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RTOS/TMS320C6745: OMAPL137_bf_rt project configuration

Part Number: TMS320C6745

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

I am looking to configure te beamforming demo to access the mic and speaker data using a frame size of 64 instead of 160.  The user guide references the sys.h variables to configure.  Seems that I can't change the frame size.  Is this a configurable option?

From sys.h

 * Static system configuration parameters

 * Static system configuration parameters

#define SYS_MICS_MAX          7       /* Maximum number of microphones in the system */
#define SYS_VMICS_MAX         12       /* Maximum number of virtual microphones in the system */
#define SYS_ADC_FS_HZ         16000   /* ADC sampling rate in Hz */
#define SYS_FS_HZ             16000   /* Sampling rate in Hz */
#define SYS_FS_RATIO          SYS_ADC_FS_HZ/SYS_FS_HZ   /* Sampling rate ratio */
#define SYS_FRAME_DURATION_MS 10      /* Frame duration in ms */
#define SYS_FRAME_LENGTH      (1L*SYS_FS_HZ*SYS_FRAME_DURATION_MS/1000)             /* Frame length in samples */
#define SYS_IN_LENGTH         (2L*SYS_FRAME_LENGTH*SYS_MICS_MAX)                    /* Input buffer length (dual) */
#define SYS_IN_SIZE           (TYP_LINSAMPLE_SIZE*SYS_IN_LENGTH/TYP_TWORD_SIZE)     /* # of words in input buffer */
#define SYS_USE_DRC           1                                                     /* Do we want use DRC */

Seems that accessing the mics is settup to be done at 16k on a 10ms frame.  Is this configurable to something different.  The BUFLEN is hard defined to:

#define BUFLEN                  160*2         /* number of samples in the frame */

Any attempt to modify causes issues with the system.

If the frequency is lowered to 8K with a 20ms frame duration, the demo runs but the execution time that the Audio_echo_Task is required to run in remains at 10ms.
