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AM3357: Transient overshoot and undershoot

Guru 16800 points
Part Number: AM3357


Could you tell me whether the following understandings are correct or not for the definition of transient overshoot and undershoot at I/O terminal on AM3357?
In the datasheet, "Transient overshoot and undershoot specification at I/O terminal" is "25% of corresponding I/O supply voltage for up to 30% of signal period".

1.For VDDSHV6 (MIN: 3.135, TYP: 3.3V, MAX: 3.465V), must I/O terminal not exceed 4.33V (3.465V + 3.465V * 25% = 4.33V)?

2.Must the exceeded voltage of 3.465V be in the duration of 30% for the clock signal?

Best Regards,