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Can I disconnect unused modules completely from the power rails? That is on my design DDR, USB and SATA is unused. Can the power pins for these sections such as for example USB VDDA18, SATA VDD0 etc be left unconnected? Of the three DVDD3318 A, B and C power domains if only A is used can B and C be left unconnected? Is there a document that covers this?
Thank you in advance.
Hello Manjula,
The easiest way to power these down is via the Power and Sleep Control (PSC) registers. The PSC module allows you to completely disable peripherals. Please refer chapter 8 in device TRM for more details.
If you still want to disconnect the respective power rails, please make sure the unconnected rails should not affect other peripherals. You can find the power group details in the electrical specifications in device data manual and there is no explicit document available.
Hello Manjula,
1. The IO voltages DVDD3318_A, DVDD3318_B and DVDD3318_C are required for proper operation of all the IO pins. If you are not powering any of the group, the respective IO pins powering from that group may not functional. For example, RESETOUT is power from group C and JTAG pins are powered from group B. You could find these details in section 3.8 Terminal Functions of device data manual.
2. Yes, leaving the unused IO voltage group unconnected may reduce the leakage current. However you have to ensure the IO pins requirement as stated in 1.
3. Yes, the USB PHY supplies may be left unconnected based on the usage. Please refer the below link where you could find how the unused USB pins can be handled based on the peripheral usage.