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Timer for CLK module

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320DM6443

hi all

the platform i'm working on is a TMS320DM6443. timer 1 is owned by our application running on the ARM, so timer 0 is available to the DSP.

from the DSP/BIOS 5 documentation i gather that the CLK module uses TIM12. because timer0:TIM12 is the only timer that can be run off an external clock i would like to use timer0:TIM12 for my application and have DSP/BIOS use timer0:TIM34 to drive the CLK module. is this possible at all?

i also tried to tell DSP/BIOS to leave the timers alone using

bios.CLK.ENABLECLK = false;

so that i can have my custom timer settings and interrupts, but this gives me a Can't modify read-only field error on that very line of the tcf script.

these are the versions i use:

  bios 5.32.04

  cgt 6.1.13





    I have a similar issue on the c6747 EVM.  I would like to use timer1 for a watchdog.  I'm using timer0:TIM12 as a clock source for an ADC running at 2MHz via TM64P_OUT12 (the EVM doesn't give access to TM64P_OUT34).  So, is there a way to make DSP/BIOS use timer0:TIM34?  Is there anyone out there that can help us?



  • i found the solution (at least for my case).

    when i disable the use of the CLK module by the PRD module

    bios.PRD.USECLK = false;

    before i disable the CLK module

    bios.CLK.ENABLECLK = false;

    it works like a charm. now i'm able to handle both sub-timers (timer0:TIM12/timer0:TIM34) completely on my own, and DSP/BIOS does not touch them.

    note: this means that PRD_tick() needs to be called explicitly from one of the timer interrupts, depending on which sub-timer the DSP/BIOS scheduler should run

    lori, i hope this helps you too!




  • Sam,

    Thanks for the tip.  It does seem to work, although I'm a bit worried that I may run into problems down the road as my application gets more complicated.  The inner-workings of DSP/BIOS are a bit of a mystery to me. 

    I thought that this discussion of PRD and CLK was also of interest:

