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CCS/TMS320VC5505: Error connecting to the taget

Part Number: TMS320VC5505

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi All,

I have been evaluating TMS320VC5505 using TMDX5505eZDSP evaluation board and Code Composer Studio. The evaluation was going very well I created project based on DSP/BIOS I could load my code to target and debug my application. I have flashed my evaluation board few times and  it was working perfectly fine too.

Suddenly when I was trying to connect to the target, I got error:

"Error connecting to the target (Error - 1143 @ 0x5F) Device core was hung. The debugger has forced the device to a ready state and recovered debug control, but your application's state is now corrupt. You should have limited access to memory and registers, but you may need to reset the device to debug further.
(Emulation package 5.1.507.0) ".

Can anyone can tell me how I can recover from this fault.


DjohnWoz  :-(


  • Hi DjohnWoz,

    I suggest you to take a look at debugging JTAG connectivity problems articles at:
    where the same error is mentioned.
    Also you can clean up the boot image file from respective peripherals using clean.bin (available in programmer example - from CSL package) and try re-loading the demo.bin and check.
    You can find CSL package at:
    Programmer example exists in the path - <>\c55_lp\c55_csl_3.08\c55xx_csl\ccs_v6.0_examples\programmer - clean.bin exists here.
    If the issue is still not resolved yo can find similar issue and solution at:

    Tsvetolin Shulev
  • HI Tsvetolin,

    Thank you for responding to my question. The information you send me was very help full and helped me to resolve my issue.

    Just for your reference, during my TMS320vc5505 evaluation process was building application and I didn’t pay attention to the size of binary image which is flashed to the board. My application was growing over time and at some point reached the size bigger then capacity of SPI EPROM on the evaluation board. When I flushed my board with that image I basically bricked my board. The SPI EPROM was programmed with as much code as it could store. When I reboot my board after flushing EPROM it hung up with blocked bus even JTAG couldn’t take control over. The irony of this is that EPROM was still holding valid image header which is being check during the boot sequence and it was starting running the in complete code leading to hung up in locked bus state. My multiple hardware resets never helped because always ended up in the same hung up state. The last link in your email led me to the blog which explained how to short chip select pin of the EPRM  in order to skip EPROM in boot sequence.

    Thank you for help GREAT JOB!

