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CCS/TMS320VC5402: CCS 1.20.1

Part Number: TMS320VC5402

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Dear support,

we are on mass production based on TMS320VC5402. We have some trouble with Spectrum digital incorporated XDS510PP and the new one XDS510PP Plus because the driver software/hardware

with the new PC with Win10 or Win7 for parallel port  are decoder like SPP4 instead of real SPP8.

Then we would like to work with abother debbuger with USB interface.

But we are using CCS 1.20.1 and we would like to stay in this platform to give an help to our production into programming and software debug for minor updates but stil necessary.

I've seen like suggested some emaulator : XDS560v2 and XDS200 USB Debug Probe, obviously   Jtag, but I' woul like an help to better define the right choise,

because reading the datasheet of the emulator XDS200, doesn't support C52x family and I'm a little bit confused on what the right choise.

Many thanks in advance.

Best Regards

Gianluca Bortolozzo

  • Gianluca,

    Given the combination of tools you have (CCSv1.2 and a C54x device) and the fact you are having trouble with the existing PP/PP+ probes, I would strongly advise you to purchase a XDS510USB Debug Probe. It is supported in both Windows 7 and Windows 10. The other problem I see is that CCS 1.2 is not tested in these OSes.

    In this case, our suggestion is to "freeze" the development environment in one of the two ways:
    - Keep one or more legacy host PCs with the compatible OS installed. This guarantees the development environment is intact for code changes, build and debug/programming. The drawbacks are portability and redundancy, as you need one or more redundant physical hosts (in case the original breaks) and you can't perform code changes unless you have physical access to this host.
    - Create a Virtual Machine with a compatible OS and the CCSv1.2 install. This guarantees the development environment is intact for code changes and build, while maintaining a good level of portability and redundancy since it is easy to backup the entire VM and move it across hosts. The major drawback is debug/programming: we can't guarantee the PP or PP+ Debug Probes will work well across the VM <=> host OS interface (this is known to cause some problems in the past). The solution to this is to use a more modern OS, CCSv5.5 and either keep your existing Debug Probes (some OS versions still support the PP device drivers, as you said) or purchase the aforementioned XDS510USB. To program the device, manually copy the .out file built on the CCSv1.2 inside the VM to the host OS and program the board/device using CCSv5.5.

    In both scenarios you can keep your investment in the PP and PP+ Debug Probes or purchase a more modern Spectrum Digital XDS510USB:

    Hope this helps,