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AM5728: EtherCAT Master debug issue

Guru 10235 points
Part Number: AM5728
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDEP0079

Hello, TI Experts,


Our customer sent us the unexpected SMP behavior about EtherCAT-Master reference design(TIDEP0079).


They are developing their EtherCAT-Master product referring TIDEP0079 under below tools.

- SDK(RTOS):ti\pdk_am57xx_1_0_9


- CCS:

- Acontis-EC-Master:


It seems deadlocked by using UART_printf() for their program debugging.

- Acontis EC-Master stack is using UART_printf();

- After they add UART_Printf() for their programing debugging,

     it seems deadlock.

- From their investigation for dead-lock point with CCS-debug,

     program seemes to stop in "GateSmp_tryLock()" or "GateSmp_unlock()".

-> Please refer attached pdf in detail.



   - Are there any problem/restriction by using UART_Printf() for SMP debugging?


We would appreciate if you tell us how to solve this problem.


Best regards,
