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How to change the demo h264encoderapp.c only for using H.264 encoder CODEC engine


   We change the demo h264encoderapp.c only for using H.264 encoder CODEC engine, that is to say, a based and simple program for using H.264 Codec engine.
But we find the function
  if ((handle = H264VENC_create(&fxns, &params)) == NULL) in demo h264encoderapp.c, but this function hasnt a in port for handle_engine,

 hEngine             = NULL;

 /* Initialize Codec Engine runtime */

 /* Initialize Davinci Multimedia Application Interface */
 /* Reset, load, and start DSP Engine */

 hEngine = Engine_open("encode", NULL, NULL);
 if (hEngine == NULL) {
  printf("Failed to open codec engine \n");
  return -1;
 printf("Encode demo started.\n");
   ((handle = H264VENC_create(&fxns, &params)) == NULL

 The problem is how can we link H264VENC_create(&fxns, &params)) and hEngine = Engine_open("encode", NULL, NULL);,
and how  to write a  H264VENC_create() function link to Engine_open("encode", NULL, NULL);.

 fxns = H264VENC_TI_IH264VENC;

 Does it links to h.264_encoder.cfg?

 Thank you very much,waiting for your answers,


The program is the H.264 encoder Codec engine foe modified  the demo h264encoderapp.c .

IH264VENC_Handle nhandle;

char   *algName = "h264enc1";

int h264enc_init(int max_w, int max_h)
    XDAS_Int32 iErrorFlag;    /* Local Variables to Keep track of errors     */
    XDAS_Int8  bSEIFlagOut;    /* Switch for adding SEI userdata */
    IRES_Status iresStatus;
    XDAS_Int8  lib_version[400] = "LIB";   /* Library version number */
    XDAS_Int32 configFileCount =0;
 hEngine             = NULL;

 /* Initialize Codec Engine runtime */

 /* Initialize Davinci Multimedia Application Interface */
 /* Reset, load, and start DSP Engine */

 hEngine = Engine_open("encode", NULL, NULL);
 if (hEngine == NULL) {
  printf("Failed to open codec engine \n");
  return -1;
 printf("Encode demo started.\n");



    bSEIFlagOut = 0;

    /* Intialize function table pointer to the function table implementation for
     * H.264 Encoder by TI.
    fxns = H264VENC_TI_IH264VENC;

    /* Initialization and allocation */
/*    CMEM_init();
    media=CMEM_alloc((EXTERNAL_DATA_MEM_SIZE), &memParams);
    /* IRES related functions */
    iresStatus = (IRES_Status) RMAN_init();
    if (IRES_OK != iresStatus) {
        printf("RMAN initialization Failed \n");
        return -1;
    IRESMAN_Edma3ChanParams configParams;
     * Supply initialization information for the EDMA3 RESMAN while registering
    configParams.baseConfig.allocFxn = RMAN_PARAMS.allocFxn;
    configParams.baseConfig.freeFxn = RMAN_PARAMS.freeFxn;
    configParams.baseConfig.size = sizeof(IRESMAN_Edma3ChanParams);

    /* Register the EDMA3CHAN protocol/resource manager with the
     * generic resource manager */

    iresStatus = (IRES_Status) RMAN_register(&IRESMAN_EDMA3CHAN,
                               (IRESMAN_Params *)&configParams);
    if (IRES_OK != iresStatus) {
        printf("EDMA3 Protocol Registration Failed \n");
        return -1;
    IRESMAN_VicpParams configParams;
     * Supply initialization information for the RESMAN while registering
    configParams.baseConfig.allocFxn = RMAN_PARAMS.allocFxn;
    configParams.baseConfig.freeFxn = RMAN_PARAMS.freeFxn;
    configParams.baseConfig.size = sizeof(IRESMAN_VicpParams);

    /* Register the VICP protocol/resource manager with the
     * generic resource manager */
   iresStatus = (IRES_Status)RMAN_register(&IRESMAN_VICP2,
                                            (IRESMAN_Params *)&configParams);

    if (IRES_OK != iresStatus) {
        printf("VICP Protocol Registration Failed \n");
        return -1;

        IRESMAN_HdVicpParams configParams;
     * Supply initialization information for the RESMAN while registering
    configParams.baseConfig.allocFxn = RMAN_PARAMS.allocFxn;
    configParams.baseConfig.freeFxn = RMAN_PARAMS.freeFxn;
    configParams.baseConfig.size = sizeof(IRESMAN_HdVicpParams);
    configParams.numResources = 1;
    /* Register the VICP protocol/resource manager with the
     * generic resource manager */
   iresStatus = (IRES_Status)RMAN_register(&IRESMAN_HDVICP,
                                            (IRESMAN_Params *)&configParams);

    if (IRES_OK != iresStatus) {
        printf("VICP Protocol Registration Failed \n");
        return -1;

 IRESMAN_AddrSpaceParams addrspaceConfigParams;
     * Supply initialization information for the ADDRSPACE RESMAN while registering
     *           */
    addrspaceConfigParams.baseConfig.allocFxn = RMAN_PARAMS.allocFxn;
    addrspaceConfigParams.baseConfig.freeFxn = RMAN_PARAMS.freeFxn;
    addrspaceConfigParams.baseConfig.size = sizeof(IRESMAN_AddrSpaceParams);;

    iresStatus = RMAN_register(&IRESMAN_ADDRSPACE, (IRESMAN_Params *)&addrspaceConfigParams);

    if (IRES_OK != iresStatus) {
        printf("ADDRSPACE Protocol Registration Failed \n");
        return -1;
    printf("ADDRSPACE Protocol Registration Success ****************************\n");

 IRESMAN_MemTcmParams memTcmConfigParams;
     * Supply initialization information for the ADDRSPACE RESMAN while registering
     *           */
    memTcmConfigParams.baseConfig.allocFxn = RMAN_PARAMS.allocFxn;
    memTcmConfigParams.baseConfig.freeFxn = RMAN_PARAMS.freeFxn;
    memTcmConfigParams.baseConfig.size = sizeof(IRESMAN_MemTcmParams);;

    iresStatus = RMAN_register(&IRESMAN_MEMTCM, (IRESMAN_Params *)&memTcmConfigParams);

    if (IRES_OK != iresStatus) {
        printf("MEMTCM Protocol Registration Failed \n");
        return -1;
    printf("MEMTCM Protocol Registration Success \n");

        /* Point the param pointer to default parameters from encoder */
        params = H264VENC_PARAMS;

        /*                        H.264 ENCODER INSTANCE CREATION             */
         * The process of instance creation has two parts:
         * - Setting up the creation time Parameters
         * - Calling the XDAIS Create function to create the instance
         * Set the Create-Time parameters required for setting up the instance
         * of the H.264 Encoder.
         * As standardized by XDAIS, the structure defining the create time
         * params is named as \b imod_Params \b and is defined in the file
         * \b imod.h \b.
         * So for this module the create-time parameter structure is
         * \b iH264VENC_Params \b defined in \b ih264enc.h \b.
         * XDAIS also provides default create-time parameter in \b mod_PARAMS
         * (H264VENC_PARAMS here)\b defined in \b imod.c (ih264enc.c here) \b
         * which can be used for most scenarios.
         * The code below uses the default create-time parameter set
         * H264VENC_PARAMS and then modifes few of the fields as necessary

        /* Function for seeting initial parameters. Currently not defined, will
         * defined later.
         * H264VENC_setinitparmas(&params);

        /*                       DYNAMIC PARAMETERS INTIALIZATION             */
        dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.size = sizeof(IH264VENC_DynamicParams);
 bSEIFlagOut = bSEIFlagOut & 1;

        dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.inputHeight = IN_HEIGHT;
        dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.inputWidth = IN_WIDTH;

        dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.refFrameRate = 30000;//
 dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.targetFrameRate = 30000;
        dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.targetBitRate = 8000000;

        dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.intraFrameInterval = 30;
        dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.generateHeader = 0;
        dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.captureWidth = IN_WIDTH; //(uiFrmPitch << params.videncParams.inputContentType);

        dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.forceFrame = IVIDEO_NA_FRAME;
        dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.interFrameInterval = 0;
        dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.mbDataFlag = 0;

        dynamicparams.intraSliceNum = 0;
 dynamicparams.enablePicTimSEI = 1;// dynamicparams.enableBufSEI;//EnableBufSEI
 dynamicparams.resetHDVICPeveryFrame = 0;
 dynamicparams.disableMVDCostFactor = 0;         numTicksPerFrame = ((params.timeScale/params.numUnitsInTicks) * 1000)/(dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.targetFrameRate);
   * Additional elements specific to H.264 Encoder - Extensions to base class

 dynamicparams.sliceSize = 0;
 dynamicparams.airRate = 0;
 dynamicparams.intraFrameQP = 21;
 dynamicparams.interPFrameQP = 21;
 dynamicparams.initQ = 28;
 dynamicparams.rcQMax = 51;
 dynamicparams.rcQMin = 0;
 dynamicparams.rcAlgo = 0;
 dynamicparams.maxDelay = 1000;
 dynamicparams.intraSliceNum = 30;
 dynamicparams.lfDisableIdc = 0;
 dynamicparams.meMultiPart = 0;
 dynamicparams.enableBufSEI = 1;
 dynamicparams.enablePicTimSEI = 1;
 dynamicparams.intraThrQF = 0;//reserved
 dynamicparams.perceptualRC = 1;// This is set 0 for a better performance
 dynamicparams.idrFrameInterval = 300;// for syn.
 dynamicparams.mvSADoutFlag = 0;
 dynamicparams.resetHDVICPeveryFrame = 0;
 dynamicparams.disableMVDCostFactor = 0;

 configFileCount = 1;
  if(configFileCount == 1)
  /*                       STATIC PARAMETERS INTIALIZATION              */
        params.videncParams.size = sizeof(IH264VENC_Params);
        params.videncParams.maxWidth = MAX_WIDTH;//IN_WIDTH;
        params.videncParams.maxHeight = MAX_HEIGHT;//IN_HEIGHT;
 params.videncParams.maxFrameRate = 30000; // 60 fps is not supported
 params.videncParams.maxBitRate = 10000000; //10M
 params.videncParams.dataEndianness = XDM_BYTE;// 1 is ok
 params.videncParams.maxInterFrameInterval = 1;

 params.videncParams.inputChromaFormat = XDM_YUV_420SP;
 params.videncParams.inputContentType = IVIDEO_PROGRESSIVE;
 params.videncParams.reconChromaFormat= XDM_YUV_420SP;

   * Additional elements specific to H.264 Encoder - Extensions to base class

  params.profileIdc = 100;
 params.levelIdc = 50;
 params.entropyMode = 1;
 params.transform8x8FlagIntraFrame = 1;
 params.transform8x8FlagInterFrame = 1;
 params.aspectRatioX = 1;
 params.aspectRatioY = 1;
 params.pixelRange = 1;
 params.timeScale = 60;
 params.numUnitsInTicks = 1;
 params.enableVUIparams = 1;
 params.disableHDVICPeveryFrame = 0;//reserved
 params.meAlgo = 0; 
 params.unrestrictedMV = 0;
 params.seqScalingFlag = 0;
 params.encQuality = 1;
 params.enableARM926Tcm = 0;

        /* Xena hardware provides only single VIMCOP which is indexed by 0 */
        //params.imcop_selector = 0; /* Allways 0 */

        /* DMA initialization parameter should be set before Encoder creation as
         * DMA will be configured based on these parameters during creation.
         * Setting of these parameters is done through the following function
         * defined in file testapp_idma.c. Application writer can update this
         * file

        /* Encoder Create function - Calls ALG Framework function -
         * ALG_create(IALG_Fxns *fxns, IALG_Handle p, IALG_Params *params)
      //= (IH264VENC_Handle) VIDENC1_create(ve->ceHdl, ve->h264enc1Name, (VIDENC1_Params*) &ve->venc1Params)))
        //if((handle = H264VENC_create(&fxns, &params)) == NULL)
        if((nhandle = VIDENC1_create(hEngine, algName, &params)) == NULL)
            printf("\nERROR! - Encoder Creation Failed");
            return -1; /* Creation failed - exit the encoder */
        printf("Encoder Creation Done\n");

    /* Create an instance of an algorithm that implements IALG and IRES_Fxns */

   if (IRES_OK != RMAN_assignResources((IALG_Handle)handle,
                                        1)) {
      printf( "\nFailed in assignign resources \
                 Exiting for this configuration..");

  /* Activate all IRES resources             */

        /*              Check for any warnings set at create time             */

  status.videncStatus.size = sizeof(IH264VENC_Status); = sizeof(lib_version); = lib_version;
        iErrorFlag = H264VENC_control(
            handle,         // Instance Handle
            XDM_GETSTATUS,  // Command
            &dynamicparams, // Pointer to Dynamic Params structure -Input
            &status         // Pointer to the status structure - Output

        if(iErrorFlag == XDM_EFAIL)
   printf("Get Status Info Command Failed\n");


  iErrorFlag = H264VENC_control(
            handle,         // Instance Handle
            XDM_GETVERSION, // Command
            &dynamicparams, // Pointer to Dynamic Params structure -Input
            &status         // Pointer to the status structure - Output

        if(iErrorFlag == XDM_EFAIL)
   printf("Get Status Info Command Failed\n");
  printf("Library Version %s\n",lib_version);

        /*            GET H.264 ENCODER INPUT/OUTPUT BUFFER INFORMATION       */
        /* The Number of Input output buffers and their sizes are alogrithm
         * specific. For a genric codec independent application like this, the
         * buffer information for a codec can be obatined by making a call to
         * the XDAIS control func - H264VENC_control() with the command
         * \b XDM_GETBUFINFO\b. The function will return back the number of
         * input and output arrays and the size of each array.
  status.videncStatus.size = sizeof(IH264VENC_Status);
        iErrorFlag = H264VENC_control(
            handle,         // Instance Handle
            XDM_GETBUFINFO, // Command
            &dynamicparams, // Pointer to Dynamic Params structure -Input
            &status         // Pointer to the status structure - Output
        if(iErrorFlag == XDM_EFAIL)
   printf("Get Buffer Info Command Faile\n");

        /*            GET H.264 ENCODER INPUT/OUTPUT BUFFER INFORMATION       */
        /* Based on the Num of buffers requested by the algorithm, the
         * application will allocate for the same here
            status, // status structure - Input
            &inobj, // Pointer to Input Buffer Descriptor - Output
            &outobj) // Pointer to Output Buffer Descriptor - Output
            printf("Not Enough Memory\n");
                &inobj, // Pointer to Input Buffer Descriptor - Input
                &outobj // Pointer to Output Buffer Descriptor - Input
            return -1;
  inobj.frameHeight = IN_HEIGHT;
  inobj.frameWidth = IN_WIDTH;
  inobj.framePitch = IN_WIDTH;
  if((dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.captureWidth == 0) ||
     (dynamicparams.videncDynamicParams.captureWidth < IN_WIDTH))
   inobj.framePitch = IN_WIDTH;

        /*                     SET DYNAMIC INPUT PARAMETERS                   */

        iErrorFlag = H264VENC_control(
            handle,        // Instance Handle
            XDM_SETPARAMS, // Command
            &dynamicparams,// Pointer to Dynamic structure - Input
            &status        // Pointer to the status structure - Output
        if(iErrorFlag == XDM_EFAIL)
   printf("Set Encoder parameters Command Failed\n");


        inargs.videncInArgs.size = sizeof(IH264VENC_InArgs);
  /* Input to the codec, to provide the space for adding SEI userdata unregistered
   * into the bitstream */
  inargs.insertUserData = (1 * bSEIFlagOut);
  inargs.lengthUserData = (60 * bSEIFlagOut);
        inargs.videncInArgs.inputID = 1;
        inargs.videncInArgs.topFieldFirstFlag = XDAS_TRUE;
 inargs.timeStamp = 0;

        outargs.videncOutArgs.size = sizeof(IH264VENC_OutArgs);
        outargs.videncOutArgs.extendedError = 0;
        outargs.videncOutArgs.bytesGenerated = 0;
        outargs.videncOutArgs.encodedFrameType = IVIDEO_NA_FRAME;
        outargs.videncOutArgs.inputFrameSkip = IVIDEO_FRAME_ENCODED;
        outargs.videncOutArgs.outputID = 1;
 outargs.numPackets = 0;
 return 0;
        /*             FREE H.264 ENCODER INPUT/OUTPUT BUFFERS                */
            &inobj, // Pointer to Input Buffer Descriptor - Input
            &outobj // Pointer to Output Buffer Descriptor - Input

    if (IRES_OK != RMAN_freeResources((IALG_Handle)(handle),
                                        &H264VENC_TI_IRES, /* IRES_Fxns* */
                                        1 /* scratchId */)) {
        printf("Free Resource Failed \n");
        return -1;


    if (IRES_OK != RMAN_unregister(&IRESMAN_EDMA3CHAN)) {
            printf("Unregister Protocol Failed \n");
            return -1;

 return -1;