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Linux/PROCESSOR-SDK-DRA7X: GC320 : Alpha blending with multi-source blitting


Tool/software: Linux


My application requires to support upto 4 overlays upon the base video. We are making use of GC320 module available on Jacinto6.
The input format is ARGB and output format is YUYV.
Is it possible to perform alpha blending of these overlays while using multi-source blitting?
Is there an existing sample application that we could refer for this use-case.

  • Hi Divya.

    `` is a repo that houses several examples on the usage of the API. There are few examples on the MultiSourceBlit and AlphaBlending usecases.

    Below is for MultiSourceBlit

    Please take a look at these and see if these cover your scenario.


  • Hi Gowtham,

    Thanks for your input. 

    The overlays can be of different dimension as compared to the base video.

    Will "gco2D_StretchBlit()" API help for rescaling the overlays as desired?

    Also, we need to have flexibiltiy of setting overlays at any co-ordinates on the base video. Will setting the appropriate rectangle co-ordinates for "gco2D_SetGenericSource()" before perfoming multi-source blit help?

    Thanks and Regards,

    Divya B M

  • Hi Divya

    -0- on stretchblit

    `gco2D_StretchBlit()` can be used for rescaling.

    -1- on dynamic co-ordinates

    Multi-source blit expects same destination rectangle for the sources. If you
    have multiple-sources each with different destination rectangle you would have
    to perform *regionization* before doing multi-source blit. By *regionization*,
    you would divide the destination into rectangle of intersecting sources and
    perform sequence of blitting ops on those.


  • Hi Gowtham,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Is there any sample application that we can refer to, for "regionization" you suggested for dynamic co-ordinates?


  • Hi Divya,

    See attached for reference on doing composition by region using multi-source blit.


  • Hi Gowtham,

    The attachment file which your comment refers to, seems to be missing.

    Can you please re-attach the same?



  • Hi Divya,

    I believe the application has been shared to you through email. If not let me know.


  • Hi Divya,

    I believe this is now resolved, do let us know if you have any additional questions.

