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AM5708: Enable PCIe PHY 1 TX mode in Linux

Part Number: AM5708


from Linux Kernel 4.4 to 4.14 the PCIe Phy implementation was changed, to use the syscon register.

In the Linux Kernel 4.4, we used the "omap_control_pcie1phy" to set the TX mode, like in this patch:

Table 18-1800. CTRL_CORE_SMA_SW_6
+17:16 PCIE_TX_RX_CONTROL PCIe RX and TX control of ACSPCIe. RW 0x0
+0x0: ACSPCIe Power Down Mode
+0x1: ACSPCIe TX Mode
+0x2: ACSPCIe RX
+ */

Also setting the Register 0x4A003C14, raw direct lead to an not bootable device.

How can this be achieved with the current device tree and driver implementation?



  • Christian, 

    Figure 26-19 in the TRM may be a better reference. Upon patch, we like to verify:

    1. CM_CLKMODE_APLL_PCIE[7]: REFSEL = 0b0;  // APLL reference input clock is from ADPLL
    2. CTRL_CORE_SMA_SW_6[17:16]: PCIE_TX_RX_CONTROL = 0b01; //LJCB output buffers in TX mode

    Also can you confirm your initial system of Kernel 4.14 + patch worked in your system? 

