URGENT make compile issue
I followed Bin's guidance per (17) AM6442: On AM64X Linux SDK - on TI cgit, where are the serial drivers that can interact with the SoC UART4 peripheral? - Processors forum - Processors - TI E2E support forums
Followed use manual section up to i.e. to 3.2.1. Users Guide — Processor SDK AM64X Documentation
attached is the log with the "little endian" Error that does not make sense
I need to get an image so I can map the USART4 into an updated device tree .dts file
Path to /usr/bin/make
GNU Make 4.3
attached (.config) in file (generated after interactive "make ... menuconfig") - 214k uncompressed
Attached my k3-am642-evm.dts (not yet compiled, for reference) in attached zip - 23k uncompressed
The subject owner is OoO this week. Please expect delayed response till next week.
I do not understand why we cannot get started on this w/o (+) Bin Liu's Profile - Bin Liu - TI E2E support forums available. cc: (+) Mukul Bhatnagar's Profile - Mukul Bhatnagar - TI E2E support forums