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AM572x USB1 is not working in U-boot and Linux

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSEVM572X

   Hi ,

         We Developed one custom board based on the TMDSEVM572X evm board. On EVM usb-0 is connected to USB hub chip and hub providing the three output ports. These three are working fine  on EVM. But in our design we are not using the USB hub, instead we directly connected to usb3.0 port.

We are using ti-processor-sdk-linux-am57xx-evm- which came along with TMDSEVM572X evm. with this SDK USB is not working in u-boot and Linux also. please suggest what all changes are required for our design.

while executing  "usb start" command  in u-boot , we are getting following log

U-Boot# usb start
starting USB...
scanning bus 0 for devices...   Couldn't reset port 1
1 USB Device(s) found
       scanning usb for storage devices...
 0 Storage Device(s) found


Kishor A