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Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Hi All,
I am trying to test the working of board DVEVM board(DM6446),
I followed the steps provided the document with board,but after launching the VM Player
It's asking a .VMX file,I am selecting the EVM6446.vmx file(but mentioned .vmx file is "Red Hat Linux.vmx",I am not founding this file ,I have only one file that is "EVM6446")
After selecting the file its asking user and password,I am giving the default password "root123" but not able to login its showing Authentication failure.
could anyone tell me what mistake I am doing?
any link or any suggestion How do I test the working of DVEVM 6446 board.
Asha Diggi1 said:I followed the steps provided the document with board,but after launching the VM Player
What document are you following? I am not familiar with any of the steps you mentioned.
Hi Sir,
I followed the document provided with board "Wintech DVEVMGetting Started Guide",
Is their any Idea how do I check the working of this DVEVM board,any link?
One more thing,
I am connecting to a console window,
Connected a serial cable between the serial port on DVEVM and the serial(COM) port on PC.
opened the Hyper Terminal,configured it(baud rate:57600)to connect to that serial port.
when power on the DVEVM, it's not displaying boot sequence messages,
what might be the problem?could you help me.
Hi Sir,
please find the below link,
I got same document with board(in this document the board is different vcm6446 but in my document exactly same content with board name DVEVM6446),I am following the content 3.2 and 3.3
Thank you for the document. I see the information regarding the VM, but I am not familiar with these steps. You may want to follow up with Wintech support.
I will also move this thread to the device forum. The experts there may have more suggestions.
Unfortunately this is a very old device and I am not sure of the documents you are referring to here. We will be unable to provide further guidance.