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How to pass a file from host to encoder

I have a file with raw YUV data that I would like to pass to the encoder. I can read the frames from the file on the host A8. How can I pass this data to the encoder through the ipcFramesOut Link.

I see that the API has two functions that I can use to write the frames.  I call IpcFramesOutLink_getEmptyVideoFrames(), write the data to the returned buffer and call IpcFramesOutLink_putFullVideoFrames() to send the data to the next link.  My problem is that there are no buffers returned from getEmptyVideoFrames() that I can write to.  I have configured the parameters in the System_LinkChInfo struct that is a part of IpcFramesOutLinkHLOS_CreateParams with the correct frame information on initialization.

How can I get the system to allocate the buffers for me? Or if that is not possible, where would it be best for me to allocate it myself?
