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PROCESSOR-SDK-AM57X: Displaying Pointcloud data on LCD

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM5728

I have transplanted my algorithm for 3D reconstruction on AM572X EVM,and I got a pointclond data(.tdc file).Now I want to display the result on the LCD on the AM572X EVM,but I have no idea how to do it.

Can anyone offer me some document or idea,the example may be the best.


  • What software are you using - Linux or RTOS?
  • LINUX,am57xx-evm-linux-
  • Thanks. The software team have been notified. They will respond here.
  • Check this TI Design on 3D Machine Vision using AM5728 + DLP.

    The reference design source code demonstrate displaying of the point cloud data on LCD. Source code is not packaged in PLSDK due to licensing issue. You can download the tarball from the link above. Refer to TI design document in the link above for installing and compiling the package on PLSDK.
  • Thank you,now I know I can use OpenCV API to show my point cloud,but I failed when I test my opencv example.I build the example opencv_extramaster\3d\tracker3d,the pakages downloading from opencv_extra-master.
    I meet the errors as follow(it seems like that the opencvlibs was not linking),could you tell me what should I modify?
    object_tracker.cpp: In function 'CvMat* CalcRelativePosition(IplImage*, CvPoint*, CvPoint2D32f**, CvMat*, float, CvMat*)':
    object_tracker.cpp:273:73: error: 'cvFindChessboardCorners' was not declared in this scope
    if (cvFindChessboardCorners(workImage,innerCornersCount,corners,&count)==0)
    object_tracker.cpp:343:101: error: 'cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2' was not declared in this scope
    cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2(object_points,image_points,cameraMatrix, distCoeffs,rotation_vector,T);
    object_tracker.cpp:345:33: error: 'cvRodrigues2' was not declared in this scope
    object_tracker.cpp:384:69: error: 'cvProjectPoints2' was not declared in this scope
    object_tracker.cpp: In function 'CvPoint* GetCurrentPointsPosition(IplImage*, CvPoint2D32f*, CvMat*, CvPoint*, CvPoint2D32f*)':
    object_tracker.cpp:428:72: error: 'cvFindChessboardCorners' was not declared in this scope
    if (cvFindChessboardCorners(workImage,innerCornersCount,corners,&count)==0)