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I have been trying to get understand the GPIO control for linux-2.6.29-rc3.
I had reference the OMAP35x EVM Rev D, but our target dosn't to connect TWL4030 Power Module.
GPIO_126 connected by MMC Card detect PIN.
I don't know how to use GPIO Control, but at the linux-2.6.22-18, MMC card used the GPIO MUX_MODE4.
Added at the "./include/asm/arch/omap34xx.h"
#define CONTROL_PADCONF_MMC1_DAT4 CONTROL_REG32_34XX(0x150) /* GPIO_126 for MMC Card detect*/
Added at the "./arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3evm.c"
ptr = (u32 *)(&CONTROL_PADCONF_MMC1_DAT4);
*ptr |= (u32)(IO_PAD_WAKEUPENABLE |
IO_PAD_OFFPULLUDENABLE | /* Pull up enable */
IO_PAD_OFFOUTENABLE | /* Input enable */
Unfortunately, at the linux-2.6.29-rc3, I don't know how to configure GPIO setting.
Reference: mux.c, mux.h, gpio.c -> omap_cfg_regs()
Registered: omap_cfg_reg(P27_34XX_GPIO126);
If you know, please let me your adivce.
You have found the right set of files; and the API.
I am assuming that you are looking for sequence/ steps to add a new GPIO to the existing infrastructure.
I would suggest that you look at the linux-omap repository at for this kernel version and subsequent versions to check if this GPIO has already been added.
However, in short, the sequence would be:
1) Add P27_34XX_GPIO126 to "enum omap34xx_index" in mach/mux.h
2) Use macro MUX_CFG_34XX() to define the mux settings in mux.c
3) Call omap_cfg_re() in the appropriate init function.
Do verify:
* If the GPIO isn't already defined - may be with a different name
* The index in "enum" and position in mux.c are same. Always helps if any addition is done in the end.
Best regards,
hi Kim
board :mistaral EVM omap 3530
kernel : (i cnot upgrate ,lcd driver,adc driver)
i try to work with OMAP 35xx GPIO i write GPIO driver based on the gpio.txt from the kernel
i add to the mux.h and to mux.c and init to devices.c
i think that the bass add is not good:on the file mux.c i add
/*agm gpio*/
MUX_CFG_34XX("MUX1_1_GPIO113", 0x106, 4, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
MUX_CFG_34XX("MUX1_2_GPIO114", 0x108, 4, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
MUX_CFG_34XX("MUX1_3_GPIO115", 0x10a, 4, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
r.g. doron
i find the problem the offset is 134 i find it from pdf omap 35xx application processor page 932 on the physical addres is 0x4800 2134 the last number is the ofsset (134)
R.G. doron
AGMtonson L.T.D
i made driver and kernl modified to work the QPIO on kernel 2.6.22-18.
if this god for u?
doron sandroy.