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PROCESSOR-SDK-AM437X: NAND erase issue on evmAM437x

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM3358, SYSCONFIG

I'm using the evmAM437x with RTOS SDK 06_01_08.  I'm trying to get NAND Flash read and write working.  I've started with the example in C:\ti\sdk_am437x_06_01_08\pdk_am437x_1_0_16\packages\ti\drv\gpmc\test\src.  The application compiles and runs but I'm getting a notice that the Flash block erase failed.  Here's what I am seeing on the UART output:

 GPMC flash device ID: 0xdc90, manufacturer ID: 0x2c                            
 Board_flashEraseBlk failed.                                                    
 Some tests have failed.

The Flash device ID appears to be correct.  What am I missing? I don't have a jumper on J2.

The register CTRL_CONF_GPMC_WPN contains 0x13020000.  So the mode for GPMC_WPN is 0, which appears correct to me. 

Does this example work on the evmAM437x board?  Is there a better example to follow?



  • Hi KTM,

    KTM said:
    Does this example work on the evmAM437x board?

    This regression test log for PRSDK shows this test passing, but only a read test is performed. I don't have an AM437x GP EVM to test it myself. Hence I can't say for certain this NAND write test passes. 

    KTM said:
    Is there a better example to follow?

    I can't locate a better example in the PRSDK.

    KTM said:
    I don't have a jumper on J2.

    I checked the schematic, and this looks correct (output enable not disabled on bus transceiver).

    I suggest debugging further as follows:

    • check the error return from Board_flashEraseBlk()
    • step into Board_flashEraseBlk() to determine cause of failure

    To aid in debugging, you can use the debug board library build.

    • build the debug board library: gmake lib LIMIT_SOCS=am437x LIMIT_BOARDS=evmAM437x BUILD_PROFILE=debug
    • link to debug board library: add "Board.Settings.libProfile = "debug"; to gpmc_arm_evmam437x.cfg

    Let me know how it goes.


  • Frank,

    Thanks for the guidance.  I'll rebuild the board library as indicated and let you know what I find.


  • KTM,

    Thanks, I'll wait for your reply.


  • Frank,

    I built the debug version of the board library and made the change to the cfg file.  Debugging is now a lot easier!  Thanks.

    The function Nand_gpmcDeviceStatus is returning NAND_DEV_PROTECTED (see line 400 in nand_gpmc.c).  This function is called from Nand_gpmcErase().

    I did notice this E2E post for the AM3358 but changing GPMC_WPn to a GPIO didn't seem to help.  Maybe I didn't make the change correctly.   

    What should I try next?  I'll see if I can capture GPMC_WPn.



  • Hi KTM,

    KTM said:
    What should I try next?  I'll see if I can capture GPMC_WPn.

    Yes, this is a good next step.

    Can you connect with JTAG and check the state of the CTRL_CONF_GPMC_WPN register?

    This register is located in the CONTROL_MODULE.

    • CONTROL_MODULE base address: 0x44E10000
    • CTRL_CONF_GPMC_WPN offset: 0x874.


  • Frank,

    The mode bits for CONTROL_MODULE_CTRL_CONF_GPMC_WPN were set to 0  (gpmc_wpn).  That got me thinking about some GPIO changes we made to file  am43xx_gpevm_pinmux_data.c using the TI pinmux tool SysConfig.  I reverted back to the original am43xx_gpevm_pinmux_data.c file and noticed that the mode bits were now 9 (gpio5_31),and the Flash erase error has gone away.  It turns out that the original am43xx_gpevm_pinmux_data.c overrides in section GPIO5 of the file the gpmc_wpn mode of 0.

    I noticed that if I import the file gpevm_config.pinmux from the SDK then SysConfig doesn't generate a duplicate file to am43xx_gpevm_pinmux_data.c from the SDK.  In fact there are a lot of differences.  This was a surprise to me and something I should have checked more closely.  Is this intentional on TI's part or did I misuse SysConfig?

    The application now throws a NAND_ECC_UNCORRECTABLE error during reading of the Flash but the data verify passes.  Not sure why I'm getting that error.  Thoughts?



  • Hi KTM,

    KTM said:
    Flash erase error has gone away

    It's strange the error goes away when the pin is configured for gpio5_31 outout. It seems like the pin should be configured for gpmc_wpn. How do the other CTRL_CONF_GPMC_WPN bit field compare for the working and non-working cases?

    KTM said:
    Is this intentional on TI's part or did I misuse SysConfig?

    I need to check into this. Can you please provide an outline of how you used the SysConfig tool and share the files so I can compare?

    KTM said:
    application now throws a NAND_ECC_UNCORRECTABLE error

    Are you using the OOB demo code? Where is this error observed, i.e. which function?


  • Frank,

    (1) Based on my testing, setting pin GPMC_WPN to mode 0 (gpmc_wpn) or mode 7 (gpio0_31) results in a flash erase error.  Mode 9 (gpio5_31) does not result in the flash erase error.  Recall that above I referenced a previous E2E post that also solved a similar issue (although with a different Sitara part) by setting pin GPMC_WPN to a GPIO.

    (2) Run SysConfig (cloud-based version) and load gpevm_config.pinmux from C:\ti\sdk_am437x_06_01_08\pdk_am437x_1_0_16\packages\ti\starterware\tools\pinmux_config\am43xx.  Examine file am43xx_pinmux_data.c in the right-hand window and search for GPIO5.  There is only one entry and it is not related to pin GPMC_WPN.

    (3)  I believe the code is OOB (except that I allowed the data verification routine to execute even if an error occurs).  Function Nand_gpmcEccCheckAndCorrect() called from Nand_gpmcReadPage() in nand_gpmc.c appears to be returning the NAND_ECC_UNCORRECTABLE error.  BTW, comparisons such as

    if(status & NAND_ECC_ERR_CORRECTED)

      from line 889 of nand_gpmc.c seem suspicious when "status" and NAND_ECC_ERR_CORRECTED are not restricted to be powers of two.  Perhaps I don't understand the author's intent.



  • Hi Kevin,

    KTM said:
    (1) Based on my testing, setting pin GPMC_WPN to mode 0 (gpmc_wpn) or mode 7 (gpio0_31) results in a flash erase error.  Mode 9 (gpio5_31) does not result in the flash erase error.  Recall that above I referenced a previous E2E post that also solved a similar issue (although with a different Sitara part) by setting pin GPMC_WPN to a GPIO.

    Thanks, I recall the E2E post you referenced before. However, I don't understand why it works and no explanation is provided. Are any other bit-fields in CTRL_CONF_GPMC_WPN different between the working and non-working cases, or is CONF_GPMC_WPN_MMODE the only difference?

    KTM said:
    (2) Run SysConfig (cloud-based version) and load gpevm_config.pinmux from C:\ti\sdk_am437x_06_01_08\pdk_am437x_1_0_16\packages\ti\starterware\tools\pinmux_config\am43xx.  Examine file am43xx_pinmux_data.c in the right-hand window and search for GPIO5.  There is only one entry and it is not related to pin GPMC_WPN.

    I think you're using the SysConfig tool correctly. It appears the AM437x GP EVM .pinmux & .C files don't match, i.e. these files don't match:


    Further, none of the AM437x .pinmux files match with the data in am43xx_gpevm_pinmux_data.c. I think this is a bug. I see the same issue exists in the AM437x PRSDK 6.3 release.

    KTM said:

    BTW, comparisons such as

    if(status & NAND_ECC_ERR_CORRECTED)

    Agreed, this seems like another bug. If Nand_gpmcEccCheckAndCorrect() is returning NAND_ECC_UNCORRECTABLE, why isn't the code in the if() clause executed?

    ti/board/src/flash/nand/nand.h:91:#define NAND_ECC_ERR_CORRECTED (-9U)
    ti/board/src/flash/nand/nand.h:94:#define NAND_ECC_UNCORRECTABLE (-10U)

                status = Nand_gpmcEccCheckAndCorrect(handle, pEccData, pRxData);
                if(status & NAND_ECC_ERR_CORRECTED)
                        eccCorFlag = 1U;
                else if(status & NAND_ECC_UNCORRECTABLE)

    As I mentioned before, I don't currently have access to an AM437x GP EVM. I'll try to obtain one in the next few days so I can better assist you.


  • Frank,

    When the Flash erase passes, here's the configuration for pin GPMC_WPN:

        /* My GPIO 5 -> gpio5[31] -> B3 */
        PIN_GPMC_WPN, 31, \
        ( \
            PIN_MODE(9) | \
        ) \

    CTRL_GPMC_WPN shows 0x0B020009.

    With this setting for pin GPMC_WPN the Flash erase fails:

           /* My GPMC 0 -> gpmc_wpn -> B3 */
           PIN_GPMC_WPN, 0, \
           ( \
               PIN_MODE(0) | \
           ) \

    CTRL_GPMC_WPN shows 0x13020000.

    Were you able to find a AM437x GP EVM board?

    Any update on why the pinmux data file generated by the SysConfig tool doesn't match the corresponding file in the SDK? 



  • Hi Kevin,

    I notice differences between the DS0 mode settings:

    GPIO5_31 0000 1011 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 1001
    GPMC_WPN 0001 0011 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000

    DS0 mode Pull-Up/Down enable.
    This is an active low signal.
    1 = Pullup / Pulldown disabled
    0 = Pullup / Pulldown enabled

    DS0 mode Pull-Up/Down selection
    0 = Offmode Pull-Down selected
    1 = Offmode Pull-Up selected


    I doubt these differences will make a difference, but have you tried using the GPIO5 DSN0 settings in the WPN case?

    KTM said:
    Were you able to find a AM437x GP EVM board?

    I've asked my management above this, but I still don't have one. I'll keep you posted.

    KTM said:
    Any update on why the pinmux data file generated by the SysConfig tool doesn't match the corresponding file in the SDK? 

    As I said before, I believe this is a bug. I'll inform the development team, and it might be fixed in a future release. Were you expected some other kind of update?


  • Hi Kevin,

    I'm still trying to acquire an AM437x GP EVM. In the meantime, have you tried the OOB example on an AM437x GP EVM using PRSDK 6.3?


  • Frank,

    I tried the OOB example from PRSD 6.3.  Here's the UART output:

        GPMC flash device ID: 0xdc90, manufacturer ID: 0x2c                            
        GPMC flash block erase test passed.                                            
        GPMC flash write test passed.   

    The app hung in Nand_gpmcBchEccCheckAndCorrect() in file nand_gpmc.c at line 729:   while(intrStatus == 0).  This is something I haven't seen with the earlier PRSD.

    Also, CTRL_CONF_GPMC_WPN read 0x0B020009 for the app, which indicates the app is setting the mode for pin gpmc_wpn as gpio5_31.

    I also tried using the GPIO5 DSN0 settings in the WPN case and got flash erase failure message again.



  • Hi Kevin,

    KTM said:
    The app hung in Nand_gpmcBchEccCheckAndCorrect() in file nand_gpmc.c at line 729:   while(intrStatus == 0).  This is something I haven't seen with the earlier PRSD.

    So now the test passes the erase (Board_flashEraseBlk()) and write (Board_flashWrite()), but you observe a failure inside the read (Board_flashRead())?

    KTM said:

    CTRL_CONF_GPMC_WPN read 0x0B020009 for the app, which indicates the app is setting the mode for pin gpmc_wpn as gpio5_31.

    I also tried using the GPIO5 DSN0 settings in the WPN case and got flash erase failure message again.

    Ok, thanks for checking. For now I think it's safe to assume the 0x0B020009 setting is proper.

    I should acquire an AM437x GP EVM this week so I can check the PRSDK 6.3 behavior.


  • Hi Kevin,

    I was able to obtain an AM437x GP EVM and execute the PRSDK 6.3 GPMC_Test_evmAM437x_armTestProject test program. I observe the behavior as you, i.e. the program hangs in Nand_gpmcBchEccCheckAndCorrect():

    I see this behavior whether the NAND flash write test is enabled or not.

    I don't have a root cause for this issue. I'll file a bug so this is fixed in a future release.
