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Where to Obtain Latest Tool Releases?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OMAP3530

Where can I obtain the lastest version of the following:


* BIOSutils

* the latest version DSPlink

* the latest version of the Code Generation tools


Have a great day!


Take care,


  • Assuming a license of Code Composer Studio is available to you, you can use the Update Advisor in the Help->Update Advisor->Check for Updates.

  • In the context of Davinci devices I would typically suggest using the tool versions that are associated with the particular DVSDK you are using, which can be obtained through, using varying tool versions could conflict with each other and may cause problems.

    For the actual latest versions, the wiki article here has a link to download the latest version of BIOS Link, following through that link on the left of the download page there is a link to get to where you can download BIOS and additional target tools, and the wiki article here has a link to download the lastest version of the code generation tools.

  • Thanks, Bernie. However, the issue with using the DVEVM update site is that it does not seem to have all of the needed tools, at least that seemed to be my impression when I was trying to get everything installed (perhaps that is not the case, though). There do seem to be compatibility issues with using the latest versions of the tools that I could find, though, as you stated.


    I upgraded to MV Linux 5.0 and downloaded and installed the latest versions (that I could find) of the various T.I. tools. However, now I am getting an error that indicates that my XDC path might not be correct:

    Making all in subdirectory encodedecode...
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode'
    XDCPATH="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dsplink_1_51/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/xs -c /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le -o encodedecode_config -t gnu.targets.MVArm9 \
            -p ti.platforms.evmDM6446 encodedecode.cfg
    making package.mak (because of package.bld) ...
    generating interfaces for package encodedecode_config (because package/ is older than package.xdc) ...
    configuring encodedecode.x470MV from package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.cfg ...
    js: "/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages/xdc/cfg/Main.xs", line 200: xdc.PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND: can't locate the package 'dsplink.gpp' along the path: '/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dsplink_1_51/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages;..;'. Ensure that the package path is set correctly.
        "/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages/xdc/cfg/Main.xs", line 174
        "/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages/xdc/cfg/Main.xs", line 154
        "/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages/xdc/xs.js", line 125
    gmake: *** [package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.c] Error 1

    However, I think that this might have something to do with the latest version of DSP Link. (The new version now has two directories and no installation instructions.)


    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • HyperGalaxy,

    What version of DSP/BIOS Link have you downloaded and attempted to use in the above DVSDK v1.30.01.41?

    I believe you will need to build dsplink prior to building the DVSDK, although I am speaking only from memory.  The Rules.make in the DVSDK directory will point to the DSP/BIOS Link directory, but I don't think it goes into that directory and builds like some of the other components.
    DSPLINK has its own configuration that needs to take place to identify what services are to be implemented, etc.

  • Brandon,


    Thanks, much, for your reply. That is potentially valuable information (especially given the fact that DSPlink does not seem to have any installation instructions).


    I was trying to use DSP/BIOS Link version 1.51, but now I am about to try falling back to version 1.40-05p1 (the version that came with the DVSDK version


    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • In trying to model your development environment, I also discovered that using DSP/BIOS Link v1.51 was not convenient with the DVSDK v1.30.01.41.  I discovered that you needed to also upgrade Codec Engine as well.

    There is a Codec Engine v2.10.02 that you can download and use with DVSDK v1.30.01.41.  This particulare Codec Engine version comes with a bundled version of DSP/BIOS Link v1.50.  Once I pointed the Rules.make to this newer Codec Engine and the DSP/BIOS Link to the following, the build environment completed without error.

    Rules.make file

    I use an environment variable in my projects called $PROJECTDIR to help make the entire work area portable.  In my case, $PROJECTDIR=<where I installed the dvsdk_1_30_01_41> directory.

  • Codec Engine 2.21 will add support for MVPro 5.0.  It will be available in 2-3 weeks and will include other important components such as CMEM, Framework Components, and DSP/BIOS Link.  All of those components will have been validated on MVPro 5.0.  I recommend that at the bare minimum you wait for that release.  Depending on your needs you might want to consider waiting for DVSDK 2.0 which will be built upon those components.  It will give you a fully integrated codec environment and will likely be the best "user experience" in terms of getting things working quickly.  The only downside is that DVSDK 2.0 will not be released until mid 1Q09.


  • Details on the versions of Link, Framework Components, CMEM are given here:

  • Brandon,


    Where did you find the Codec Engine V2.10.02? (I can only find V2.10.01...)


    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • Brandon,


    I am still getting errors when trying to build the codecs:


    Making all in subdirectory encodedecode...
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode'
    XDCPATH="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/xs -c /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le -o encodedecode_config -t gnu.targets.MVArm9 \
            -p ti.platforms.evmDM6446 encodedecode.cfg
    making package.mak (because of package.bld) ...
    generating interfaces for package encodedecode_config (because package/ is older than package.xdc) ...
    configuring encodedecode.x470MV from package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.cfg ...
    ti.sdo.ce.utils.trace.close() ...
    ti.sdo.ce.utils.trace.validate() ...
        will link with ti.sdo.ce.utils.trace:lib/TraceUtil.av5T
        will link with ti.sdo.ce.bioslog:lib/bioslog.av5T
        will link with
        will link with ti.sdo.ce:lib/ce.av5T
        will link with ti.sdo.ce.alg:lib/Algorithm_noOS.av5T;lib/alg.av5T
        will link with ti.sdo.ce.ipc.dsplink:lib/ipc_dsplink_6446.av5T
    js: "/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages/xdc/cfg/Main.xs", line 25: XDC runtime error: can't find the library 'lib/ipc_dsplink_6446.av5T' specified by package ti.sdo.ce.ipc.dsplink. It wasn't found along the path '/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages;..;'.
        "/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages/xdc/cfg/Main.xs", line 163
        "/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages/xdc/xs.js", line 125
    gmake: *** [package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.c] Error 1
    gmake: *** Deleting file `package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.c'
    gmake: *** [package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.c] Deleting file `package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.xdl'
    gmake: *** [package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.c] Deleting file `package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.h'
    /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Dti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_USEDEPRECATEDAPIS=1 -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/include -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/ti-davinci_evm-arm_v5t_le_MV5/linux-2.6.18_pro500/include -c -g -D__DEBUG  -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I".."   -Dxdc_target_types__="gnu/targets/std.h" -Dxdc_target_name__=MVArm9 -Dxdc_cfg__header__="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode/encodedecode_config/package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.h" -o debug/capture.o capture.c
    capture.c: In function ‘captureThrFxn’:
    capture.c:362: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of ‘initCaptureDevice’ differ in signedness
    /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Dti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_USEDEPRECATEDAPIS=1 -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/include -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/ti-davinci_evm-arm_v5t_le_MV5/linux-2.6.18_pro500/include -c -g -D__DEBUG  -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I".."   -Dxdc_target_types__="gnu/targets/std.h" -Dxdc_target_name__=MVArm9 -Dxdc_cfg__header__="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode/encodedecode_config/package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.h" -o debug/ctrl.o ctrl.c
    /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Dti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_USEDEPRECATEDAPIS=1 -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/include -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/ti-davinci_evm-arm_v5t_le_MV5/linux-2.6.18_pro500/include -c -g -D__DEBUG  -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I".."   -Dxdc_target_types__="gnu/targets/std.h" -Dxdc_target_name__=MVArm9 -Dxdc_cfg__header__="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode/encodedecode_config/package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.h" -o debug/display.o display.c
    /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Dti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_USEDEPRECATEDAPIS=1 -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/include -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/ti-davinci_evm-arm_v5t_le_MV5/linux-2.6.18_pro500/include -c -g -D__DEBUG  -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I".."   -Dxdc_target_types__="gnu/targets/std.h" -Dxdc_target_name__=MVArm9 -Dxdc_cfg__header__="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode/encodedecode_config/package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.h" -o debug/main.o main.c
    main.c: In function ‘main’:
    main.c:523: warning: missing sentinel in function call
    /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Dti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_USEDEPRECATEDAPIS=1 -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/include -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/ti-davinci_evm-arm_v5t_le_MV5/linux-2.6.18_pro500/include -c -g -D__DEBUG  -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I".."   -Dxdc_target_types__="gnu/targets/std.h" -Dxdc_target_name__=MVArm9 -Dxdc_cfg__header__="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode/encodedecode_config/package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.h" -o debug/ui.o ui.c
    /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Dti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_USEDEPRECATEDAPIS=1 -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/include -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/ti-davinci_evm-arm_v5t_le_MV5/linux-2.6.18_pro500/include -c -g -D__DEBUG  -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I".."   -Dxdc_target_types__="gnu/targets/std.h" -Dxdc_target_name__=MVArm9 -Dxdc_cfg__header__="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode/encodedecode_config/package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.h" -o debug/video.o video.c
    /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -lfreetype -lpng -ljpeg -lpthread -o debug/encodedecoded debug/capture.o debug/ctrl.o debug/display.o debug/main.o debug/ui.o debug/video.o encodedecode_config/linker.cmd /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/lib/simplewidgetd.a /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/lib/msp430libd.a /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/lib/rszcopyd.a /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/lib/smoothd.a
    arm_v5t_le-gcc: encodedecode_config/linker.cmd: No such file or directory
    make[2]: *** [debug/encodedecoded] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode'
    make[1]: *** [encodedecode] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446'
    make: *** [demos/dm6446] Error 2


    Do you have any idea what could be wrong with my setup? Also, can you please send me your Rules.make and xdcpaths.mak files?


    Have a great day!


    Take care,




  • you can get v.2.10.02 thru Update Advisor assuming you have CCS License; let me know if you need further help with this.

  • May I ask where you got the codec(s) from? FYI, they do not come as part of DVSDK. 

    The error suggests there is a missing liker.cmd file; I am wondering if you have all the files necessary to perform the build.

  • error said:

    ti.sdo.ce.utils.trace.validate() ...
        will link with ti.sdo.ce.utils.trace:lib/TraceUtil.av5T
        will link with ti.sdo.ce.bioslog:lib/bioslog.av5T
        will link with
        will link with ti.sdo.ce:lib/ce.av5T
        will link with ti.sdo.ce.alg:lib/Algorithm_noOS.av5T;lib/alg.av5T
        will link with ti.sdo.ce.ipc.dsplink:lib/ipc_dsplink_6446.av5T
    js: "/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages/xdc/cfg/Main.xs", line 25: XDC runtime error: can't find the library 'lib/ipc_dsplink_6446.av5T'

    From the files above it would appear that you're using one of the new versions of XDCtools and taking advantage of the new GCArmv5T target.  It appears that the getLibs function that is part of that RTSC package was written before GCArmv5T and so it is incorrectly generating the filenames.  The "proper" solution is for that package (in this case codec engine) to update its getLibs function.  That has actually been done in CE 2.20 and later.  So for you to use that specific version the easiest thing you can do would be to use the MVArm9 target instead of the GCArmv5T target.  Is that a possibility?  There is another workaround, but I don't remember the syntax off the top of my head.


  • Brad,

    I totally missed this error; it is a good thing you were more awake than I.

    Normally you should look at the codec release notes (all codec(s) should be accompanied by a set of release notes) and use the version of codec engine (and other software components) listed in the release notes.  This will save you many head-aches.

  • I am using V1.30.01-41 of the DVSDK. I assumed that this does have the codecs, since the default Rules.mak file sets the CODEC_INSTALL_DIR variable to $(DVSDK_INSTALL_DIR)/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35, and that directory exists and has the packages/ti/sdo/codecs subdirectory which contains various codecs...


    If I need additional codecs, where do I obtain them?


    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • Brad,


    I am using version 2.20.01 of the Codec Engine. So, how do I use the MVArm9 target instead of the GCArmv5T target, as you suggest?


    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • Juan,


    Here is the link that I get to via the Update Advisor: . However, as you can see, it only has version 2.20.01. Can you please send me the link for version 2.20.02?


    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • DVSDK does not include the codecs, if you look at the codecs folder, you will see many files but the codec libraries will be missing.  What is included in the DVSDK is a pre-bulit codec server (x64P file) which contains some of the codecs used by the demos.

    You can request the codec(s) via our eStore:

    Let me know if this helps clear things up.

  • BTW, I did a make clean on the top level of the DVSDK directory and then when into the demos/dm6446 directory and did a make and got basically the same error:


    Making all in subdirectory encodedecode...
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode'
    XDCPATH="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/xs -c /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le -o encodedecode_config -t gnu.targets.MVArm9 \
            -p ti.platforms.evmDM6446 encodedecode.cfg
    making package.mak (because of package.bld) ...
    generating interfaces for package encodedecode_config (because package/ is older than package.xdc) ...
    configuring encodedecode.x470MV from package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.cfg ...
    ti.sdo.ce.utils.trace.close() ...
    ti.sdo.ce.utils.trace.validate() ...
        will link with ti.sdo.ce.utils.trace:lib/TraceUtil.av5T
        will link with ti.sdo.ce.bioslog:lib/bioslog.av5T
        will link with
        will link with ti.sdo.ce:lib/ce.av5T
        will link with ti.sdo.ce.alg:lib/Algorithm_noOS.av5T;lib/alg.av5T
        will link with ti.sdo.ce.ipc.dsplink:lib/ipc_dsplink_6446.av5T
    js: "/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages/xdc/cfg/Main.xs", line 25: XDC runtime error: can't find the library 'lib/ipc_dsplink_6446.av5T' specified by package ti.sdo.ce.ipc.dsplink. It wasn't found along the path '/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages;/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages;..;'.
        "/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages/xdc/cfg/Main.xs", line 163
        "/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages/xdc/xs.js", line 125
    gmake: *** [package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.c] Error 1
    gmake: *** Deleting file `package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.c'
    gmake: *** [package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.c] Deleting file `package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.xdl'
    gmake: *** [package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.c] Deleting file `package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.h'
    /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Dti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_USEDEPRECATEDAPIS=1 -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/include -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/ti-davinci_evm-arm_v5t_le_MV5/linux-2.6.18_pro500/include -c -g -D__DEBUG  -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I".."   -Dxdc_target_types__="gnu/targets/std.h" -Dxdc_target_name__=MVArm9 -Dxdc_cfg__header__="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode/encodedecode_config/package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.h" -o debug/capture.o capture.c
    capture.c: In function ‘captureThrFxn’:
    capture.c:362: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of ‘initCaptureDevice’ differ in signedness
    /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Dti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_USEDEPRECATEDAPIS=1 -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/include -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/ti-davinci_evm-arm_v5t_le_MV5/linux-2.6.18_pro500/include -c -g -D__DEBUG  -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I".."   -Dxdc_target_types__="gnu/targets/std.h" -Dxdc_target_name__=MVArm9 -Dxdc_cfg__header__="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode/encodedecode_config/package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.h" -o debug/ctrl.o ctrl.c
    /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Dti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_USEDEPRECATEDAPIS=1 -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/include -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/ti-davinci_evm-arm_v5t_le_MV5/linux-2.6.18_pro500/include -c -g -D__DEBUG  -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I".."   -Dxdc_target_types__="gnu/targets/std.h" -Dxdc_target_name__=MVArm9 -Dxdc_cfg__header__="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode/encodedecode_config/package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.h" -o debug/display.o display.c
    /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Dti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_USEDEPRECATEDAPIS=1 -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/include -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/ti-davinci_evm-arm_v5t_le_MV5/linux-2.6.18_pro500/include -c -g -D__DEBUG  -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I".."   -Dxdc_target_types__="gnu/targets/std.h" -Dxdc_target_name__=MVArm9 -Dxdc_cfg__header__="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode/encodedecode_config/package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.h" -o debug/main.o main.c
    main.c: In function ‘main’:
    main.c:523: warning: missing sentinel in function call
    /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Dti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_USEDEPRECATEDAPIS=1 -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/include -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/ti-davinci_evm-arm_v5t_le_MV5/linux-2.6.18_pro500/include -c -g -D__DEBUG  -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I".."   -Dxdc_target_types__="gnu/targets/std.h" -Dxdc_target_name__=MVArm9 -Dxdc_cfg__header__="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode/encodedecode_config/package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.h" -o debug/ui.o ui.c
    /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Dti_sdo_ce_osal_Memory_USEDEPRECATEDAPIS=1 -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/include -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/ti-davinci_evm-arm_v5t_le_MV5/linux-2.6.18_pro500/include -c -g -D__DEBUG  -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/dm6446_dvsdk_combos_1_35/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/codec_engine_2_20_01/cetools/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdais_6_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/linuxutils_2_20/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/framework_components_2_20_01/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I"/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/xdctools_3_10_02/packages" -I".."   -Dxdc_target_types__="gnu/targets/std.h" -Dxdc_target_name__=MVArm9 -Dxdc_cfg__header__="/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode/encodedecode_config/package/cfg/encodedecode_x470MV.h" -o debug/video.o video.c
    /opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -lfreetype -lpng -ljpeg -lpthread -o debug/encodedecoded debug/capture.o debug/ctrl.o debug/display.o debug/main.o debug/ui.o debug/video.o encodedecode_config/linker.cmd /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/lib/simplewidgetd.a /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/lib/msp430libd.a /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/lib/rszcopyd.a /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/lib/smoothd.a
    arm_v5t_le-gcc: encodedecode_config/linker.cmd: No such file or directory
    make[1]: *** [debug/encodedecoded] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/encodedecode'
    make: *** [encodedecode] Error 2


    If you know how to get past this, I would greatly appreciate that information.


    Have a great afternoon!


    Take care,


  • I believe you mean CE V 2.10.02 (as opposed to 2.20.02 which does not exist); you need to look under the 2.10 codec engine section


  • Darwin,

    I will have to try this when I am in the office tomorrow; but from past experience, once you build the entire DVSDK tree per Getting Sarted Guide, you should be able to go into the demos directory and build it without any issues. 

  • Juan,


    Oh, okay; that makes sense. I am using CE V2.20.01. Also, here is my Rules.make file, which specifies all of the tool versions that I am using:



    ifndef PLATFORM
       $(error PLATFORM must be set in Rules.make to dm355 or dm6446 before building the demos)

    # The installation directory of the DVSDK  dvsdk_1_30_01_41.

    # For backwards compatibility

    # Where the Codec Engine package is installed.

    # Where the XDAIS package is installed.

    # Where the DSP Link package is installed.

    # Where the CMEM (contiguous memory allocator) package is installed.

    # Where the codec servers are installed (dm6446) or codecs (dm355)
    ifneq ($(PLATFORM),dm355)

    # Where the RTSC tools package is installed.

    # Where Framework Components product is installed

    # Where DSP/BIOS is installed

    # The directory that points to your kernel source directory.

    # The prefix to be added before the GNU compiler tools (optionally including
    # path), i.e. "arm_v5t_le-" or "/opt/bin/arm_v5t_le-".

    # Where to copy the resulting executables and data to (when executing 'make
    # install') in a proper file structure. This EXEC_DIR should either be visible
    # from the target, or you will have to copy this (whole) directory onto the
    # target filesystem.


    Have a great night!


    Take care,


  • Juan, Yeah, I know. I have never seen this issue before. Unfortunately, these are the versions of the tools that I should be using according to .


    I am thinking about going back to MV4 due to spending so much time on this, but my team really wants to move forward with development in MV5. So, if you can help to get us past this problem, we would greatly appreciate it.


    Have a great night!


    Take care,


  • Juan,


    BTW, I just looked for the missing library (ipc_dsplink_6446.av5T), and it does not exist. However, two others (ipc_dsplink_2530.av5T and ipc_dsplink_3530.av5T) do exist under the codec_engine_2_20_01/packages/ti/sdo/ce/ipd/dsplink/lib directory. Why is ipc_dsplink_6446.av5T missing?


    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • Darwin,

    You should go back to the codec engine version that came with the DVSDK; when you start updating individual components such as codec engine, you have to be extra careful.  Looking the the roadmap link you sent ( ), it appears codec engine 2.20 suppirts OMAP2 and OMAP3 devices only (not DM6446). 

    If you have a good reason why you cannot use the codec engine version included in the DVSDK, we can discuss further and identify the proper codec engine version for you, but I bet this is contributing to the issues you are seeing.

  • HyperGalaxy said:

    BTW, I just looked for the missing library (ipc_dsplink_6446.av5T), and it does not exist. However, two others (ipc_dsplink_2530.av5T and ipc_dsplink_3530.av5T) do exist under the codec_engine_2_20_01/packages/ti/sdo/ce/ipd/dsplink/lib directory. Why is ipc_dsplink_6446.av5T missing?

    Darwin, as I mentioned in my previous post, CE v2.20 was intended for OMAP2 (2530) and OMAP3 (3530) devices, hence the reason you see those files.  It does not support DM6446, hence the reason ipc_dsplink_6446.av5T is missing.  Please use codec engine and dsplink version included with DVSDK.

  • Juan,


    Thanks for that information. However, according to the Codec Engine road map , I need to use CE 2.20 or higher with MontaVista Pro 5. So, what should I do in this case (in order to use MV5 and your tools)? (Can I just rebuild DSP Link in the cetools directory under the top level Codec Engine directory?)


    Have a great night!


    Take care,


  • Darwin,

    The Codec Engine 2.21 release will be released some time next week.  It will support MVPro 5.0 for the DM6446.  By the way, disregard my earlier mention about the GCArmv5T.  I looked more carefully at your post and see that you're using the MVArm9 target already, so there's nothing you need to change.  Your issue comes down to the simple fact that CE 2.20 only supports OMAP.  I recommend that you wait for CE 2.21 to be released next week if you wish to use MVPro 5.0.


  • I think Brad summed it up; there is no mv5 support at the moment; you will need to wait until ce 2.21 is released next week.

    May I ask why you are using mv5?  I assume you are using the mv pro 5.0 release from MontaVista Zone, correct (FYI, DVSDK is based on mv pro 4.0.1 at the moment)?

  • Okay, thanks, guys. I will go back to MV4, for now, and, possibly, try MV5, next week.


    The team wants to use MV5 due to its updated drivers and enhanced development environment. (Actually, the development environment does not really impact my work, since I do not use DevRocket, but the other members of the team do.)


    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • Okay, I went back to MV4 and back to tools that are supposed to work with MV4, and now the build is looking for a headerfile (davinci_resizer.h) that only exists in the MV5 kernel source. What is going on here? What is a set of tools that I can use with MV4 until you guys get the tools working with MV5???


    Here is my Rules.mak file (so you can see the versions that I am using):



    ifndef PLATFORM
       $(error PLATFORM must be set in Rules.make to dm355 or dm6446 before building the demos)

    # The installation directory of the DVSDK  dvsdk_1_30_01_41.

    # For backwards compatibility

    # Where the Codec Engine package is installed.

    # Where the XDAIS package is installed.

    # Where the DSP Link package is installed.

    # Where the CMEM (contiguous memory allocator) package is installed.

    # Where the codec servers are installed (dm6446) or codecs (dm355)
    ifneq ($(PLATFORM),dm355)

    # Where the RTSC tools package is installed.

    # Where Framework Components product is installed

    # Where DSP/BIOS is installed

    # The directory that points to your kernel source directory.

    # The prefix to be added before the GNU compiler tools (optionally including
    # path), i.e. "arm_v5t_le-" or "/opt/bin/arm_v5t_le-".

    # Where to copy the resulting executables and data to (when executing 'make
    # install') in a proper file structure. This EXEC_DIR should either be visible
    # from the target, or you will have to copy this (whole) directory onto the
    # target filesystem.



    Here are the error messages that I am getting when I try to build the DVSDK:



    Making all in subdirectory /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/cmem_2_10/packages/ti/sdo/linuxutils/cmem/src/module...
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/cmem_2_10/packages/ti/sdo/linuxutils/cmem/src/module'
    make -C /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/kernels/MontaVista4/linux-2.6.10_mvl401 M=`pwd` ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le- \
            EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DUSE_UDEV=1 -DMAX_POOLS=128" modules
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/kernels/MontaVista4/linux-2.6.10_mvl401'
      CC [M]  /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/cmem_2_10/packages/ti/sdo/linuxutils/cmem/src/module/cmemk.o
    /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/cmem_2_10/packages/ti/sdo/linuxutils/cmem/src/module/cmemk.c:53:2: warning: #warning LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 2.6.18
      Building modules, stage 2.
      CC      /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/cmem_2_10/packages/ti/sdo/linuxutils/cmem/src/module/cmemk.mod.o
      LD [M]  /home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/cmem_2_10/packages/ti/sdo/linuxutils/cmem/src/module/cmemk.ko
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/kernels/MontaVista4/linux-2.6.10_mvl401'
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/cmem_2_10/packages/ti/sdo/linuxutils/cmem/src/module'

    Making all in subdirectory demos/dm6446...
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446'

    Making all in subdirectory utils...
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils'

    Making all in subdirectory msp430lib...
    make[3]: Entering directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/msp430lib'
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall  -c -g -D__DEBUG -o debug/msp430lib.o msp430lib.c
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-ar rc ../lib/msp430libd.a debug/msp430lib.o
    Installing headers...
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall  -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -o release/msp430lib.o msp430lib.c
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-ar rc ../lib/msp430lib.a release/msp430lib.o
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/msp430lib'

    Making all in subdirectory simplewidget...
    make[3]: Entering directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/simplewidget'
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Ifreetype2 -c -g -D__DEBUG -o debug/font.o font.c
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Ifreetype2 -c -g -D__DEBUG -o debug/gfx.o gfx.c
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Ifreetype2 -c -g -D__DEBUG -o debug/jpeg.o jpeg.c
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Ifreetype2 -c -g -D__DEBUG -o debug/png.o png.c
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Ifreetype2 -c -g -D__DEBUG -o debug/simplewidget.o simplewidget.c
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-ar rc ../lib/simplewidgetd.a debug/font.o debug/gfx.o debug/jpeg.o debug/png.o debug/simplewidget.o
    Installing headers...
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Ifreetype2 -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -o release/font.o font.c
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Ifreetype2 -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -o release/gfx.o gfx.c
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Ifreetype2 -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -o release/jpeg.o jpeg.c
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Ifreetype2 -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -o release/png.o png.c
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -Ifreetype2 -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -o release/simplewidget.o simplewidget.c
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-ar rc ../lib/simplewidget.a release/font.o release/gfx.o release/jpeg.o release/png.o release/simplewidget.o
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/simplewidget'

    Making all in subdirectory fifoutil...
    make[3]: Entering directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/fifoutil'
    Installing headers...
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/fifoutil'

    Making all in subdirectory rendezvous...
    make[3]: Entering directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/rendezvous'
    Installing headers...
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/rendezvous'

    Making all in subdirectory timerutil...
    make[3]: Entering directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/timerutil'
    Installing headers...
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/timerutil'

    Making all in subdirectory smooth...
    make[3]: Entering directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/smooth'
    /opt/montavista4/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin/arm_v5t_le-gcc -Wall -I/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/kernels/MontaVista4/linux-2.6.10_mvl401/include -c -I../include -g -D__DEBUG -o debug/smooth.o smooth.c
    smooth.c:10:38: asm/arch/davinci_resizer.h: No such file or directory
    smooth.c: In function `Smooth_create':
    smooth.c:121: error: `RSZ_S_EXP' undeclared (first use in this function)
    smooth.c:121: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
    smooth.c:121: error: for each function it appears in.)
    smooth.c: In function `Smooth_config':
    smooth.c:136: error: `rsz_params_t' undeclared (first use in this function)
    smooth.c:136: error: parse error before "params"
    smooth.c: At top level:
    smooth.c:186: error: parse error before string constant
    smooth.c:186: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `fprintf'
    smooth.c:186: error: conflicting types for 'fprintf'
    smooth.c:186: note: a parameter list with an ellipsis can't match an empty parameter name list declaration
    smooth.c:186: error: conflicting types for 'fprintf'
    smooth.c:186: note: a parameter list with an ellipsis can't match an empty parameter name list declaration
    smooth.c:186: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
    smooth.c:188: error: parse error before '.' token
    smooth.c: In function `Smooth_execute':
    smooth.c:212: error: `rsz_resize_t' undeclared (first use in this function)
    smooth.c:212: error: parse error before "rsz"
    smooth.c:215: error: `rsz' undeclared (first use in this function)
    smooth.c:216: error: `RSZ_BUF_IN' undeclared (first use in this function)
    smooth.c:221: error: `RSZ_BUF_OUT' undeclared (first use in this function)
    smooth.c:226: error: `RSZ_RESIZE' undeclared (first use in this function)
    smooth.c: At top level:
    smooth.c:39: warning: 'inHeightCalc' defined but not used
    smooth.c:70: warning: 'inWidthCalc' defined but not used
    make[3]: *** [debug/smooth.o] Error 1
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils/smooth'
    make[2]: *** [smooth] Error 2
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446/utils'
    make[1]: *** [utils] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/darwin/projects/LightSpeed/dvsdk_1_30_01_41/demos/dm6446'
    make: *** [demos/dm6446] Error 2
    Exit 2



    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • Where are you getting your Linux Kernel from?

    FYI, davinci_resizer.h is included in the DVSDK; if you followed the Getting Started Guide, you will find it under



  • looking at this more closely, the DVSDK does not come with a cetools directory as suggested in your Rules.make file; this makes me think you are still not using all the software components that come with the DVSDK

    Also, the error reporting the missing davinci_resizer.h file

    "asm/arch/davinci_resizer.h: No such file or directory"

    suggests a path that is different from the actual path.  I have built this DVSDK tree in the past successfully, hence I find this very strange.

  • Juan,


    Yes, I followed the getting started guide, and no, davinci_resizer.h is nowhere to be found in our MV4 tree. We are using MV4 pro (linux-2.6.10_mvl401 kernel) that came with our EVM bundle. Do we need to obtain an MV4 update or something???


    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • Juan,


    I am using CD 2.10.02 (per my previous post and as you mentioned in one of your previous posts). In any case, this does not seem to have anything to do with the current problem. The current problem is related to the fact that our kernel source tree has no davinci_resizer.h file in it.


    What in the heck is going on here? (I cannot believe what a pain in the butt this is, and we are not getting any work done as a result of not being able to build the tools...)


    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • I meant CE 2.10.02...

  • Darwin,

    The davinci_resizer.h specifically comes as part of the "mvl_4_0_1_demo_lsp_setuplinux_#_#_#_#.bin" which should have been isntalled as part of the Getting Started Guide (GSG); I just installed this myself and can see it is there.   By the way, the steps in the GSG should produce a directory called mv_pro_4.0.1, correct?  The reason I mention this is the previous versions of the DVSDK were based on MV pro 4.0, the the most recent DVSDK is based on MV Pro 4.0.1.  I do not mean to be picky, just want to double check to make sure you have the right files.

  • HyperGalaxy said:

    I meant CE 2.10.02...

    This was my guess.  But unless you have a good reason to upgrade to this version of the codec engine, I would stick to what comes with the DVSDK.  The combination of software components included in the DVSDK have been tested to make sure they work well together; this does not mean you cannot upgrade individual components (with care), but for the best ease of use experience, you want to stick to official DVSDK releases.

  • HyperGalaxy said:

    The current problem is related to the fact that our kernel source tree has no davinci_resizer.h file in it.

    What in the heck is going on here? (I cannot believe what a pain in the butt this is, and we are not getting any work done as a result of not being able to build the tools...)


    I am sorry you are having such a bad experience with the tools; as we discovered, a huge part of your efforts were spent using the wrong version CE which did not support DM6446; this should have never happened.  We have had many customers sucessfully install the DVSDK software by simply going thru the Getting Started Guide.  As I mentioned, the missing davinci_resizer.h file is part of DVSDK and hopefully, you will soon confirm this and be up and running.  Otherwise, please do not hesitate to send us additional questions; we are here to help.

  • Juan,


    Where in the DVSDK is the davinci_resizer.h file? (I updated the locate database and searched for the file and only found it in the MV5 pro kernel source tree. It is not in the MV4 kernel source tree nor in the DVSDK source tree. So, if you say that it is in the DVSDK kernel source tree, please tell me where.)


    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • Darwin,

    This file is included in the "mvl_4_0_1_demo_lsp_setuplinux_01_20_00_014.bin" file which you need to install as part of the GSG (part of DVSDK software).  After you complete step 4.5 of the GSG, you will find the davinci_resizer file under


    Let me know if this helps.

  • Juan,


    Again, we are using MV4 Pro (i.e., the Digital Video Software Production Bundle). Thus, we do not want to revert back to the MV4 demo files. Can you please tell us which MV4 pro installation file contains these (and how to just install that file)?


    I would think that the installer would just install all of the needed files, correct?


    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • I think I see were the confusion is.  MV Pro 4 and MV Pro 4.0.1 apply to both DVSDK and DVSPB.  I have been suggesting DVSDK all along, and it appears you are working with DVSPB.  Please note that DVSPB is a superset of DVSDK, this means you get DVSDK + access to MV Zone to get the latest Linux pathches.

    If you go to MV Zone to get your Linux kernel (as part of your DVSPB subscription), you need to make sure it is compatible with the rest of the DVSDK.  For example, the DVSDK demos are updated to use new driver features; if your DVSPB Linux kernel does not have all the features the demos are using, things will break.  This is why I keep on suggesting the easiest way to get started is to use DVSDK, once you feel comfortable with DVSDK, you can start upgrading individual software components from either MV Zone or Update advisor.

    That said, if you still want to use DVSPB kernel, it appears MV pro 4 no longer has DaVinci support (I just checked MV Zone); DaVinci support has moved to MV Pro 4.0.1; if you are using MV Pro 4.0.1, you can go to the "updates and Fixes" page (link below)

    and search  (cntrl-F) for resizer.  You will find that patch "pro-1641" includes resizer driver.  That said, another important thing to keep in mind is that when it comes to patches, unless you are familiar enough with patches to know there are no dependancies among them, you need to apply patches in sequence; otherwise, you may break the build.

    Let me know if this helps clear things up.

  • Juan,


    I just reinstalled MV4.0.1 Pro, and there is no davinci_resizer.h anywhere in the installed tree. Is it only in the MV4.0.1 demo software??? (What kind of sense does that make?)


    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • Darwin,

    MV Pro 4.0.1 is the base kernel version; patches come out from time to time that can be applied on top of this base kernel and it is still called MV Pro 4.0.1 (hence the "updates and fixes" link in MV Zone.  That said,

    1) When we relase a new DVSDK, we include all the patches that DVSDK incorporates into the Linux Kernel already (analogous to getting Windows XP + sevice pack 3); this means resizer files are readily available.

    2) when you get the get kernel from MV Zone, you get the base kernel (analogous to getting Windows XP only), and you get access to all the updates (analogous to service pack 1, 2 and 3).  It is up to you to decide which updates you want to include and exclude.  As I satted in my previous post, resizer driver is included in MV Zone patch "pro-1641". You will not see resizer files until you update to this patch.

    Hope this helps.


  • Juan,


    Also, I went ahead and grabbed the  mvl_lsp_setuplinux_1_10_01_32.bin file from our MV4 demo DVDs, and there is no davinci_resizer.h file in the files that it installs, either. So, can you please check again and tell me where this file comes from and why it is not part of the MV4.0.1 Pro installation?


    Have a great day!


    Take care,


  • Darwin,

    With regards to DVSDK, "mvl_lsp_setuplinux_1_10_01_32.bin " file you are using is old and resizer driver was not supported back then; this is why I recommended DVSDK DVSDK and its associated file "mvl_4_0_1_demo_lsp_setuplinux_01_20_00_014.bin"

    With regards to DVSPB and MV Kernel, as I mentioned in my previous post, you need to update up to patch "pro-1641"

    Let me know if this helps clear things up.

  • Thanks, Juan. BTW, why isn't any of this documented (e.g., even just a statement in the installation documentation that lists the patches required for the tool set to function)???


    I will get back to you, one I have patched the kernel, to see if this resolves the problem of the missing header files...


    Take care,


  • I agree, this need better explanation up-front.  I will add it to my list of potential wiki articles to write :).

  • Juan,


    At a minimum, you should tell the required patch level of the kernel that your tools have been validated against. For example, on Friday I updated our kernel to the patch level that got us past that davinci_resizer.h missing issue, but now there are other issues. It should be really clear what patch level the kernel has to be to work with your tools. One should not have to guess, like this.


    Have a great week!


    Take care,
