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コンパイラ/ TMS320C6747: Could you tell me how to set up the platform?

Part Number: TMS320C6747

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

Hello Mr. Rahul

I examined your information and decided to retry with ccsv4. It is also a platform error. Do you need to set memory map and other settings? At this time, we will send a summary of ccsv4 installation settings, platform errors, and memory. Can you tell me how to set up ccsv4?

Best Regards


  • Hi,

    Which Processor SDK RTOS example are you trying to build? How do you set your target configuration in CCS?

    Best Regards,

  • Thank you for your reply Jordan

    Yesterday's block diagram was developed by another company nine years ago with a target custom board. Since there are a few development record documents at that time, I have uploaded them to this E2E site several times.
    However, there is no information about “Which Processor SDK RTOS” that you asked, and there is only a method of reading from the source file.
    The list of source files and tcf file are posted again. Currently, the processor selection at project creation is C6000. Thank you in advance.

    Best Regards,
    Suzuki @10:30(japan)

     �h���C�u C �̃{�����[�� ���x���� OS �ł�
     �{�����[�� �V���A���ԍ��� 7A2A-9A55 �ł�
     C:\VM-Share-win7\DSP_V106\LS041 �̃f�B���N�g��
    2019/08/08  10:20    <DIR>          .
    2019/08/08  10:20    <DIR>          ..
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,091 acf.h
    2019/07/08  19:11             5,610 acf_tbl.h
    2019/07/08  19:11            18,725 acf_tsk.c
    2019/07/08  19:11            37,266 boot_ls041.asm
    2019/07/08  19:11            19,298 cmd_tsk.c
    2019/08/02  17:34    <DIR>          Debug
    2019/07/08  19:11            20,418 fcnt_tsk.c
    2019/07/08  19:11             7,339 fpga.h
    2019/07/08  19:11            63,425 Gpio.c
    2019/07/08  19:11            18,713 Gpio.h
    2019/07/08  19:11             3,902 GpioLocal.h
    2019/07/08  19:11               594 hex_ls041.rom
    2019/07/08  19:11               948 led_tsk,.c
    2019/07/08  19:11               870 link.cmd
    2019/08/08  10:20                 0 list_ls0441.txt
    2019/07/08  19:11             3,969 ls041.h
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,478 LS041.tcf
    2019/07/08  19:11             8,621 ls041_main.c
    2019/07/08  19:11             7,165 pllc_Init.c
    2019/07/08  19:11            11,313 Psc.c
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,081 Psc.h
    2019/08/02  17:34    <DIR>          Release
    2019/07/08  19:11             6,830 syscfg.c
    2019/07/08  19:11               189 syscfg.h
    2019/07/08  19:11           165,938 Uart.c
    2019/07/08  19:11            15,480 Uart.h
    2019/07/08  19:11            12,402 UartLocal.h
    2019/07/08  19:11                90 ver.h
                  26 �‚̃t�@�C��             441,755 �o�C�g
                   4 �‚̃f�B���N�g��  373,292,843,008 �o�C�g�̋󂫗̈�
     �h���C�u C �̃{�����[�� ���x���� OS �ł�
     �{�����[�� �V���A���ԍ��� 7A2A-9A55 �ł�
     C:\VM-Share-win7\DSP_V106\boot2nd �̃f�B���N�g��
    2019/08/08  10:22    <DIR>          .
    2019/08/08  10:22    <DIR>          ..
    2019/07/08  19:11            12,106 boot.c
    2019/08/02  17:33    <DIR>          Debug
    2019/07/08  19:11               979 link.cmd
    2019/08/08  10:22                 0 list_boot2nd.txt
    2019/08/02  17:33    <DIR>          Release
                   3 �‚̃t�@�C��              13,085 �o�C�g
                   4 �‚̃f�B���N�g��  373,286,563,840 �o�C�g�̋󂫗̈�
    /* The following DSP/BIOS Features are enabled.  */
    bios.GBL.CLKIN = 24000;
    bios.GBL.C64PLUSMAR128to159 = 0x0000ffff;
    bios.MEM.instance("L3_CBA_RAM").space = "data";
    bios.MBX.instance("Mbx_fcnt").comment = "Fcnt_tsk mailbox";
    bios.MBX.instance("Mbx_fcnt").messageSize = 4;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_idle").order = 1;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_cmd").order = 1;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_cmd").comment = "Cmd_tsk";
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_cmd").fxn = prog.extern("Cmd_tsk");
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_fcnt").order = 2;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_fcnt").comment = "Fcnt_tsk";
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_fcnt").fxn = prog.extern("Fcnt_tsk");
    bios.GBL.USERINITFXN = prog.extern("Psc_init");
    bios.ECM.ENABLE = 1;
    bios.HWI.instance("HWI_INT7").interruptSelectNumber = 0;
    bios.HWI.instance("HWI_INT8").interruptSelectNumber = 1;
    bios.HWI.instance("HWI_INT9").interruptSelectNumber = 2;
    bios.HWI.instance("HWI_INT10").interruptSelectNumber = 3;
    bios.MBX.instance("Mbx_acf").messageSize = 4;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_acf").order = 3;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_acf").comment = "Acf_tsk";
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_acf").fxn = prog.extern("Acf_tsk");
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_led").order = 4;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_led").comment = "Led_tsk";
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_led").fxn = prog.extern("Led_tsk");
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_tx").order = 5;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_tx").comment = "Tx_tsk";
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_tx").fxn = prog.extern("Tx_tsk");
    bios.UDEV.instance("UART0").comment = "UART0";
    bios.UDEV.instance("UART0").initFxn = prog.extern("user_uart0_init");
    bios.UDEV.instance("UART0").fxnTable = prog.extern("uartParams", "asm");
    bios.UDEV.instance("UART0").fxnTableType = "IOM_Fxns";
    bios.UDEV.instance("UART0").fxnTable = prog.extern("Uart_IOMFXNS");
    bios.UDEV.instance("UART0").params = prog.extern("uartParams");
    bios.MEM.instance("IRAM").base = 0x11800400;
    bios.MEM.instance("IRAM").len = 0x0003fc00;
    bios.MEM.instance("BOOT").comment = "BOOT LOADER";
    bios.MEM.instance("BOOT").base = 0x11800000;
    bios.MEM.instance("BOOT").len = 0x00000400;
    bios.MEM.instance("BOOT").space = "code/data";
    bios.MEM.STACKSIZE = 0x2000;
    bios.RTDX.MODE = "Simulator";
    bios.MEM.instance("IRAM").createHeap = 1;
    bios.MEM.instance("IRAM").heapSize = 0x00004000;
    bios.MEM.BIOSOBJSEG = prog.get("IRAM");
    bios.MEM.MALLOCSEG = prog.get("IRAM");
    bios.LOG.instance("TRACE").bufLen = 512;
    bios.MEM.instance("FROM").createHeap = 0;
    bios.MEM.instance("FROM").space = "reserved";
    bios.MEM.instance("FROM").comment = "FLASH ROM";
    bios.MEM.instance("FROM").base = 0x60000000;
    bios.MEM.instance("FROM").len = 0x00200000;
    bios.GIO.ENABLEGIO = 1;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_fcnt").stackSize = 4096;
    bios.RTDX.MODE = "JTAG";
    bios.SEM.instance("Sem_Acf_data").count = 1;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_acf").priority = 2;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_fcnt").priority = 2;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_led").priority = 2;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_cmd").order = 2;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_fcnt").order = 3;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_acf").order = 4;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_led").order = 5;
    bios.MEM.instance("BOOT").len = 0x00004000;
    bios.MEM.instance("IRAM").base = 0x11804000;
    bios.MEM.instance("IRAM").len = 0x0003c000;
    bios.MEM.instance("BOOT").len = 0x00000800;
    bios.MEM.instance("IRAM").base = 0x11800800;
    bios.MEM.instance("IRAM").len = 0x0003f800;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_acf").stackSize = 2048;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_cmd").stackSize = 8192;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_led").stackSize = 2048;
    bios.TSK.instance("TSK_idle").stackSize = 2048;
    bios.UDEV.instance("UART0").deviceId = 2;
    bios.UDEV.instance("UART0").deviceId = 1;
    bios.MEM.STACKSIZE = 0x4000;
    bios.MEM.STACKSIZE = 0x2000;
    bios.UDEV.instance("UART0").deviceId = 0;
    bios.UDEV.instance("UART0").deviceId = 2;
    bios.UDEV.instance("UART0").deviceId = 0;

  • Hey Yodan
    The following are additions.
    We will send you a list of source files from the development record 9 years ago.

    Please let me know if there is a file that seems to be unclear about the settings.
    I will send

    2019/08/08  16:42    <DIR>          .
    2019/08/08  16:42    <DIR>          ..
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,091 acf.h
    2019/07/08  19:11             5,610 acf_tbl.h
    2019/07/08  19:11            18,725 acf_tsk.c
    2019/07/08  19:11            37,266 boot_ls041.asm
    2019/07/08  19:11            19,298 cmd_tsk.c
    2019/08/08  16:40    <DIR>          Debug
    2019/07/08  19:11            20,418 fcnt_tsk.c
    2019/07/08  19:11             7,339 fpga.h
    2019/07/08  19:11            63,425 Gpio.c
    2019/07/08  19:11            18,713 Gpio.h
    2019/07/08  19:11             3,902 GpioLocal.h
    2019/07/08  19:11               594 hex_ls041.rom
    2019/07/08  19:11               948 led_tsk,.c
    2019/07/08  19:11               870 link.cmd
    2019/08/08  16:42                 0 list_ls041.txt
    2019/07/08  19:11             3,969 ls041.h
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,478 LS041.tcf
    2019/07/08  19:11             8,621 ls041_main.c
    2019/07/08  19:11             7,165 pllc_Init.c
    2019/07/08  19:11            11,313 Psc.c
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,081 Psc.h
    2019/08/08  16:42    <DIR>          Release
    2019/07/08  19:11             6,830 syscfg.c
    2019/07/08  19:11               189 syscfg.h
    2019/07/08  19:11           165,938 Uart.c
    2019/07/08  19:11            15,480 Uart.h
    2019/07/08  19:11            12,402 UartLocal.h
    2019/07/08  19:11                90 ver.h
                  26 �‚̃t�@�C��             441,755 B
                   4 �‚̃f�B���N�g��  377,292,443,648 B
    2019/08/08  16:40    <DIR>          .
    2019/08/08  16:40    <DIR>          ..
    2019/07/08  19:11            39,128 acf_tsk.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,677 acf_tsk.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,674 boot_ls041.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11               335 ccsObjs.opt
    2019/07/08  19:11               169 ccsSrcs.opt
    2019/07/08  19:11            59,790 cmd_tsk.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             5,142 cmd_tsk.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11            29,456 fcnt_tsk.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,583 fcnt_tsk.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11            30,004 Gpio.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             3,507 Gpio.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11             6,907 led_tsk,.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,174 led_tsk,.pp
    2019/08/08  16:40                 0 list_debug.txt
    2019/07/08  19:11           410,746 LS041.cdb
    2019/07/08  19:11           107,514
    2019/07/08  19:11           761,953 LS041.out
    2019/07/08  19:11             9,663 LS041cfg.cmd
    2019/07/08  19:11               824 LS041cfg.h
    2019/07/08  19:11             5,867 LS041cfg.h62
    2019/07/08  19:11            60,121 LS041cfg.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11            69,582 LS041cfg.s62
    2019/07/08  19:11               276 LS041cfg_c.c
    2019/07/08  19:11             1,946 LS041cfg_c.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             3,579 LS041cfg_c.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11            11,026 ls041_main.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,425 ls041_main.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,261 makefile
    2019/07/08  19:11               347
    2019/07/08  19:11             5,063 pllc_Init.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11                40 pllc_Init.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11             9,520 Psc.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             2,870 Psc.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11             1,737
    2019/07/08  19:11            15,904
    2019/07/08  19:11             3,682 syscfg.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11               774 syscfg.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11            90,846 Uart.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,492 Uart.pp
                  39 �‚̃t�@�C��           1,779,604 B
                   2 �‚̃f�B���N�g��  377,302,437,888 B
    2019/08/08  16:41    <DIR>          .
    2019/08/08  16:41    <DIR>          ..
    2019/07/08  19:11            29,757 acf_tsk.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,679 acf_tsk.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11             3,179 boot_ls041.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11               335 ccsObjs.opt
    2019/07/08  19:11               169 ccsSrcs.opt
    2019/07/08  19:11            44,754 cmd_tsk.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             5,144 cmd_tsk.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11            24,049 fcnt_tsk.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,585 fcnt_tsk.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11            24,017 Gpio.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             3,507 Gpio.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11             5,172 led_tsk,.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,176 led_tsk,.pp
    2019/08/08  16:41                 0 list_release.txt
    2019/07/08  19:11           410,746 LS041.cdb
    2019/07/08  19:11           108,183
    2019/07/08  19:11           677,123 LS041.out
    2019/07/08  19:11             9,663 LS041cfg.cmd
    2019/07/08  19:11               824 LS041cfg.h
    2019/07/08  19:11             5,867 LS041cfg.h62
    2019/07/08  19:11            46,913 LS041cfg.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11            69,582 LS041cfg.s62
    2019/07/08  19:11               276 LS041cfg_c.c
    2019/07/08  19:11             1,945 LS041cfg_c.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             3,579 LS041cfg_c.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11             2,212
    2019/07/08  19:11           630,848 ls041v106.hex
    2019/07/08  19:11             7,490 ls041_main.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,427 ls041_main.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,537 makefile
    2019/07/08  19:11               347
    2019/07/08  19:11             3,641 pllc_Init.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11                40 pllc_Init.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11             6,230 Psc.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             2,870 Psc.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11             1,737
    2019/07/08  19:11            15,891
    2019/07/08  19:11             2,902 syscfg.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11               774 syscfg.pp
    2019/07/08  19:11            59,905 Uart.obj
    2019/07/08  19:11             4,492 Uart.pp
                  41 �‚̃t�@�C��           2,236,567 B
                   2 �‚̃f�B���N�g��  377,294,544,896 B
    you as much as possible.
    L debug
    L release

    Yes, there are no settings related to development records.

  • Mr Suzuki,

    The platform build issue is not a TI tools or BIOS or PSP issue. Your team when the project was originally created decided to create a C6747_LS041 custom platform.

    this is not part of the TI packages but should have been something that your team is maintaining the LS041 seems like code name for the project  that you are trying to rebuild. This is not something that you will find in the TI package no matter what version you use.  A custom C6747 platform is created using RTSC Platform wizard.

    You have two options:

    1. Try to locate the C6747_LS041 platform internally in your company source code archives

    2. Create the same platform C6747_LS041 using RTSC platform wizard

    Check step 4 here for the full set of instructions:



  • Please indicate if this issue is resolved. DSPBIOS support for these devices is limited as the version of BIOS is obsolete so we can only help as best as we can.

