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AM3352: Power consumption

Part Number: AM3352


we used AM3352,but i don't understand some places.

1.I don't understand OP100,OP50,OP120,Nitro,Turbo(please see red box), What do they mean?we don't know what we choosed  

2.what is operating  maximum current of AM3352 in  0--60℃?

3.  when 1Ghz,maximum current is 1000mA, it is so high,but I understanding it is not so high,because Generally, the maximum LDO current is about 1A.,so LDO have a hard time satisfying the normal working of AM3352 ,TJ of AM3352 and LDO are very high. how to understand it?

4.Which I/O high level is 3.3V? and Which I/O high level is 1.5V? and Which I/O high level is 1.8V? 
