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AM5728: Artifacts in JPEG encoded frame

Part Number: AM5728

Hi all,

We've noticed an issue with the jpeg encoder when the height of the frame is not divisible by 16 (1080p, 360p, etc).  There are some green-coloured lines at the very bottom of the image.  Information and steps to reproduce are below:

Dev kit:  Both AM57xx evm and AM571x idk

SDK version:  TI processor SDK, v06.00.00.07

To reproduce, simply run the gst pipeline below and view the output:

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc num-buffers=1 ! video/x-raw,format=NV12, width=1920, height=1080, framerate=30/1 ! ducatijpegenc ! filesink location=/tmp/output.jpg

Attached are jpg files with this pipeline run at 1080p and 360p (it is a little easier to see at 360p).  Also attached is a png file zoomed in on the artifacts.

high-quality jpeg encoded video is critical for some our upcoming products, so this is a blocker for us.



1080p Image:


Zoomed in: