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I have a custom board with two 6455 DSP's .
I have configured the DSP as EMIFA boot mode.
When loading my code through emulator,it works fine.
But when the same is converted to hex and loaded into flash. DSP is not booting.
May I know how to debug?
Thanks in advance
Do you get anything written to the CCS Console window when you connect to the target?
When in your application is the SRIO configuration done? Usually, that would be done in main().
SURABHI RAKESH said:While loading symbols ,I have observed that my PC is initialized to main.obj .
Is your PC at _main or somewhere within the main() function? PC=main.obj is not a valid description.
Is the PC always at the same place when you halt it after a failure?
SURABHI RAKESH said:I tried to place breakpoint at few places of my code.But PC is not updating.
As described in the Wiki article, use a hardware breakpoint at _main or main to stop after the code is bootloaded. Observe the difference between the loaded code / initialized data and those for the emulator-loaded version.
Hi Randy,
I have configured McBSP as UART and added a message to display on the console, every time when function is executed.Even there is an LED which indicates DSP boot status.
I have created to two separate projects
a.Project-1: Includes board initialization, uart configuration, [display message to appear on the console(in while(1) loop)].
b.Project-2: Includes board initialization, uart configuration, [display message to appear on the console,along with some FFT function and magnitude calculation] (in while(1) loop) .
The procedure followed to create .hex file and the platform used are same for the both.
I am getting only the display message corresponding to the Project-1 only,when the corresponding .hex file is flashed .
When I have flashed the .hex file created from Project-2,I am not getting anything displayed on the console.
I have referred to the link provided by TI(debug boot issues) and Loaded symbols instead of code for the both.
In both the cases ,My PC is showing the address of main.obj.
But LED is indicating Booting only in project:1,in project:2 even LED indicates that DSP has not been booted.
May I know how to debug the issue.