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"Optimum" values of DDR3 slave ratio does not work

I have a board with a DDR layout almost identical to BeagleBoneBlack.

The board seems to run fine with the default BBB DDR3 settings, but when trying to tune the values I get odd "optimum" values from the tool.

I have followed the instructions here:

using the specified BBB gel file.

Inputs to the seed tool are:


Seed values used in CCS code    
Register value    

Running the tool to tune the settings ends up with the following:

    The Slave Ratio Search Program Values are...
PARAMETER                       MAX  |  MIN  | OPTIMUM |  RANGE    
DATA_PHY_RD_DQS_SLAVE_RATIO    0x3ff | 0x0bb |  0x25d  | 0x344
DATA_PHY_FIFO_WE_SLAVE_RATIO   0x3ff | 0x000 |  0x1ff  | 0x3ff
DATA_PHY_WR_DQS_SLAVE_RATIO    0x07a | 0x000 |  0x03d  | 0x07a
DATA_PHY_WR_DATA_SLAVE_RATIO   0x3ff | 0x03c |  0x21d  | 0x3c3

===== END OF TEST =====

When using these values, u-boot then fails to start.

Any idea on why these values are so different from what a BBB generates?

I am running CCS Version:

  • It's almost like in my case:
    Which DDR3 chip you are using?
  • Hi,

    Can you post your Ratio Seed Excel sheet?

  • Same as BBB, Micron MT41K256M16HA-125E
  • If I knew how to post a file here I would...

    But I have used this file:

    With this input:
    DDR clock frequency 400 MHz

    Trace Length (inches)
    Byte 0 Byte 1
    DDR_CK trace 1.088 1.088
    DDR_DQSx trace 0.941 0.9175

    Intermediate values (per byte lane)
    WR DQS 2 3
    RD DQS 40 40
    RD DQS GATE 76 75

    Seed values used in CCS code

    Register value

  • @Lev, yes it looks very much the same.
  • Everything seems correct here. I will ask the DDR experts to look at this.

    Aside from this, posting a file is easy - just drag and drop it in your reply window.

  • Did you try the EDMA test (Scripts->AM335x DDR Tests->EDMA)? In my case the test discovered errors at some addresses, manual data editing confirmed erroneous operation of these cells.
  • Ok, problem seems to be found, my board was running off a 25MHz crystal and the gel-file was only setup for BBB which uses 24MHz.

    There was an error message thrown, but the script did not terminate so I did not see it.

    Once I added the 25MHz config, I got relevant numbers and also the EDMA test passes.

    So for others using this software, be aware of the configuration if you do not use 24MHz

    I only have a 800MHz version of the processor, so I can not run at 1GHz, but here is the section that I use to configure the PLLs:

    In the 'hotmenu ARM_OPP100_Config()' section I added this code:

    else if(CLKIN==25)
       MPU_PLL_Config(  CLKIN, 24, 500, 1);
       CORE_PLL_Config( CLKIN, 24, 500, 10, 8, 4);
      // DDR3 400MHz setting
      // DDR_PLL_Config(  CLKIN, 24, 400, 1);
      // DDR3 303MHz setting
       GEL_TextOut("****  Setting DDR PLL to 303MHz ......... \n","Output",1,1,1);
       DDR_PLL_Config(  CLKIN, 24, 303, 1);
       PER_PLL_Config(  CLKIN, 24, 960, 5);
       DISP_PLL_Config( CLKIN, 24, 48, 1);
       GEL_TextOut("****  AM335x ALL ADPLL Config for OPP == OPP100, 25MHz input is Done ......... \n","Output",1,1,1);


  • Thanks for the update PA!