); close(fd); return 1; } // Map buffer to user space void* buffer = mmap(NULL, buf.length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, buf.m.offset); if (buffer == MAP_FAILED) { perror("Memory mapping failed"); close(fd); return 1; } // Queue buffer if (ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf) == -1) { perror("VIDIOC_QBUF failed"); close(fd); return 1; } // Start streaming int type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; if (ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_STREAMON, &type) == -1) { perror("VIDIOC_STREAMON failed"); close(fd); return 1; } // Dequeue buffer (capture frame) if (ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, &buf) == -1) { perror("VIDIOC_DQBUF failed"); close(fd); return 1; } // Save raw Bayer frame FILE* file = fopen("frame.raw", "wb"); if (file) { fwrite(buffer, buf.length, 1, file); fclose(file); printf("Frame captured and saved as frame.raw\n"); } else { perror("Error saving frame"); } // Stop streaming if (ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &type) == -1) { perror("VIDIOC_STREAMOFF failed"); } // Cleanup munmap(buffer, buf.length); close(fd); return 0; }
I would mark this problem is solved and open another one for the above problem.